The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 484: Is it just for this reason?

  Chapter 484 Is this the only reason?

  If it was said that she was pretending to be sick before, but after Gu Mengran was taken away from the house by the police, the old lady Gu was really sick.

   I heard that I got up from the hospital bed and chased him out. After chasing for hundreds of meters, I finally fainted.

   Gu Zhengran came over after making the phone call, and the mother and daughter were already waiting for him quietly.

   "Xinyan, we have to go back and visit your grandma."

  He paused, turned his gaze to Luo Mingwei, and hesitated to speak.

  Luo Mingwei: "Ah Zhen should go back together too, he hasn't seen the old lady for many years."

   Apart from other things, the old lady is Gu Zhengran's biological mother after all, and the grandmother of the two children.

  The elderly are already at this age, lingering in the sick bed and still refuse to take medicine or receive treatment. If they continue to make trouble, there may be something good or bad.

   The reputation of Gu Zhengran and the children is very bad.

  Luo Xinyan nodded understandingly, she had already been mentally prepared, and sooner or later she would have to go through this.

Gu Zhengran patted her head, "Go and see your grandma, and stay for two days if you want to, and then go back to Donglin City. Anyway, you have two weeks to go to the college entrance examination. There will be many people with you To say hello, you can call out if you like, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to ignore it. No one dares to have a problem with you anyway.”

  The identity of Miss Gu's family and the 20% shares of Gu's Group are her confidence.

   What's more, she has more confidence than these, as well as the Luo Group and Yan Xuqiao.

  Luo Xinyan: "...OK."

  She felt that she had already been criticized for being stubborn and uneducated, but she didn't expect that Gu Zhengran was still teaching her to be more arrogant and domineering.

  Gu Zhengran doesn't think there is a problem with his education at all. Isn't he fighting to get to this position in order to let his family live as they want?


  Luo Mingwei got up and went upstairs to pack her luggage.

  Wait for her to finish her work before washing up, the time has slipped into the middle of the night.

  There was a knock on the door outside, and at the same time Gu Zhengran's voice sounded, "Mingwei, I have something to tell you."

  Luo Mingwei walked over to open the door, and Gu Zhengran was standing outside the door.

  He had also showered not long ago, and his hair was still wet. He was wearing the same style of nightgown as hers, and he just stood there, exuding the mature and elegant charm of an adult male.

  Luo Mingwei's breathing was slightly stagnant. The other party had been very modest and hadn't disturbed her for a while. This was the first time he came knocking on the door late at night.

  She asked softly, "Is there anything you can't say tomorrow? It's too late, and you have to catch a plane tomorrow morning."

  Gu Zhengran: "But it's too late tomorrow, and you won't go with us..."

  He reacted suddenly, and looked at Luo Mingwei with burning eyes.

  Luo Mingwei tilted her head uncomfortably, "After all, the old lady is the grandma of the children. She is sick, so I have to go and see her..."

  Gu Zhengran's voice was slightly hoarse: "Is this the only reason?"

  Luo Mingwei was a little annoyed, "Then what else could be the reason? It's too late, you go back to sleep."

  She wanted to close the door without any hassle, but Gu Zhengran stretched out a leg to block the crack of the door.

   "What else do you want?" Luo Mingwei stared at him.

  Gu Zhengran: "My hair is still wet and I can't sleep, can you dry it for me?"

  Luo Mingwei just hesitated, Gu Zhengran had already squeezed through the door by taking advantage of his long arms and legs.

"sorry to bother you."

  Luo Mingwei: "..."


  The next day, on the plane, in the first class cabin.

  Luo Xinyan and Gu Zhen sat in the front row, while Gu Zhengran and Luo Mingwei sat in the back row.

  Luo Xinyan said uncertainly, "Brother, why do I feel like my mother wanted me to sit next to her just now? Does she have something to say to me?"

   Out of the corner of Gu Zhen's eyes, he glanced at the happy old father, and turned his head with a cold snort.

   "Probably not, Mom is looking at the documents." After a pause, he asked Luo Xinyan in a warm voice, "Is there anything you like or want?"

  He didn't want to help Gu Zhengran, it just happened that he wanted to sit with his sister very much.

  Brother and sister seldom sit down and gossip about family affairs, and it happens that he has long wanted to buy a gift for Luo Xinyan, and this time he just inquired clearly.

  Luo Xinyan was distracted: "Me? It seems not."

  When she was young, she had a lot of things she wanted, but whenever she showed the slightest yearning for something, He Linjun would take it in front of her and destroy it.

  Later she learned not to want anything, and restraining her desires has become her instinct.

   Gu Zhen stared at her, seeming to understand something, "I see."

   If she doesn't want anything, she probably hasn't met the one she likes.

   According to his and Gu Zhengran's financial resources, prepare more, there will always be someone she likes.


  On the other side, Luo Mingwei felt that someone's eyes were glued to her body.

  Even if she deliberately ignored it, it was useless. The owner of that line of sight had no manners or evasion at all.

   "Gu Zhengran, do you have nothing to do?" She couldn't help asking in a low voice.

   "Yes." Gu Zhengran said, he pulled out the minions that Gu Mengran and Gu Weiran had placed in the company, and took back a lot of management authority. Of course, he was very busy every day.

  But no matter how busy he is, it doesn't prevent him from relaxing at this time, after all, this is something that can make him happy physically and mentally.

   "But you are too beautiful, I'm sorry I'm a little obsessed." Gu Zhengran said calmly.

  The self-control he is proud of has always been completely defeated in front of Luo Mingwei, and this has been repeatedly verified when he was young.

  Luo Mingwei couldn't help grinding his teeth secretly: "Gu Zhengran!"

   This man was shameless when he was young, and the older he gets, the thicker his skin will become.

  I made an excuse to blow my hair last night, and then said that I plan to formally pursue her, and if I don’t agree, I won’t leave, all kinds of shameless.

  Luo Mingwei was really convinced, she was still playing tricks at a very old age, and in the end she had no choice but to nod and agree to the other party's pursuit.

   After all, the children live next door, if the commotion really gets serious...the other party doesn't want to be a human being, but she still wants to be a human being.

  Gu Zhengran accepted it as soon as he saw it, "Don't be angry, I'll just read the official document."

  He opened the laptop, but there was a smile on the corner of his lips.

  Luo Mingwei didn't know that when she was angry, her eyes were vivid and bright, and her cheeks were stained with a touch of beautiful that he almost couldn't control it.


   This is the first time Luo Xinyan has come to Haicheng.

  The weather at the end of May, Haicheng is already very hot.

  The sun is shining brightly, the sun is everywhere, and the heat wave is blowing.

  The Gu family's car to pick them up had been waiting for a long time, and directly dragged the group to the Gu family's old house.

  Many relatives came to the Gu family's old house today, and it was very lively.

  Gu Zhengran has been away from Haicheng for so long, and finally came back! Many people rushed to tell each other, guarding the old house one after another, waiting for Gu Zhengran to appear.

  Gu Zhengran arranged for a team of medical experts to wait early in the morning.

  As soon as he entered the house, he went straight to the old lady's room and ordered the doctor to see the doctor.

  The old lady had been ill for several days, she was groggy, and she was afraid of death after all. Now that she had a step down, she didn't dare to be stubborn anymore, and obediently cooperated with the treatment.

  (end of this chapter)

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