The Omniscient

Chapter 205



“Hold on! It’s almost!”

Twenty hours have passed like this, everyone is sweating, even dehydrated.

Most people take several breaks halfway through, only Alan and Huang Ji have been cycling from start to finish.

In the first ten hours, the blond and sickly-looking woman was sleeping. After she slept so beautifully, she was clear and qi was refreshing. She only felt that she was full of energy, so she joined the effort of cycling. .

After ten hours, she did not get off the bike.

Seeing that the battery level reached 99%, everyone who should have a rest did not come down to rest. They threw themselves on the bicycle, pedaling hard.

This is the final sprint until the level is cleared!

“Redeem! All sentence reduction!”

“clang yell!”

The prison door opened, and everyone supported each other, their legs and feet weakened, and all over their bodies Go downstairs drenched.

They leaned on each other, walked out the door, and laughed from the bottom of their hearts.

For many people, this may be the most fulfilling thing in their lives.

As a result, the personalities and relationships of the people have also been changed. They are now people who can fight the hard times together, survive adversity, and can trust each other.

After leaving the prison, before everyone explored the next fork in the road, the anesthetic gas came again.

Everyone was tired, and soon all fell.

A black clothed person walked in through the small door, took them out of the underground prison in a handcuff, and loaded them in a car again.

There are many game venues in this underground prison, but the next games are not suitable for these people.

The organizers moved them to the gobi desert in New Mexico, where there is also an underground game field.

In a hall, there is a ring corridor. The ring house is divided into four rooms, which are located at the four corners of the hall.

The windows of the room are very large, through the windows, you can see the other three rooms.

Eight people are grouped in pairs and placed in four rooms.

Huang Ji, a group of blonde and sick female, are located in room 1. Alan, the autistic youth group, are located in room 2. Old Wang and Luther Group, located in Room 3. A group of magic spell and wheat-colored beauties, located in Room 4.

Everyone woke up one after another and only felt dry and dry. They hadn’t drank water for almost a whole day, and they had left too much sweat after strenuous exercise. Now their throats are almost dry and hot.

Physique’s weak blonde and wheat-colored beauties are both dazed and unable to stand.

Everyone looked at the surrounding environment, swallowed, and wanted to drink water.

“Hua Ji! Wake up! Hua Ji!”

The blond sick woman swayed Huang Ji who was in the same room as her, shouting hoarsely, because Huang Ji again Sleep there.

This reminds everyone of First Stage. It seems that he will be anesthetized longer than others.

Many rich people behind the scenes took a day off and gathered again in the comfortable game viewing room in New Mexico.

Seeing that the racehorses are all awake, but Huang Ji is not awake, can’t help laughing.

“Here it comes again. As expected, our anesthetic has a much higher effect on him than others.”

“He should be particularly sensitive to this medicine.”

“How do you say? Do you want to wait for him?”

The rich people said, host Jin nodded and said: “Wait, according to the situation last time, he woke up later than others It’s only five minutes.”

Sure enough, after five minutes, Huang Ji woke up leisurely.

Only then did Host Jin say through the radio: “Welcome to the Four Clans Paradise!”

“The Four Clans Paradise?” Everyone was amazed. When they heard the name, they responded. Back to divide the eight of them into four groups and fight against each other?

Host Jin said: “The so-called four races are gods, humans, beasts, and insects. They have a restrained relationship. Gods eat people, humans eat beasts, and beasts eat insects.”

“What do worms eat? Don’t they eat gods?” Huang Ji asked.

Host Jin said calmly: “God is supernatural, there are no natural enemies, worms are the bottom layer and can only be eaten.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Why?”


“There is no why, this is the setting.” Kim hosted calmly said.

Huang Ji smiled and did not speak again. Of course, the people of Illuminati would not design the rule that gods are eaten by insects.

Host Jin continued: “Each of your players has a watch on your hand, which secretly records your race and your life and death status. You can only inquire about the watch information in the room. “

“Your current room is your lair. After the game starts, there must be at least one player in the room. The last player to leave the room will be executed.”

“In short, when there is only one player in the room, he wants to go out, and someone must come in to replace him and stay in the room.”

“A player who is not in the room must have at least one duel before returning to the room. In the detention hall, there must be a duel every five minutes. The way of the duel is that the contact ends of the two watches collide with each other. The watch will automatically determine whether one is eaten or to live together in harmony according to the races of both sides.”

“If you have two consecutive duels to live together in harmony, you will starve to death.”

The magic spell master asked: “Is it eaten…Is it executed?”

Host Jin said: “It’s not necessarily. Players who are eaten and starved to death are in a wandering state, unable to compete, but they can be rescued by players of the same race who stayed in their own lair. The rescue method is to accept a random one. This kind of heavenly punishment may be high-voltage electricity, hail, flames, venom, flying knives… In short, everything may appear in the room, and it is normal to die.”

“Attention, must be players of the same race Only then can you choose to save. If all members of a race are in a wandering state, then this race will be extinct, and the corresponding player will be executed immediately.”

The young man in the center was surprised: “Then the god is not invincible? God has no natural enemies.”

The magic spell master explained on his behalf: “God is not completely immortal. According to this rule, someone must feed him, otherwise God will starve to death.”

Host Jin said: “God is the race to pass the game. When there is only Divine Race left on the field, the game is over and all Divine Race players pass the level.”

The magic spell master said, ” Ah? Isn’t it that other races are doomed to extinction? God kills all other races? Whether it is through rules or direct violence… other players have no way to survive, and even kill God, don’t pass the level!”

“What will happen if there is no god in this game?”

Host Jin said: “Then the game goes on indefinitely, until there is only Divine Race left, or… there are no players. “

The magic spell teacher said in amazement: “This…Isn’t there any victory conditions for other races?”

Jin hosted said with a smile: “Victories of other races The condition is to become a god! “

“All races can evolve, and their way of evolution is wisdom. Insect race is a low-level wisdom. It is an orc to gain intermediate wisdom. It is a Human Race to obtain a high-level wisdom. It is to become a god when gaining advanced wisdom incarnation! “

“These are actually low-level, intermediate, high-level, and ultimate four-difficulty questions. You can initiate evolution on the square at any time, and the big screen on the square will show the questions. The difficulty and content of the questions are also random in the question bank, even I don’t know what questions will appear. “

“But one thing is certain is that the difficulty will vary with race. If you skip a level to answer the question, the difficulty will skyrocket. For example, if the insect race randomly gets the ultimate wisdom question, then it is also the ultimate wisdom question, which will be much more difficult than the human race. Otherwise, the difficulty will be reduced. “

” Questions that are correctly answered higher than own will evolve to the corresponding level, and questions of the same level or lower than own will be invalid. A wrong answer is degraded or invalid. Even if it is a god, if you answer a low-level question wrong, it will degenerate into a bug. “

“Insect race has no race to eat. It is at the bottom of the food chain, but it has the biggest advantage, that is, it can try to evolve indefinitely, and it can’t degenerate anymore…haha. “

The so-called evolution is the answering game.

Four levels, random difficulty. Divine Race has no benefit in answering questions, and it will degenerate if you answer the wrong questions. There is no harm in the insect race answering questions. , If the answer is correct, it will evolve.

In contrast, humans and beasts have no privileges and are very moderate.

In addition, under the rules of the duel, gods and insects have two to live In the case of together in harmony, there is only one kind of man and beast.

Everyone understands this game. For other players, maybe this game is terrifying.

Once you deceive each other , Concealing their identity, everyone may die.

But for the eight of them, they are not at all suspicion and fear. They have shared adversity, united and helped each other for twenty hours, and passed the last one. Close.

The relationship between each other is no longer as unfamiliar as it was when we first met. We have already established mutual trust.

Everyone can disclose their own identity, and then make the most reasonable matchup. .

So the key, in fact, in the evolutionary answer, the level of the question is random. It may be bad luck, and low-level questions will appear crazy. The correct answer is useless, and the wrong answer will degenerate.

Host Jin said: “There is another rule called the law of prohibiting support from high positions. When you answer the questions, there will surely be situations where others will help with the answers. “

“We do not forbid this situation, but it must be of the same race, or a low-intelligence race to teach answers to a high-intelligence race, whether right or wrong is allowed. “

“But if the high-intelligence race teaches the answer to the low-intelligence race, as long as it is adopted, then it is a violation, the answer is correct and invalid, and the wrong answer is unconditionally degraded to Level 1. “

Everyone curled their lips, which actually restricted everyone from discussing the answer.

The host Jin finally said: “Then, now you in your respective lairs, choose the own representative and start to select the race. Right. “

I saw big screens appearing on the four walls of the hall. There were eight cards on the screen.

In room 4, the magic speller came out decisively, wheat colored The beauty made a cheering gesture behind him.

Alan came out in room 2 and Old Wang in room 3.

The blonde and sick woman said to Huang Ji when she saw it. “Go, you can only check the race in the room, which means the first round duel, everyone doesn’t know their race. “

“If you are eaten, I will save you. “

” The host of’heavenly punishment’ has said, mountains of daggers and seas of flames high voltage… may be deadly, this is not your style. “Huang Ji said with a slight smile.

The blonde and sick woman coldly said: “Less nonsense, I don’t believe it, it’s really that difficult. As the game goes on, it’s too easy to appear wandering souls, so save people and accept heavenly punishment. This one is often used, and there must be a very small probability of death. Otherwise, what else to play in this game! “

“The more united the game, the greater our winning rate. Once something happens to you, the remaining people will definitely entrap each other, especially Divine Race will kill everyone to pass the level. “

“Only if you live well, will everyone believe that there is the possibility of all customs clearance. “

She sees it thoroughly, everyone can be so harmonious because of Huang Ji such as the Sea Calming Divine Needle, otherwise they will start fighting again.

Huang Ji said with a slight smile : “Don’t worry, as long as everyone becomes a god in this game, won’t it be cleared? “

Speaking, he walked out of the room.

Four people gathered in front of the screen. The magic speller had been checking for more than ten seconds, and the cards on the screen were all the same length. , I don’t know what race each represents, and the selection time is only 30 seconds.

“Damn it, since he asked us to choose, there must be a way! Always impossible first round “Magic spell teacher frowns saying.

“We choose all four on the left. “Huang Ji said.

“What’s the point?” “Magic spell asked.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “There is no time, let’s talk about it if you choose. “

After that, he took the lead in picking one. Before the selection, he knew that he picked an insect race.

Alan, Old Wang, and magic spell, I immediately selected the three cards next to Huang Ji.

After the selection, everyone still doesn’t know what the own race is.

“Magic spell, you and I are both insect race. The other two, you are both Divine Race. “Huang Ji said.

Everyone was shocked: “Huh? How do you see this? ”


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