The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 500: Ah Lin is so worth it

  Chapter 500 Ah Lin is so worth it

   Fortunately, after so many years of fighting for reasons, Shi Zhao has secured the position of chairman of Junheng Group, and even Shi Junheng should not be easily shaken.

  Xi’s family members are very confident and feel that Shi Zhao is on their side 100% and are not afraid to go against Shi Junheng.

   Shi Zhao was really invited by them.

   "Azhao, hurry up and comment. What does your father mean by this? Isn't this stabbing you in the back?" The Xi family looked at Shi Zhao eagerly.

  The young man has a resolute face. Because he controls the huge Junheng Group, he has a faint sense of coercion on his body, and he is very difficult to provoke.

   Now that he wants to face his abdicated old father and be the master of the family, Shi Junheng shouldn't have anything to say.

  Shi Zhao turned his attention to the Xi family.

   "Grandpa, you should enjoy your old age well when you are old. It's better to worry less about other people's housework." He said calmly.

  Old Master Xi was stunned: "Azhao, what do you mean?"

  Shi Zhao: "Literally, instead of worrying about our Shi family's affairs, you should take good care of your son and grandson, and advise them not to stretch their hands too far, don't worry about what's in other people's pots, and be careful of hot hands."

   "It's you! It's you, right? I said why the Mingde project was working so well and why it stopped suddenly. It turned out to be your order!" The little cousin became angry on the spot.

  The Mingde project is a project of a subsidiary of the Junheng Group, and he has gained a lot of benefits from it.

  Shi Junheng: "Projects that don't make money or even subsidize money, of course, have to be cut off. This is just the beginning. There are still many cooperations that I want to cut off."

  This sentence is like dropping a bomb, completely ignoring the Xi family.

   "Shi Zhao, how dare you!" Old Mr. Xi was so angry that he swung his cane and wanted to hit someone.

   "You don't even think about when your mother died young, who protected your rights and sent you to the position of chairman of Junheng Group step by step! You are crossing the river and demolishing bridges, ungrateful!" Uncle also came out to speak.

   A group of people were filled with righteous indignation, which made them more angry than Shi Junheng's sudden difficulty in speaking.

   Shi Zhao was able to have everything he has today, not because of them, the Xi Family.

   There is no such reason, now that the wings are full, they kick the uncle's family aside.

  If the two sides are really at loggerheads, it will not be good for Shi Zhao's reputation if it is said.

   "Aren't you afraid that we will make news and the stock price of Junheng Group will be affected?" The cousin held the phone angrily, intending to record this scene.

  Shi Zhao cast his eyes on the other party, "You want to make trouble? Yes, I will accompany you to the end."

   After a pause, he added, "I just don't know if I exposed the fact that the Xi family kidnapped me back then, will anyone face prison for it."

  Looking around for a week, they landed on Uncle and Mrs. Xi. The two were obviously stiff, and their eyes could not hide their guilt.

  Old Master Xi said harshly: "What nonsense are you talking about! It was your uncle who sent someone to find you and save you!"

  Shi Zhao: "The person who saved me at the beginning was obviously Ah Lin. He knew I was in danger, so he took the risk to rush over here, and that's why I survived."

  However, the Xi family is still brazen and takes all the credit for themselves.

"Grandpa, you and uncle are worried that I will get harder to control as I get older, so uncle came up with such a bad idea. On the one hand, it can make my father feel guilty, and on the other hand, let me get close to you so that I can control it. Uncle, you even ordered those robbers, It’s fine to say that it’s okay to break an arm or a leg, as long as it’s useful to be alive.”

  Shi Zhao didn't want to turn over the old score, and he once planned to keep this matter in his stomach.

  Back then, he was a stubborn, proud and extreme young man. He thought that his mother was dead, and his father would probably be lost too, so he could no longer lose his grandfather and uncle.

  Even if he heard the conversation of the robber, he could only deceive himself and pretend that he didn't hear it.

   Otherwise, when he returned home, facing his younger brother and stepmother, wouldn't he look like a poor little unwanted person?

  But Xi's family is aggressive and greedy, and will not stop because of his forbearance and concession.

  As he came to power, these people often made troubles in their own names.

  Especially those few cousins ​​of his, who are hopelessly stupid, without ability, responsibility and bottom line.

  Shi Zhao looked down on this group of idiots, especially when his younger brother was still so good, and his cousin was set off as a scumbag.

"Since I'm just a tool that you can use to survive, don't talk about family affection with me here, you are not worthy." Shi Zhao said, "Also, put away your little thoughts, Ah Lin is me The only younger brother in this life, if he is willing, I am willing to hand over the entire Junheng Group."

  Old Master Xi: "Shi Zhao, are you crazy?"

  He still couldn't believe that Shi Zhao would be so stupid as to hand over a large fortune.

  Shi Zhao: "How can you selfish people understand how much Ah Lin is worth?"

   Now that I think about it, his stepmother has always been a good character, and she once tried to establish a parent-child relationship with him.

   It's just that Xi's family made a hindrance, prevented the other party from approaching him, and questioned the other party's sinister intentions, so the stepmother finally gave up.

  Under her teaching, Ah Lin has been a polite and sensible child since she was a child. Not to mention her temperament is far superior to her own, she is also extremely intelligent.

  But it is precisely because of this intelligence that Ah Lin became sensible prematurely, and began to restrain her edge, trying to be a mediocre young master, so as to settle the dispute.

  Although the other party didn't say anything, they never aimed their knives and calculations at their relatives.

  Shi Zhao don't say that he handed over the Junheng Group, as long as Ah Lin is happy, he will do whatever he wants.

  Because Ah Rin is worth it.

Shi Junheng: "Shi Zhao is right, how do you know how good my family Ah Lin is? Ah Lin solved the Junheng Group's several crises. It can be said that without Ah Lin, there would be no 100 billion group today. If you want Junheng Group, it's a matter of one word."

  Father and son surprisingly agree on this aspect. Since we have picked it apart today, let’s make it clear once and for all.

  Shi Lin used to be too low-key, he didn't want to enter the world, and Shi Junheng was worried that if he got too close, he would bring bad luck to his son.

   Now it seems that his son will not escape from the world, so he has no scruples.

  God knows that he has long wanted to announce to the world what an excellent son he is.

   "You **** plan to lie on Ah Zhao every day to **** blood, thinking about Junheng Group's shares; Ah Lin has never had any exposure to Junheng Group, and he can create the largest investment company on Wall Street, Lingxi Capital."

   "What, Shi Lin is the boss behind Lingxi Capital?" Everyone in the Xi family was shocked. How is this possible?

   Junheng Group did experience a major crisis in the past two years. Many people were not optimistic about several projects invested by Shi Zhao. The industry’s evaluation was very low, and other capitals withdrew one after another. The funds almost couldn’t keep up.

   Fortunately, Lingxi Capital injected capital in time to tide over the difficulties, and the project ran smoothly, which soon brought huge returns to Junheng Group.

  Shi Zhao also relied on this wonderful investment to secure his position as chairman of Junheng Group.

  (end of this chapter)

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