The Omniscient

Chapter 100

Bilson’s appearance is like just guessing.

After interrogation, the chief of police could only take him with him first.

But soon there was a police report.

“Report! A comatose police officer was found on the fifth floor. He was found by someone in the hospital. He was put on a bed and covered with a quilt. We had always thought it was a patient before.”

“He was not harmed, but the police uniform and guns are gone!”

The chief of police was shocked: “What?”

He immediately thought of Bilson’s Guess, No way? Do you have to guess right again?

“It doesn鈥檛 make sense. This time it鈥檚 the clue I provided him. He was blindly based on what I said.”

“His brain replenishment process is the whole process. In my eyes, there is nothing surprising at all.”

The Chief of Police thought to himself, but anyway, since a set of police uniforms is missing, there is no doubt that the police officers are also Have to be checked.

At five thirty in the afternoon, the armored car arrived and Michael was sent to the ground floor.

There are policemen joining the team along the way, and the chief of police is staring at everyone, making sure that he knows everyone.

“No…” The chief of police relaxed.

Think about it, why did Morey get in? Their police are not fools!

As soon as they reached the parking lot, Michael was about to be sent to the armored car.


The trunk of a nearby car opened!

“en?” More than 30 police officers glanced over.

I saw Morey crawled out of the trunk of the car. He was wearing a police uniform, and as soon as he stepped out with one foot, he was stunned when he kept leaning forward.


Bilson took a crazy photo and said: “hahaha! What am I talking about! What am I talking about!”

The police fry the pan instantly, Point the gun at Morey and shout Hah!

“Get down!”

“Hold your head with your hands!”

“Don’t move!”


Being surrounded by dozens of policemen, Morey was relieved instead.

Finally caught, there is no need to run now, and he doesn’t want to run.

“Go to jail! Let me go to jail!”

Morey obediently lay on the ground, yelling incessantly.

“You have to protect me! I am not the mastermind! I am a witness! Someone wants to kill me!”

In order to survive, he must do this, after all, Illuminati Assassin has clearly stated: You can’t kill Michael in a day, and he can’t live.

The Illuminati Assassin is ruthless, and he is simply a castaway.

Morey no longer counts on Illuminati to forgive him. At this moment, I just hope the police can do more!

On the other side, the Chief of Police patted Bilson and said: “You are right again! He really did that!”

“How is this possible? You are obviously just making up stories !”

Bilson said with a smile very confidently: “This is called inference!”

He was also surprised that he had magically guessed Morey’s crime method. He didn’t expect that he really guessed again and again!

As a reporter, he quickly decided that this was his own talent!

“I have a strong sense of news! And a strong talent for intelligence deduction!” Bilson was excited: “Like Garcy!”

He thought of England鈥檚 World War II Screenwriter and spy Garcy.

This spy relied on his magical talent for storytelling to deceive the German spy department and successfully tilted the balance of World War II.

Galsey originally only wanted to be a novelist, but the war broke his peaceful life.

For the victory of the Allied forces, he wanted to join the British MI5, but was rejected because he knew nothing about the skills that spies needed to master.

Then he resolutely joined the enemy, the German spy agency, and in turn spied on allied intelligence.

He provided a lot of allied intelligence, but he made up all the intelligence…

Through a little bit of correct things, Garcy made up a series of details, A self-justified, non-violent, serious spy story.

The most amazing thing is that through other channels, the German army finally confirmed that most of the British intelligence in his story was accurate.

So the German army regarded Garcy as a treasure, and later they believed in Garcy’s intelligence.

Garsey established a spy Internet in England for the German army, but this spy Internet… only he is alone.

He deceived the German army by saying that he had dozens of spies, and said from time to time that he was going to carry out certain operations, defrauding a large amount of funds provided by the German army.

Finally, MI5 accepted him and made him a double agent.

During the Normandy Landing Campaign, he deceived the main force of the German army…

He was the only one who won the Order of the British Empire and the Iron Cross issued by Hitler himself. spy.

He is a genius spy who has been talked about so far.

Bilson was secretly excited: “I also have the ability to make up stories and hit the facts!”


Seeing Bilson in a daze, the Chief of Police Leaving him temporarily, command the officers to take Morey away.

No one noticed, when Morey was escorted out of the hospital.

An assistant to the chief of police, a senior police officer is at the back of the team.

He dialed a number and whispered: “Found Morey, he is in the parking lot and has fallen into the hands of the police.”

“Nick, where’s Messiah’s? “On the other side of the phone is Orange Eagle.

“Temporarily, I haven’t noticed that the other party has very strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities. It should be Lin Li from the intelligence.” Policeman Nick said.

Orange Eagle said: “I will kill Morey and Michael.”

“No, Michael don鈥檛 move yet. Purify Messiah鈥檚 people first. Michael is not the main one. Goal, this is what Charles means. There must be several Messiah people hidden on the nearby floors, and Sasha is bringing people over.” Nick said.

Orange Eagle smiled cruelly and said: “Okay.”

During their conversation, Morey had been sent out by the police.

His appearance has been spread all over the world. Countless fans crowded outside the hospital. They cheered when they saw the police finally arrested Morey.

There were countless curses, and various shoes, hot dogs, and flagpoles were smashed over.

“Go to hell! Morey!”

However, Morey suddenly shouted loudly: “I am not the mastermind! I am just an abandoned son! I work for Illuminati! They Want me to be cannon fodder…”

“I’ll tell you everything, you must protect me! There is another killer! There is another killer in the hospital, he will definitely kill me!”


“Prison is also not safe, you must protect me! I am a witness! I am a witness!”

His shouting shocked the crowd.

Nick was also taken aback, he didn’t expect Morey to be so courageous, wouldn’t he be afraid of death?

He is actually Messiah’s diehard? Wasn’t it temporarily instigated?

“Damn! Don’t kill Morey yet!” Nick quickly wanted to call Orange Eagle.

However, an unfamiliar number came in first.

He connects and sells insurance!

“Fuck!” Nick hung up directly and wanted to call Orange Eagle.

But the damn insurance number came in again.

Next, he heard Morey’s voice stop abruptly.

Nick hurriedly charge ahead and saw Morey limp on the police officer, his expression distorted.

Orange Eagle has done it!

Nick is speechless, but seeing Morey鈥檚 symptoms, he is still relaxed, secretly thought: “Do you use K4 neurotoxin? It’s okay…”

Then Nick rushed forward , Succeeding a police officer to hold Morey.

Pretending to check his body, he removed a needle from Morey鈥檚 neck.

“How are you?”

“He has a heart attack! Go to emergency!” Nick shouted.

Fortunately, there is a hospital behind him, and the police have to carry Morey back again.

Morey knew what was going on, his eyes burst and his face was extremely hideous and distorted.

The blue veins on his neck violently, and his hands are as stiff as chicken feet.

However, even so, he seemed to have exhausted all his life and shouted at the crowd.

“Illuminati is real!!!”

Morey’s voice was hoarse and hysterical, and his roar was like crying, howling like a ghost.

When he shouted out these last words, he spit out a white bubble in his mouth and was rushed back to the hospital by the police.

Watching Morey being dragged away, the crowd outside the hospital discussed spiritedly.

Morey himself, after being arrested, publicly admitted the tabloid’s speculation!

The media collectively climaxed, and countless reports began to spread around the world.

Why Morey wanted to murder Michael is still inconclusive.

Some serious regular meridian newspapers have investigated the people around Morey and Michael, and have listed many conflicts between Morey and Michael, and suspected that they are private hatred.

But with Morey鈥檚 crazy actions time and time again, the argument of private enmity has been untenable.

Various gossip and Illuminati conspiracy theories are on the rise!

And at this juncture, Morey was arrested. Some media in the crowd used cameras to record the scenes of him after his arrest, but unexpectedly, he took such an amazing shot!

The Illuminati conspiracy theory was instantly placed on the table and aroused public debate.

He admitted it himself! He even prayed for the protection of the public to expose Illuminati to the world.

Morley was not the first person to do this, but he was the first to make such a big thing, and then in full view, to do so.

For a time, more and more people are paying attention to this matter, especially the London media. No one is not covering this matter. The assassination of Michael has been slaughtered.

“Morey is dead. We caused trouble in the meeting.” Nick sighed.

“I am only responsible for killing people.” Orange Eagle said with disdain.

Nick hold Fire Dao: “It’s not your fault…damn, insurance!”

“Should I kill that insurance salesman?” Orange Eagle said.

“No, fortunately the K4 neurotoxin you used, that thing can’t be detected, Morey died of a stroke. It doesn’t matter, I have a way…” Nick said.

Orange Eagle said with a smile: “If I shoot him in public, will you be more troublesome?”

Nick said annoyed: “Shut up, you just need to kill him. Now, I will take care of the others.”

“Morley is obviously Messiah’s diehard, there must be someone else beside him. Have you found it?”

” In the opposite building, I saw Chu Shaojun.” Orange Eagle said.

Nick asked: “The key is the man named Lin Li.”

Orange Eagle said: “I will kill him.”

Nick said “Don’t beat the grass to scare the snake, just to be on the safe side, wait for Sasha to arrive! Otherwise, if you fail, I’m afraid Sasha will kill you.”

Orange Eagle said with a smile cruelly: “I It will not fail.”


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