The Omniscient

Chapter 185

Cancer cells before spreading and incomparable after spreading.

The first cancer cells attached to the organs to become tumors, absorbing human energy, but not at all threats, modern medicine can completely cure them. Sometimes, the human body’s own immune system will kill newly born cancer cells.

What can be called terminal illness is the cancer cells that have spread.

Cancer cells continue to multiply and grow in an organ to a certain extent. In order to obtain more nutrients, it must go out.

However, cancer cells will encounter many difficulties in the process of metastasis. First, they have to undergo dozens of mutations, during which they overcome the adhesion between cells and break away, and change their shape to pass through dense connective tissue.

After successfully escaping, the cancer cell will enter the blood through micro blood vessels, where it may also be attacked by white blood cells.

Even if it enters a new organ through blood vessels, it will not adapt to the new environment and die.

Some cells die immediately, some die after dividing several times, and some remain dormant, with a survival rate of only one in several hundred million.

However, the cancer cell will continue to try, and finally rely on its tenacious ability to reproduce and strong adaptability to make it gain a foothold in other organs and tissues.

It plunders human nutrition without restraint, and damages organs, and there is no peace.

The cancer cells that cannot run rampant quickly spread to other organs, like a dam breach, spreading unstoppably and eventually killing the human body.

This is actually like Civilization, when it is stuck in one place, it is easy to eliminate.

But once you run to the sea of ​​stars, spread everywhere, and tenaciously adapt to various environments, it will be difficult to eliminate, and it will almost never be extinct.

So Huang Ji told Hawking that the minimum standard for Civilization in the interstellar society is to “spread” from Motherstar to other planets and adapt to the environment there.

This is the true standard that Huang Ji perceives. The reason is also very simple. Races that cannot’proliferate’, such as bubbles, may be extinct by nature at any time, and cannot be regarded as’Civilization’ at all.

Everything in the Universe is like up and down. From the small to the big, it can be inferred.

Of course, this is not to say that intelligent creatures like humans must only know to plunder and destroy.

Cancer cells are actually a very radical evolutionary mechanism in the human body. After encountering various strong stimuli, the human body triggers a suicidal evolution.

If you don’t evolve, you will die.

This kind of radical change, with treatment and medicine to combat, may allow individuals to survive, but it also stifles the effect of evolution. Only let the cancer recover completely by itself, but the probability is too low.

The cancer cells that healed on their own did not disappear, but turned back to normal cells.

This means that the human body has more cell tissues, and the genes mutated by cancer cells at a super-fast speed will stay in the body gently and stably.

What Huang Ji needs to do is to control the activation key that turns it back into a normal cell.

Switch its infinite division at any time, and help the human body to mutate and evolve when necessary.

Huang Ji already knew how to do this kind of thing, but still lacked the control method.

Now Huang Ji has controllable hair. In essence, it has evolved a super-synaptic nerve system, which is a perfect match.

He can deploy this powerful neural network throughout his body, and implant cancer cells into the neural system.

With these controllable cancer cell “construction workers”, Huang Ji wants to add biological generators, biological voltage regulators, biological batteries, etc…. it can all be realized.

This is an excellent biomass material, with fast splitting speed, high mutation efficiency, and strong adaptability. As long as the problems of controllability and plasticity are solved, Huang Ji can control like a finger .

“1st Step, gather all the cancer cells.”

I saw Huang Ji cut Lin Li’s abdomen and first removed the large tumor in his stomach.

Later, they found the cancer cells spreading to various parts of the body and used clusterin to merge them.

Because it has spread, there are many types of Lin Li cancer cells, including cells from various organs.

“2nd Step, implant my’carcinoma·super-synaptic nerve cells’.”

Huang Ji took out a box of incubation dishes with his nerve cells inside, This is what he extracted from the cerebral cortex, it is very active, and under the radiation stimulation, it has become cancerous.

With a large supply of nutrients, it has reached two hundred grams!

Of course, cancer cells have strong anabolism, but very weak catabolism, so it looks like an unrecognizable freak cell.

But it’s okay. Huang Ji used the anti-rejection agent prepared yesterday to implant the own neurocarcinogenic cells into Lin Li’s gastric cancer cells.

The whole process, very quickly, only took five minutes.

“Third Step, cancer tissue self-recover completely.”

I saw Huang Ji launch an electric current to stimulate Lin Li’s crypt, secreting a large amount of neurotransmitters and strange proteins, deceiving The cancer cells in his within the body think that they have evolved and stopped their cancerous state.

However, under Huang Ji’s intentional guidance, it is only nerve cells that have turned back to normal cells, and those gastric cancer cells still remain infinitely dividing.

In this way, Lin Li’s gastric cancer tumor has become a controllable tumor with its own nervous system.

“Gosh, is this still a tumor?” Horhus was shocked.

I saw Huang Ji’s hair move by itself and inserted it into the tumor. In an instant, it was as if the brain was connected to hundreds of wire electrodes, and the tumor began to deform.

The original irregular shape becomes smooth and orderly at the speed of naked eye visible.

In the prominent place, the cells dissolve by themselves. In the recessed area, new cancer cells are constantly being produced, filling and replenishing it, and it turns into a meat ball.

Huang Ji replied: “strictly speaking, it’s not a tumor anymore.”

“We generally call this thing…variable weird!”

Under Huang Ji’s operation, various pipes were extended from the sphere, and those pipes became thinner and longer, and began to branch.

At this step, Huang Ji took the hair back, and injected some compounds into it, and made some fine modifications.

Then Huang Ji left the tumor in Lin Li within the body and sutured him.

After stitching up Lin Li’s body, Huang Ji helped Lin Li up and sat on the operating table, while he sat behind him.

Huang Ji inserted his hair into the back of Lin Li’s neck, while pressing his hands on his spine, his fingers kept rising and falling, as if pressing Xiao.

The spine of the human body, section by section, from which nerves spread to take charge of various organs.

The nerves in the fourth section pipe the eyes and lungs. The fifth, sixth, and seventh sections govern the heart, and the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh sections govern the stomach.

The nerve distribution in the stomach is more complicated than the heart, second only to the brain.

At this moment, Huang Ji uses his hair and hands together to control the growth direction of Lin Li within the body of the’cancer’.

The duct extending from the spheroid begins to penetrate the major crypts, continuously differentiate and refine, and secrete a layer of insulating material on the surface.

The human body does not have meridians, so Huang Ji built a set for it.

Cancer cells cannot form complex organs such as heart, liver and lung. For the time being, Huang Ji can only use it as a pipeline.

That is, energy channels.

Human beings have limits. Normal body organs cannot withstand high currents at all.

Even if a low-entropy cultivation technique Great Accomplishment is created, even if a biological generator is created, within the body can generate powerful energy, and the first one to kill is myself…

Meridians are different, energy can be transmitted in them, directed everywhere in the body, and even radiated out of the body.

More importantly, cancer cells are much more adaptable.

The safety current of the human body is 10mA, otherwise the cells will be burnt wherever the current passes.

This meridians has a much greater endurance. Huang Ji sensed that it can withstand 50mA of current.

Not only that, let the current conduct in it all the time, the cancer cells will constantly adapt to it and enhance this endurance.

The meridians cell is killed by the energy flowing in it, but as long as it has nutrients, it will divide into countless new cells, and they will be stronger.

In this wave of birth and death, it will only become stronger and stronger, adapting to the stimulation of energy.

Gradually, 100 and 1000 mA are regarded as idle. Give it enough time and nutrition, and the meridians will strengthen themselves.

Industrial energy pipelines will not only not become stronger, but will also wear out, so they should be replaced in due course.

I have never heard of any wire that can exercise and grow by itself, and continuously increase its endurance according to the current.

Human technology can’t make adaptive cables, but nature has created them long ago…that’s living things themselves.

“Let’s do it first.”

In addition to getting Lin Li a’meridians cancer’, Huang Ji also created a’dantian tumor’, which is the first one Spheroid.

It has the function of battery and is attached to the outer wall of the stomach.

At all times, it is absorbing the body’s nutrients to supply the energy needed by the entire meridians system.

But it has a nerve system. Under Huang Ji’s adjustment, it will not overly destroy and squeeze the nutrients of normal cells.

Approximately Lin Li relies on the nutrients he eats every day to share 10% of the meridians system.

Don’t look at the high proportion, but this is an orderly partition.

For a simple analogy, it is as if the cancer cells used to kill and rob the rebel army who robbed the massacre, but now they are recruited to receive supplies from the Imperial Court.

It will no longer harm normal cells. If it is not given nutrients, it will also be hungry, and then enter a dormant state one after another. Unless the hungry is about to die, it will lose control and become crazy spread again Cancer.

But it’s impossible to feed it all the time, because the catabolism capacity of cancer cells is very rubbish. If you keep eating, it will grow forever, crowding out the normal organs and holding Lin Li’s body in a mess.

So we must continuously have the energy to electrolyze it and dredge it, otherwise it will grow continuously and eventually become congested and clogged, and become an irregular freak again.

The same meridians system, Huang Ji himself can of course control it, saying that he is hungry when he is hungry, and even closes its infinite division mechanism.

But Lin Li can’t, because he hasn’t practiced low-entropy cultivation technique yet, and he doesn’t know how to control bioelectricity.

“…This is basically the situation. You have to have eight hours of electrotherapy stimulation every day, otherwise the meridians will gain weight…” Huang Ji said with a smile.

Lin Li looked dumbfounded: “Boss, you planted a tree within the body?”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “The tree is a metaphor, in short it It is indeed growable. You can understand that within the body is holding biological weapons. For the time being, it only has the function of meridians, and if you eat too much you will lose control.”

“But rest assured, I Every week, I will use bioelectricity to help you control and stabilize it, until you can control it yourself.”

“So I teach you the low-entropy cultivation technique not to fall, and wait for you to control it. Only after bioelectricity can the cancer cells within the body be truly controlled.”

Lin Li suddenly, nodded quickly accepted.

But Horsius was a day’s assistant for Huang Ji and saw the whole process. At this moment, the world view was about to collapse.

“Ward Fuck? You domesticated cancer cells?”


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