The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 476: There are some things I want to understand first

  Chapter 476 There are some things I want to understand first

  Shi Lin's voice came clearly from the phone: "Yes. At least the people I see are all gray. Even people with golden light on their bodies are no exception."

  Human nature has a glorious and great side, but it also has a selfish side.

  Everyone has selfishness, emotions, desires and various pursuits.

   Sure there are truly selfless saint-like legends out there, but they are definitely rare.

  The rest are just perfect lies.

   "Just think about He Yuye and Lin Yunxian, and you will understand."

   These two people, one is good at self-deception, the other is good at deceiving others, but without exception, they are both extreme refined egoists. The so-called perfection, whether it is self-deception or deception, is all for the sake of establishing others.

   "I understand." Luo Xinyan had doubts in her heart, but when Shi Lin said this, she immediately had a definite answer.

  She still doesn't believe in Mr. Wen Xiang, or in that forbearing greatness and perfection.

  If it is said that Mr. Wen Xiang doesn't ask for anything, it's really just because he loves Luo Mingcheng, but isn't true love mutual respect and mutual trust?

   If she hadn't had much contact with Luo Mingcheng, and didn't know Luo Mingcheng's personality, Mr. Wen Xiang should know him very well.

  The other party should know that the person next to the pillow is not the kind of arrogant and conceited man and is completely trustworthy, so they should confess the truth and actively seek solutions.

  Instead of hiding it and being moved by yourself, it doesn't help the matter at all.

   Shi Rin: "What happened, can you tell me?"

  Luo Xinyan did not hide anything, and described what happened in the past two days as objectively as possible, without any doubts or guesses.

  Shi Lin quickly grasped the point: "Is your uncle's illness still curable? Otherwise, you wouldn't have so much hesitation."

  He is too aware of Luo Xinyan's personality. She looks strong and tough, but actually has a soft spot in her heart. She wants to repay anyone who treats her a little better.

  If Luo Mingcheng's illness cannot be cured, Mr. Wen Xiang's sacrifice is indeed great, and it is impossible for Luo Xinyan not to pay back.

   "I thought about giving the shares of the Luo Group to my aunt." She changed the name of the He Group to the Luo Group because she wanted to leave something for her mother and the Luo family.

  As for the shares of the Luo Group, she originally planned to donate part of it to the Luo family.

  Wen Xiangjun is naturally among them, the difference is only in the number of shares.

   "It's normal for you to hesitate. It's your aunt who is abnormal about this." Shi Lin's voice was calm and calm. On such an afternoon at the turn of spring and summer, it seemed that the spring breeze slowly blowing away the fog in front of him.

   "You don't want to think badly about your aunt, you don't want to speculate about a person who has made great contributions to the Luo family, and you don't want to put your mother and brother in a dilemma."

  Shirin never overestimated human nature, but never belittled human nature.

  He had only met Wen Xiangjun once. At that time, Wen Xiangjun's sense of presence was very low. He didn't even look at him a few times, and of course he was not interested in exploring the other person's humanity.

  But even if he doesn't know what color of mist surrounds Mr. Wen Xiang, he can still give an affirmative answer.

   "Your aunt definitely has a problem. It's better to postpone the gift of shares."

  Luo Xinyan: "Okay."

  In fact, she has already made a decision, but it is difficult to convince herself to make a decision because of her family affection.

  Shi Rin understands her, knows her vacillations, and directly makes a decision for her.

   "Actually, there are some things I still want to understand first."


  In the afternoon, Mr. Wen Xiang cut the flower branches and put them in bottles downstairs.

   This is her habit, no matter where she goes, life always needs the embellishment and decoration of flowers.

  As a man, Luo Mingcheng naturally would not pay attention to these details, but he is also used to the warmth accompanied by flowers.

  In terms of the minutiae of life, Mr. Wen Xiang has always achieved the ultimate. While pleasing others, he also pleases himself. What a bargain.

  The mobile phone placed on the table rang suddenly. Wen Xiangjun glanced at it. She didn't save the calling number, but she knew it by heart.

  She hung up the call without any hesitation.

  Luo Mingcheng, who was reading at the side, raised his head: "What's wrong?"

   "It's nothing, it might be a harassing phone call." Wen Xiangjun smiled, and patiently finished the flower arrangement in his hand.

   "Brother Sheng, do you look good?"

   "It looks good." Luo Mingcheng said, "You are really ingenious, and it is my blessing to marry you."

  He remembered what he had discussed with Wen Xiangjun before, and said with guilt, "Xiangjun, I'm sorry, I was confused before, and I won't anymore. I will treat you well and cherish you."

  It's not that he didn't think about it, to compensate Zu Wenxiang, then divorce her and set her free.

  If it was more than ten years ago, he would definitely do this, and nothing can delay others.

  But now the other party has been with him resolutely for more than ten years. If he proposes a divorce again, it will be a blasphemy and disappointment to her.

   "I will leave all my property to you, and you must accept what Ajie and Azhen gave you." Luo Mingcheng said eagerly.

  Wen Xiangjun looked helpless, "Brother Sheng, why are you talking about this again? I said I wouldn't want it."

  She got up, "I'll put this vase of flower arrangements in our room."

  Luo Mingcheng stood where he was, feeling a little frustrated. He waited for his wife to wake up from a nap to talk openly with her, but she was not willing to accept their gift at all.

  The more his wife refuses, the more he feels that he has treated her badly and that what he has given is not enough.

   But he didn't know where else to compensate her.


  Wen Xiangjun returned to the room, closed the door, and then went into the bathroom and dialed a number.

   "Didn't I tell you not to call?"

  I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone, Wen Xiangjun couldn't help frowning.

   "You think things too simply, I don't have that ability."

   After a pause, she softened her tone again, "You have to give me time to think of a way, right?"

   There were a few more instructions, and Mr. Wen Xiang responded softly, and finally hung up the phone.

  She flushed the toilet and washed her hands before walking out of the bathroom, tidying up the room as usual.

  When she came across a document, the corners of her lips curled up silently, and then she put it down gently.

   That is Luo Mingcheng's latest will. It hasn't been notarized yet, so it doesn't have legal effect for now, but that man will probably go to have it notarized soon.

  Mr. Wen Xiang didn't even bother to read the above content. For so many years, she patiently and meticulously took care of Luo Mingcheng's basic necessities of life. Why?

  Of course it is to hold all his property in the palm of his hand.

  Is there anyone who knows Luo Mingsheng's property situation better than her? I'm afraid Luo Mingcheng himself doesn't understand as carefully as she does.

  The money was already in her hands, did she have to wait for that man to gift it hypocritically?

   There is also Luo Mingwei, who is taking care of hundreds of millions of property, does she still need gifts from the other party?

   She sold it miserably, but she failed to achieve her goal, and only caught a little property in Gu Zhen's hands.

  (end of this chapter)

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