The Omniscient

Chapter 182

At first, Louis was very excited.

Under Huang Ji’s deployment, they easily defeated Cat’s Eye. The harvest of 100 million US dollars and more than 500 guns made him happy.

However, in just one day, the situation took a turn for the worse.

Cat’s Eye didn’t meet force with force with them, but instead mobilized the police to arrest them.

In fact, the police usually dare not arrest people on such a large scale because they are not strong enough.

But with the strong support of Cat’s Eye, they dare, equivalent to a large number of co-ops out of thin air.

Louis, the Alliance Leader, became a general without an army within one day.

The gang who was caught by him ran away.

I don’t know why, Cat’s Eye didn’t move herself, imitating Buddha Mountain and it was about to rain. As a result, he stayed up all night, and gathered people to stay in the mansion until dawn.

“Damn Cat’s Eye is using his power! Fuck!” Louis stayed up all night and scolded Cat’s Eye with red eyes early in the morning.

This move is too great. They were so powerful and formed an alliance, but they were easily resolved by Cat’s Eye assisting the police with this move.

Huang Ji looked into the distance and said: “Power weapons are far better than firearms.”

Louis hurriedly said: “Sir, haven’t you figured out a way yet? We just got together The alliance has been torn apart. I feel that they will attack me soon.”

I caught that many gang members, but did not move him. It is conceivable that this is for him Because of his life, I don’t want to use the police to deal with him.

Huang Ji looked at him and said: “I let you go last night, why not go?”

Louis excitedly said: “You told me to give up the site and leave last night Detroit! Is this a good way for you? Run away without hitting it?”

Huang Ji said seriously: “Louis, things can’t be done. The most terrifying thing about Cat’s Eye is not the power you see, but You can’t see…”

Yesterday after the police were dispatched, Huang Ji said to Louis in the evening: There is no way, Cat’s Eye is much stronger than expected, and it will be withdrawn.

But Louis did not listen. Not only did he not give up the site, but he also called everyone in to prepare for a fate-determining battle with Cat’s Eye.

He still has money, guns, and people. How can he run away at this time?

I have to say that Huang Ji helped him to advise him, destroying multiple locations in Cat’s Eye and seizing a large amount of cash and guns, which made Louis swell.

Theoretically, he can indeed defeat the apparent strength of Cat’s Eye now. The reason why he panicked last night was because the police and the gang actually eliminated the gang.

Counting the police, he has no bottom.

But even if there is no bottom, it will not run without a fight.

“What about your mother! They didn’t do anything last night, indicating that they didn’t want to use the police against us, but planned to kill me with their own people.”

“This gave me Opportunity! Without the police, with their remaining guns, why can’t I win!”

Louis firmly couldn’t accept the strategy of retreat. If Cat’s Eye dares to come, he dares to fight.

“Quit Detroit, this is your last chance to survive, Louis, in a while, you won’t be able to leave.” Huang Ji said.

Of course he was telling the truth, but he also knew that Louis would never accept it.

I saw Louis push Huang Ji to the ground, scolded: “Fuck! You shut up! Useless things, I let you teach me how to defeat them, not let you teach me How to escape!”

“Drag these two guys to me.”

He quickly called someone to drag Huang Ji and Old Wang away, and the two of them soon He was brought to the corner of the hall by his hands.

Chu Shaojun turned pale with fright when he heard the news and asked what was going on. He was quickly taken by a group of people and thrown into the corner.

“Hey, if there is something wrong, I will kill the donkey.” Old Wang twitched his lips.

Huang Ji calmly said: “He now wants to rely more on those who are willing to work hard for him. The blood flowing into a river will soon be here.”

Chu Shaojun asked Said: “After a while, what if we were killed by mistake?”

“We are in the hall, and the others come in. The overall situation is settled.” Huang Ji said.

Sure enough, fierce gunfire sounded outside before long.

Xiao Qi brought people to kill. He brought not many people, only fifty!

Louis was overjoyed. You must know that there are nearly 400 people inside and outside his mansion!

Fifty people, why should they attack him?

But soon, he was stunned, because the Spear Art who Xiaoqi brought was so accurate, he could get a headshot even if he was 100 meters away!

Not only that, but also equipment such as individual rocket launchers and armored vehicles.

In just five minutes of fighting between the two sides, Louis lost half of his men! The sentinels outside the mansion were all pulled out!

A small number of people were killed. Most of the gang members were frightened by the terrifying Spear Art and equipment. Not only did not return to the mansion, but fled in a hurry.


A few shots came down, and Louis’s thickened and elongated wall was directly blasted away.

Johnny took the lead, carrying a shield like a door, and slammed in like a bulldozer.

Adam squeaked, and a short blade slammed in from the side, then turned over the wall in a moment, brushed a few knives and cut the gunman behind the wall.

The most irritating thing is that Veronica is hung on Adams. She embraces Adams’s neck with both hands, like a pendant.

“hahahaha!” She was holding a small exquisite pistol, one shot at a time, which was accurate.

The two cooperate, Adams is responsible for high-speed movement, Veronica protects his back, just like Black and White Fiends normal sneak attack on the side of the mansion.

“Young Lady!” Xiao Qi was terrified, and he didn’t hold it, and let the two of them go in.

Fortunately, the enemy’s eyesight and Spear Art are not at all strong. Adams moves fast and can only see back and forth between the bunkers.

In the courtyard of the mansion, the various bunkers that Louis has prepared for his own people have all become Adam’s help at this moment.

“da da da!” Several gunmen failed to hit Adams, but got close and slashed.

Xiao Qi led the people to keep up, and the two guns fired wildly. After the bullets were hit, they stunned the two with a strong throw. Then they drew their swords and slashed them. Whenever the enemy is two to three meters close, they haven’t aimed. He was cut off.

Johnny, Adams, and Xiaoqi are like three sharp knives, directly inserted into the mansion.

Louis saw his own scream in the house, turn pale with fright.

He didn’t expect this group of people to be so fierce, like the protagonists of a movie, harvesting the lives of his men.

Adams and Xiaoqi are all pretty good, but Johnny on the other end is completely a monster.

He doesn’t want cover at all. The shield is used as a weapon, occasionally blocking some heavy firepower, and a few stray bullets hit the body without frowning.

After Johnny had cleaned the front yard, he jumped more than four meters high, like a tank.


The shield in his hand directly smashed the door of the villa, and its terrifying silhouette smashed in front of Louis.

“This, this…” Louis was dumbfounded, unable to understand what monster this was.

“Kill him! Kill him!”

Louis hurried up the stairs and roared hysterically. There were more than a dozen brothers in the hall, moved towards Johnny Crazy shooting.

Johnny stepped out and swept away with a wave of his shield!

On the railing on the second floor of the hall, more than a dozen gunmen shot wildly.

“puff puff puff!” Three bullets hit Johnny’s chest, just causing the monster to grin.

“How could it…how could it…we lost so fast!” Louis was stupid. He thought he was fighting against Cat’s Eye, but he didn’t know he would be crushed and swept!

He glanced at Huang Ji who was tied to the corner, regretting not listening to him.

But now is not the time to regret, he has a retreat!

Louis ran up to the second floor in a hurry and went straight to the own study.

“clang yell!” Xiaoqi and Adams jumped in from the second floor window, one by one.

“Louis, you have followed the wrong person.” Xiaoqi stood behind a sculpture and said with a sneer.

“Go to hell!” Louis roared and shot Xiao Qi, but he missed a shot.

He was walking towards the study while he was playing, but Adams walked over on the other side of the corridor.

“Asshole! You took my money! Come and kill me! You have no morals!” Louis angered Adam S.

When Adams heard it, he threw the knife and jumped downstairs, hugged Veronica and turned around, and landed firmly on the sofa in the hall.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.” Adams said.

“Peng peng peng!” The gun upstairs was still shooting, Johnny moved horizontally, holding a shield to block the bullet for Veronica.

Veronica hugs Adams, so Johnny is protecting them both.

“You have the rest, Xiao Qi.” Veronica said with a smile.

So, Adams and Veronica sat on the sofa and watched the show, but Johnny couldn’t walk away.

“Ha…” Xiao Qi was stunned. He and Adam Si happened to outflank the people on the second floor, but suddenly all his teammates hung up, and his men were still in the yard and left behind. The enemy is fighting.

There are still 14 people on the second floor of Louis, all of which have to be handled by himself.

“Stop him!” Louis was overjoyed. Didn’t expect this killer is still somewhat principled.

Originally, he was double-teamed, and he was bound to die, but now Adams stepped away and he just had a chance to escape.

I saw more than a dozen gunners suppress Xiao Qi with crazy firepower, and Louis ran into the study and opened his own safe.

I was emptied by Adams last time. Now there is no cash in the safe, only some valuable stocks and real estate certificates.

Louis quickly took it with him, only to find that there was something in it that he didn’t recognize.

“What is this?” Louis picked up a pure gold lion pendant.

He doesn’t know this thing at all, but when is it now? There was a rain of bullets outside, and death was approaching at any time, and he didn’t even bother to think about where it came from.

Now he is going to run away, anyway, this thing is pure gold, just carry it!

Taking possession of the belongings, Louis rushed out of the study, crossed the corridor and entered the opposite room.

Xiao Qi is constantly killing the gunmen who are blocking the road, and is always paying attention to Louis’s position.

As soon as Louis came out, he saw it and saw the Golden Lion necklace he was holding in his hand.

“This is…” Xiao Qi’s eyes widened. He is a private soldier of the Alan family. How can he not know the token of the Alan family?

“Sure enough! My guess is correct, but what about Lao Ba? Why haven’t people from Temelo show up until now…”

Little Qi was thinking, suddenly There was a loud noise in the lower hall.

That is a piano! Flew out of the bathroom on the first floor and smashed Johnny out.

I just talked and laughed, looking at this action like Veronica on vacation, looking dazed.

“Not good!” Xiaoqi’s eye socket was cracked, but it was too late to jump down.

I saw a bullet shot out from the door of the toilet in the lobby, and the target was Veronica!

At the crucial moment, Adams did not hesitate for half a second, stepped forward, swept Veronica behind him, and blocked several bullets with his fleshy body!

“puff puff puff!” Adams burst bleeding on his chest and fell to the ground.

“Adam!” Veronica shrieked in a crash.


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