The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 459: Professor Hall, whose name is now Hanny the Hacker

  Chapter 459 Professor Hall, his current name is Hacker Hanny

   She got it! She knows everything! She actually knows everything!

  He Yuye's mind was full of sharp and crazy screams, almost insane.

  She wanted to reach out her hand to stop Luo Xinyan, but found that this was not her body, but a cold machine, without flexible limbs, unable to do anything.

   When she finally remembered to use the program to control the rolling of the machine, Toki Rin stepped forward and pressed the forced power off button.

  The machine was completely paralyzed in place, unable to move.

  Xiao Wu led the people forward and moved the cold machine to the side.

  Shen Jinzhou came back to his senses. If I understand correctly, Miss Xinyan means that there is a consciousness from the future time and space living here?

  He couldn't help but look at the immobile machine. Although the power was forcibly turned off, the system was still running with a faint light because it was still connected to a different time and space.

  Shen Jinzhou: "I didn't expect that sci-fi movies could actually come true. Having said that, in this case, isn't the best way to hand it over to the country and get future space-time information from the other party?"

   It doesn't make sense that the other party can come through time and space, they can only passively accept it.

   What if the technology matures in the future and their time and space are sieved?

  This kind of behavior that only traverses consciousness is really hidden, difficult to detect, and very harmful.

   "Also, the last time it manipulated the entire network to blackmail Miss Xinyan, and blocked netizens' comments for Miss Xinyan, was it also responsible for it?" Shen Jinzhou quickly thought of this matter.

  It seems that the danger has to be mentioned online, "Fourth Young Master, this is too dangerous, this..."

  Shi Rin: "You think too highly of her."

He glanced at the robot's empty "eyes" glowing with cold light, with a calm expression, "A conscious body from the future can only be trapped by an eighteen-year-old **** the sweeper program, what do you think?" Also called danger?"

  Shi Lin also left, and Shen Jinzhou looked down at the robot pityingly, "It seems that you are really not good enough, and Miss Xinyan has to raise her hands to survive, tsk."

  He Yuye: "..."

  Nonsense! It's all nonsense!

  How could she be inferior to eighteen-year-old He Xinyan? This is absolutely impossible!

  If there is a body, He Yuye will definitely yell and retort frantically.

  It's a pity that no matter how much anger and unwillingness there is, it can only be trapped in the cold machine and cannot be conveyed.


   It is night, the spring breeze is slightly drunk, blowing the white window screens.

  In the silence, the empty and cold eyes of the robot suddenly lit up.

  By not closing the communication channel with the different time and space, He Yuye finally saved enough power to keep the robot moving with a low battery.

  She reluctantly "looked" in the direction of the elevator—the robot's program was connected to the elevator's program, so she could go upstairs and find Luo Xinyan.

  But she finally endured all the unwillingness and moved towards the charging pile.

   A little intolerance can lead to big plans, she can't be impulsive.

  Luo Xinyan confided that she would hack into the database of the villain transformation system in reverse the day after tomorrow. Although she didn't think the other party would be successful, she had better hurry up and tell Professor Hall the news.

  Professor and the people of the Commonwealth would be grateful for her efforts if they knew that she endured so much humiliation in order to convey the news.

  Back to the future, she will still be a hero of the Federation.


  In the corridor of the foyer, there are people standing and returning.

  Shen Jinzhou looked at the robot silently rolling to the charging pile with complicated emotions: "..."

  Just seeing the powered-off robot start up suddenly, he was almost so frightened that his heart beat into his throat.

  I thought of many sci-fi movies, and the more I thought about it, the more scared I became. I almost thought that the other party was going to go straight upstairs to splatter three feet of blood.

   As a result, he was so nervous that his palms were sweating, and the other party went to charge the battery silently? !

  Is your temper that good? But how could it be possible, in those pulsating swear words this morning, words such as "die" and "kill" appeared repeatedly, which was shocking, which showed how strong the hatred in the other party's heart was.

   Shen Jinzhou glanced at Shi Lin who was standing in front, and couldn't help feeling that the other party's psychological quality was strong, and his face was calm.

   "Fourth young master, what's going on here, is there a small rebellion?"

   "No, it's that consciousness."

   "..." Shen Jinzhou paused before asking softly, "Then shall we open the firewall? This is too scary."

  Shi Lin: "Xin Yan said no, then no. You see, she doesn't even have the courage to fight."

   It has to be said that He Xinyan has already seen through the other party.

  Whether it is He Yuye in this time and space or He Yuye in another time and space, they are all the same person at heart.

  They always only have themselves in their eyes, they are extremely selfish and good at self-whitening, they are extremely refined egoists.

  How could such a person be willing to lose his life?

  The reason why she dared to stay was because she was arrogant and misjudged the strength of both sides; knowing how powerful Luo Xinyan is, how dare she take risks?

  Shen Jinzhou thought that Shi Lin would leave just then, but he didn't expect that the other party would not.

  He looked puzzled when Shi Lin walked up to the robot.

  Shi Lin: "It seems that you lack energy. The person who sent you here can't even guarantee this?"

  The machine was silently shining with a cold light, without any response.

  Shi Lin didn't take it seriously, and turned to say, "I'm afraid you don't know, Xinyan didn't notice Meng Fang's incident at all, and I sent someone to find it out."

   "So it's you?" The mechanical voice sounded in the quiet night. It obviously didn't give emotional color, but it made people hear anger and unbelievable texture.

  Shi Lin nodded slightly: "It's me, then do you know why I want to investigate this matter? Because where there is perfection, there must be lies."

  He Yuye's people are set up too full, pure white is too white, in Shi Lin's view, there are lies.

   Sure enough, he just noticed that He Yuye was using too much force in the Meng Fang incident, and after looking it up, he found such an interesting thing.

  He Yuye: "You are talking nonsense! I am not lying! He Xinyan is the common enemy of mankind, and she will destroy the world! I am the hero of the Federation!"

   Shi Lin went straight to the point: "Who is the person behind you?"

  The mechanical sound suddenly stopped.

   "Don't want to say? You have backbone." Shi Lin chuckled, turned to Shen Jinzhou and said, "Go to the computer room and turn on the firewall."

   "You know the plan for the day after tomorrow, why don't we take a gamble, I will prevent you from escaping from this room with the firewall turned on, do you dare to try?"

  Shen Jinzhou went upstairs decisively.

  The mechanical voice finally couldn't hold back, "Don't!"

  She also discovered after the firewall was opened that the space-time channel that was originally quite open had become very narrow. If she doesn't take advantage of the time when the firewall is closed to strengthen her connection with the future time and space, she won't be able to accumulate enough energy or confirm the time and space anchor point, and she may really not be able to go back at all.

   "So who is that person?" Shi Lin raised his eyebrows.

   "Professor Hall. Or, his current name should be Hacker Hanny."

  (end of this chapter)

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