The Omniscient

Chapter 193

The death of Brother Flathead means that the five number plates in his hand have become masterless objects.

After the magic spell was rescued, he was originally going to get the number plate. After all, this thing is definitely useful, but after thinking about it again and again, he didn’t go to Pingtou’s cell. Hai Qingnian, black hair little girl and the drunk were saved.

Everyone gathered in the corridor of the cell this time. The young man who stayed in the sea showed a smile of avoided a catastrophe, the wheat-colored beauty covered her face and wept, while Hooligan kept questioning the camera, when the drunk came out He vomited at the prison door and threw up everything he had eaten before.

The magic spell teacher gently comforted the wheat-colored beauty and gave her a number plate. The wheat-colored beauty was grateful, and only felt that she was relying on her.

Then the magic spell teacher handed another piece to the black hair girl. The black hair girl didn’t expect magic spell. The teacher would do this. When he took it quickly, he bowed his head and said thank you.

So far, the two extra pieces of the magic spell division have all been actively distributed.

The magic spell teacher said apologetically to the blond sick woman and the young man who stayed in the sea: “Sorry, I only have so many. Although I don’t know what it is, but as our only bargaining chip, everyone Both are better.”

“Really, but someone has already taken five yuan without saying a word.” The blond sick woman pointed to Hooligan and said.

Everyone looked, Hooligan took all the five number plates of Brother Flathead. Hooligan was saved by Luther. He went straight to Brother Flathead’s room as soon as he came out.

After getting the number plate, not showing the mountains and not revealing the water, shouting at the camera, diverting attention.

But there is no doubt that someone has seen it.

“Divide the number plates for everyone, do you want to swallow five yuan alone!” the wheat-colored beauty asked.

Hooligan said with a sullen face, “Just now you were the loudest and almost killed us. Are you embarrassed to talk?”

The wheat-colored beauty complexion changed, lips slightly moving but dare not What to say, because she was indeed the one who panicked the most.

The magic spell teacher stood up and gently patted the shoulders of the wheat-colored beauty, said with a slight smile: “That weird sound also said, the girl may die in 3 minutes, and you can’t blame her. This place is very unfriendly to women, we should tolerate each other.”

Hooligan saw the magic spell master smile all over his face, twitched his lips and said nothing.

The teacher of magic spell said with a smile: “Forget it, the past is over. Who didn’t panic just now? Everyone should unite and overcome the difficulties.”

” The number plate is definitely useful. The manager also said that there are three games in this bet. Maybe we will use the number plate… it may even be related to life.”

“This is life-killing. Game, we should let go of the illusion of 100 million now, and save everyone’s lives first.”

His words are very reasonable, and he even linked the number plate to his life, and suggested that everyone temporarily put down the right The idea of ​​the so-called one hundred million prizes puts life first.

In this way, Hooligan swallows the number plate alone, as if depriving others of their lives.

Seeing everyone looking at you, Hooligan immediately took out the number plate and said innocently: “I didn’t say that you can only swallow it. This is not for you to pick it up. After all, the cell is bloody, I I’m afraid you dare not go in.”

“I’m used to seeing corpses anyway, and I don’t know how much I have seen.”

Hooligan said and took out three number plates. In his words, he also showed that he was accustomed to life and death, and even killed people.

Seeing him still faintly threatens everyone, brightening his muscles. A hint of sarcasm flashed in the magic spell master’s eyes, and then said with a slight smile: “If you don’t have a number, take it soon.”

The blond sick woman, the young man who stayed in the sea, and the drunk, each took a number. brand.

Here Hooligan played a trick. He deliberately only took out three pieces because there were only three people left on the court without number plates.

There are twelve number plates, but there are only eleven people at the moment, which means someone can get two dollars.

There is no doubt that Hooligan acquiesced that he was that person, and the other two pieces were not revealed.

Although everyone knows it well, after all, there are fewer people and more cards, and there will always be more people. Seeing Hooligan just keep it aside, forget it.

“There is only one door…the door is not locked.”

Old Wang came to the end of the corridor, creaked, and pushed open the iron door.

That was another corridor, and there were still cells on both sides. When they passed by the door, they could see the dark black blood stains on the wall inside.

“How many people have died here…” Luther numbed his scalp.

“Oh…” The drunk vomited again.

It is true that he ate too much. He ate and shouted when he was in the casino. He was drunk at first, and then suffered an electric shock. He was sick all the way.

“Don’t throw up! Are you worse than a woman?” Hooligan said.

The pungent and sour smell permeated the already foul-smelling cell corridors. Many people distanced themselves from the drunk in disgust and walked forward quickly.

The magic spell teacher patted the drunk behind and handed him a handkerchief, said with a smile: “It’s better to spit it out, no one didn’t expect to fall to this point.” “

“Although I used to be embarrassed in society, but at least there is no life worry…”

The drunk wiped his mouth and looked at the gentle magic speller. Feel my heart warm.

“Many thanks, as you said, we must unite and escape, I want to expose the casino!” said the drunk.

The magic spell teacher was nodded heavily and dragged him to keep up with the team.

The wheat-colored beauty and the black hair girl walked out a few meters and found the magic spell master behind them, and stopped waiting for him.

People walked through the long corridor and found several fork roads. After they tried several fork roads, the big iron gate at the end was locked.

“This seems to lead to different levels. The people behind the scenes have to install the ranked second game based on our number of survivors.”

“We may have to wait before A door will open.” Huang Ji said.

Everyone is nodded. It makes sense. The organizer doesn’t know how many people live, so in theory, there are many alternatives for the second and third games, not at all.

Sure enough, after waiting for more than a minute, a ka-cha sound came from the end of a fork in the road.

Everyone rushed over, pushed open the door, and came back to an open square.

This square is very similar to a US prison.

On the left and right of the square are 4-Layer cell buildings, and the front and the back are the exit and the iron gate when coming.

But the exit was locked, and after everyone entered the square, the door behind them was also locked.

At this point, they were completely trapped in this square. Obviously the second game is about to begin.

“For such a simple game, one will die. It seems that I have to give you some simple and rude games with clear rules.” The strange sound sounded again. This time is a broadcast from the head. From the horn.

Everyone looked up and Hooligan yelled: “I have a brother. Your casino does this. Look at my brothers not to tear down your casino!”

The drunkard also said:” I know the most powerful lawyer on the West Coast. When I came, I also told my family about my whereabouts. Please let me go quickly.”

“We are the spokesperson of the gods. Such a game, It has lasted for a hundred years.” Weird voice said with a smile.

The expressions of the crowd were stiff, and their faces were frightened.

The host did not explain why they are not afraid of retaliation or legal sanctions, nor did they elaborate on how powerful they are.

He just lightly stated a fact: this kind of gambling has lasted for a hundred years.

This sentence trumps all explanations. It’s a complete contemplation. It is impossible to imagine that this is a multi-terrifying force.

The magic spell teacher asked loudly: “If we participate in three games, will you let us go?”

“Do you think we will deliberately kill the final victory? Who? No, try to survive in the game! Becoming a winner is your only chance.” The host said.

Everyone needs to ask more, the host interrupted: “nonsense, now introduce the second game, jailbreak.”

Everyone immediately silence and listen carefully to the host if.

Through the last game they knew that this guy only said the rules once.

“As you can see, this is a prison. In this prison, there are eighty cells on the left and right, the eighty on the left are red cells, and the eighty on the right are blue cells.”

“You can choose the own cell at will. You can only live on the red side if you choose red, and you can only live on the blue side if you choose blue. There are your identity information in the cell. Once you choose, Can’t be changed.”

“Everyone came in for a crime, but the identity of the one hundred and sixty cells in total, some were actual offenders, and some were wronged.”


“Every one of you wants to redeem yourself and leave this prison. Then there are three ways to leave.”

“First of course is to serve the sentence, you only need to complete the ten-year sentence , You can leave here.”

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar, ten years?

What’s the joke, you won’t be crazy after being shut down here for ten years?

And… everyone looked around, at least as far as they could look, they didn’t see the food and water, which means…

“What about food? Years? Didn’t you starve to death soon?” Luther was surprised.

Hooligan scolded: “Are you a horrible pen? This is obviously the first way to make you play.”

How can the host blame said with a smile: “No Oh, since there are prison sentences, there must be commutation regulations. In every cell, there is a Bicycle-style Generator. Through bicycle exercise, the main control battery on the ceiling can be charged.”

Everyone Looking up, indeed, at the highest point of the square, there is a big screen, which is dark and unremarkable.

“The battery is connected to the entire prison. After the game starts, I will turn off the switch. All of your electricity use must rely on it. Of course, you can save a little bit. After all, you can use electricity. Reduce the prison term and directly exchange 10% of the electricity, which can be reduced by one year, which means that once the battery is fully charged, reaches 100%, and exchanges all of it, you will be immediately released…”

Hearing this, everyone was pleasantly surprised.

Bicycle Generator, even if you haven’t used it before, you’ve seen it before. It’s nothing more than stepping on it to generate electricity. You can do it with a little effort.

It’s nothing more than doing some hard work to reduce the sentence!

“As long as the big battery is fully charged, everyone can leave! This is a game where everyone can survive without working hard?” Luther and the wheat-colored beauty said happily.

Hooligan shouted: “Do you have any brains? How easy it is! This game is called jailbreak! What are the other two methods?”

The host smiled and said, “No. In the two methods, all people vote for redress in their own cell mailbox, or all people vote for pardon, it will trigger a collective redress, or a collective pardon.”

“Once the collective redress is reached, all unjust prisons The offenders were released unconditionally. But all offenders will be executed.”

“On the contrary, once the collective pardon is reached, all offenders will be released unconditionally, but all those who have been wronged will be executed.”

“In other words, when you choose an identity, if there is just a few identities, then they sacrifice themselves and everyone else can leave.”

Everyone is numb, this rule As soon as it came out, the whole game instantly became cruel.

They didn’t know what the Avatar share meant before, but now they understand, this naturally divides the players into two camps, and this camp is randomly selected and cannot be changed once selected.

In the second life, only one side can live.

“Fuck, this is for us to kill each other!” the drunkard was shocked.

“Calm down, if we are so lucky, everyone in the one hundred and sixty cells just happened to choose the same camp. Then it’s all right, maybe when we choose cells There is a trick! Don’t rush to choose for a while, anyway, there is no time limit, we can discuss more!” The magic spell master said immediately, comforting people.

The wheat-colored beauty held his arm, nodded and said: “You are right, I will listen to you.”

The black hair girl and the drunk also gathered at him Beside.

Hooligan frowned, staring at the magic spell master, seems to realize something.

Then asked the host again: “So…what about the third method?”

The host continued: “The third method is actually boring. You must be so united. Until now, people who played this game in the past have never used it to escape.”

“This…” Everyone was taken aback, the third method was boring?

“You said, what is the third method?” Hooligan asked.

The host reluctantly said: “In this prison, the guard key is hidden. If you find it, you can open the door and leave.”

“Fuck!” Everyone Surprise, this is simply mountain road twists around each new peak!

There is a guard key, so you can open the door directly! This moment is not cruel again, everyone unites to find the key and it’s over!

Unexpectedly, the host changed the conversation and said: “Those who get the key to escape can of course go, but a key can only be escaped by one person, and the collar will explode if other people go out. I hate jailbreaking, so after someone breaks out of jail, others will be executed by me!”

“Hi…” Everyone was dumbfounded and their hearts fell to the bottom!

“The third escape…is the only way to survive! Once the one who finds the key runs away, we all have to die!” Hooligan gritted his teeth.

“No one can escape from prison!” The sick woman said with hatred.

“Yes! No one is allowed to find the key, you are absolutely not allowed to live alone!”

“We must unite, let’s forget the key!”


Everyone hates the third way of life, saving themselves and killing everyone. Obviously everyone doesn’t want to see it. After all, no one can guarantee that they are escaped.

Whether it is morality or survival probability, this one is too bad.

So for a while, everyone publicly appealed and expressed their views not to look for the key.

However, there was the voice of the host applauding on the radio, he said lowly with a smile: “he he he, good point. The one who gets the key is your public enemy, one of you Traitors. I also hate this kind of people, so let’s give you a way to execute traitors…”

“Each number has a vote qualification, and each floor of the red and blue prison building has an anonymous report. Room, once there are more than half of the votes and report someone as a prison escape, I will execute that person.”

“fuck……” Everyone looked at the radio speakers foolishly, and some people had already collapsed. Cried.

This game, the more the host says, the more cruel it is!


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