The Omniscient

Chapter 111

In the villa rented by Cambridge, Huang Ji handles the handicapped palm for Lin Li in the basement.

Comminuted fractures are more troublesome. Huang Ji has been splicing it for a long time before putting on ointment to bandage it.

“Don’t forget to practice qigong during the healing period, so that it can speed up healing.” Huang Ji said.

“Good!” Lin Li nodded.

Huang Ji then taught him the pace of longevity. Lin Li was fixed with his arm and walked around very seriously.

Alan was very surprised that Huang Ji was able to retreat, and secretly estimated Huang Ji’s strength.

Sasha is beyond the A-level existence, known as S2, starting from the super domain, 1 is the weakest, and there is no back cover. Illuminati is said to be only S4 at the highest, and is working hard to cultivate an S5 Come.

Huang Ji can escape from Sasha without being injured. Could it be that he has also entered the super realm?

“Hua, this villa is not safe, Sasha will find here soon.” Alan said.

Huang Ji said: “I know that they will check all the houses that have been rented out recently, so I have already asked Bieber to rent houses in various places in London. I expect to find us tomorrow night.”

“So what should we do next?” Alan asked.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Take a rest and wait for support.”

“Can anyone of you contact Evil Dragon?”

He Asking everyone, but looking at Sophia.

Chu Shaojun said: “Unfortunately, we don’t have…”

Sophia hesitated and said: “I… can contact Evil Dragon.”

Chu Shaojun looked at Sophia in astonishment. She is not a liaison officer, she can contact Evil Dragon.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Very good, you tell Evil Dragon where we are.”

“Anything else to say?” Sophia asked.

“You remind him that Sasha will find us anytime after seven o’clock in the evening on twenty six, and I plan to leave on the twenty-eighth afternoon, otherwise Michael will still die.” Huang Ji said.

“Do you want him to come over?” Sophia asked.

Huang Ji shrugged and said: “If he doesn’t know what to do, then I won’t bother to see him.”

Sophia left silently, until two hours later come back.

When she came back, she pushed a box and opened it to see that it was full of guns and explosives.

“He prepared a boat at Teddington Wharf and said that Sasha would not find you. He would lead it away, but he had to leave on the 28th, even if Michael did not wake up. Can’t wait any longer,” Sophia said.

Huang Ji smiled, this Evil Dragon is a man of things.

I didn’t hesitate to ask him why he had to wait for the 28th before leaving. He directly deployed a plan based on this premise and was responsible for attracting Sasha and maintaining their safety in the next two days.

Of course, this is why Evil Dragon thinks Huang Ji needs to give Michael another treatment.

If he knew that Huang Ji wanted to go to a party, he would not be so cooperative if he was killed.

This party, Huang Ji went to book it.

Because Huang Ji discovered that the situation of Illuminati and space alien was different from what he had known before.

Messiah is still on the 1st floor and believes that by leaking the Illuminati matter and making the space alien matter public, it will be possible to unite all countries to the outside world.

This is obviously courting death and it is meaningless.

Even if they really succeed, it will only usher in 2012.

Huang Ji was on the 2nd floor before. He perceives the future state and discovers that after uniting the nations, the sun will burst into a strong magnetic storm in 2012, destroying all electronic devices on the earth, and triggering volcanic eruptions, and then Triggered a global tsunami. Humans and other species will suffer heavy casualties, and the number of humans will die 50%.

As a result, Huang Ji used to think that it was a global unity and development that wanted to fight against space aliens, threatening alien civilization, and causing space aliens to stimulate the sun and strike humanity.

But just today, he found out that he was wrong, and the space alien did not do this at all.

The disaster of 2012 was destined to happen a long time ago. Illuminati knew about it hundreds of years ago, and its predecessor, the Templar Knight group, knew it early as 1000 years ago. The earlier predecessors of the Jewish thirteen clans were known as early as 2000 years ago.

Even, the Shao Hao country of Ancient Era is also in America, leaving a prophecy, and it has been passed down to this day through Maya Civilization and other Native Americans.

This is a natural disaster, with a billion-year cycle, the sun accidentally ejects excessive coronal matter once. Its size is so large that it is equivalent to ejecting coronal matter of the earth’s mass.

For the sun, it is only equivalent to one occasional vomiting in a long time. The previous coronal material ejection was just a hiccup.

For species on earth, the impact of this wave of vomiting is too great.

This has never been discovered in the history of human observation, so modern scientists simply cannot budget.

It is alien Civilization that was predicted more than 10,000 years ago, and some individuals chose to tell humans.

But obviously, human beings have developed for more than 10,000 years, and there is no way to prevent the sun from vomiting.

Seeing that the deadline is approaching, it was Illuminati who sacrificed a large number of humans before saying that a space alien was called to stop 2012.

“No, to be precise in exchange for a promise. It was in 2011 that an extraterrestrial spaceship sucked away a mass of solar matter comparable to the earth to quell this disaster.”

“This equivalent to remove the vomit from the esophagus in advance, the space alien collects a wave of energy, and the earthling gains time for steady development again.”

“This matter is still It did not happen, but space aliens will indeed keep their promises, as long as Illuminati can continue to provide them with a large number of humans…”

Huang Ji sighed, uniting countries against space aliens, the real reason for 2012 is because of this It will make Illuminati lose its value, and then the space alien will betray its promise.

It didn’t stop the disaster that would have happened.

Illuminati on the 3rd floor, they believe that the sacrifice of a part of humans has prevented Doomsday and can continue to develop.

But in fact, there is still 4th floor, 2045!

The blue sun is the disaster of the real mass extinction, and no human being can survive.

“Maybe 2045 is just an accident?”

Standing in the courtyard, Huang Ji sat cross-legged on the lawn, perceiving the sky in 2045 with all his strength.

“Uh…” Huang Ji had a splitting headache, but fortunately, this time he directly shielded everything from the earth, just wanting to know the name of the blue sun!

“Your name…your name!”

Finally, Huang Ji perceives the name of the blue light group in the sky in 2045 before coma.

It has a very complicated alien name, which translates to mean crossing the river. These are not important, the important thing is that it is called Betelgeuse in Chinese.

“It’s it…”

Huang Ji woke up leisurely and looked up at the starry sky. Although the visibility of London’s night sky is very poor, Betelgeuse happens to be very bright in the night sky. One of the stars that can be seen by naked eye.

These days, he has been compensating for his knowledge of physics and astronomy. At this moment, he accepts the information of many stars and he can understand more.

“Betelgeuse has been bombed? It has been bombed for 689 years?” Huang Ji sighed.

The disaster of 2045 is still not deliberate by the space alien, but is meant to happen.

It originated from a big supernova explosion. The red supergiant star that exploded was Betelgeuse in the night sky. It has been exploding for 689 years! It’s just that the light hasn’t come over yet, so humans don’t know it yet.

Its distance from the earth is about 724 light-years, which means that in 2045, the earth will see the magnificent scene when it exploded, and it will be as huge as a full moon on the sky. , Radiating dim-blue rays of light.

You can see it both day and night, just like double sun and double moon volley, at that moment he is the brightest star in the night sky.

If this is the case, it will not have much impact on the earth. X-rays and ultraviolet radiation are too far away, so it will be harmless.

Unless it is a gamma-ray burst, that is, a pulsar is born in its core, and its rotation axis is just aligned with the direction of the earth.

According to current astronomical observations, the rotation axis of Betelgeuse is not facing the earth, but is deviated by just 20 degrees.

So scientists believe that even if the supernova erupts, the earth will be fine.

“It is indeed 20 degrees off, but this 20 degrees is terrible!”

Huang Ji knows that after a supernova erupts, Betelgeuse’s rotation axis will be unstable The spinning top spins like a tumbler.

In this way, its rotation axis does not point to a point, but draws a circle along an angle of deviation of twenty degrees.

Gamma-ray bursts will be ejected from its poles, which will materialize like an hourglass.

The upper and lower cones are the pulsar in the middle.

The gamma-ray burst will continuously shoot the upper and lower ring zones.

The inside of the ring is fine, and the outside of the ring is fine.

The solar system is so immortal, it’s on this ring, because it’s just off the 20-degree angle.

Illuminati didn’t know about this, nor did space alien tell them.

I didn’t tell them, which meant that space alien didn’t intend to trade with Illuminati at all. It just waited for humans to die…

“space alien not at all destroy humans, they Just for some reason, I don’t want to help mankind.”

“Why do you choose to help in the disaster of 2012, and don’t want to help in the disaster of 2045?”

“And they rushed The’Buddha’ who came to the earth to plunder wisdom was because the Buddha was hostile or because of the protection of the earth?”

“What is their purpose?”

Huang Ji Know that I must improve my knowledge as soon as possible.

His previous understanding of space alien was still relatively naive. He even thought that space alien would destroy mankind, but at this moment he found that it was not the case at all.

The two disasters all occurred naturally. If humans maintain the status quo, they will help humans prevent the sun from vomiting. On the contrary, it will not help, and human beings will bear the sun’s blow.

As for gamma-ray bursts, no matter what humans do, space aliens will not help.

Huang Ji wants to know what is going on in such a complicated and contradictory situation.

To understand all of this, Huang Ji has a unique and unmatched intelligence source, that is many stars!

Just looking at some stars, he knew that there was Civilization on it, but most of his content was incomprehensible.

“I want to penetrate the Universe Civilization picture as soon as possible…”

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