The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 456: He Group officially changed its name to Luo Group

  Chapter 456 The He Group officially changed its name to the Luo Group

  In the study room, the atmosphere was dull.

  Old man He was drinking traditional Chinese medicine again. The bitter taste made He Yuye tilt his head. She didn't like the taste very much.

  He Yuye found that there was an elite man sitting on the sofa next to her, and her heart was pounding. He was the lawyer of the He family.

   What did Mr. He want to do when he called the lawyer? Could it be that he wanted to make a will and divide the property?

  She sat down beside He Zixiao, clenched her hands on her knees, looking forward to and nervous.

  Old Master He finished his medicine, and then slowly explained his intention to ask the lawyer and the two of them to come down.

   Sure enough, it is really about dividing property and making a will.

  The old man's physical condition is getting worse and worse. I am afraid that some things will not be arranged in time. It is better to explain clearly to the two children, so as to avoid accidents or risks and the two children panic.

  The lawyer read out the property situation of Mr. He. Many of Mr. He's properties were used to fill in the loopholes for He Linjun, and he could not get it back.

   It can be said that the loss was heavy.

   Fortunately, the He family's old house is under his name, and He Zixiao will inherit it after his death; the jewelry left by Mrs. He can be divided now, and it is useless for him to hold it in his hands.

  The rest is stocks, he plans to take out some of the stocks and transfer them to He Zixiao and He Yuye first.

  Master He: "Do you have any ideas?"

  He Yuye hesitated for a while, "Grandpa, can I not have stocks, but grandma's jewelry?"

  Master He looked at her with blazing eyes, and He Zixiao also glanced sideways at her, without saying a word.

He Yuye clenched his fists and mustered up his courage, "Grandpa, the He Group is going to be left to Zixiao as the heir. I don't know how to run a business. I just want to study hard and don't want to interfere. You gave me so many shares. Did you disperse Zixiao's rights?"

  Grandpa He: "Zi Xiao, do you have any objections?"

   "I haven't." He Zixiao replied.

  Mr. He seems to have aged a lot, "Then let's divide it like this."

  He Yuye returned to the room and closed the door, impatiently calling He Linjun, "Brother, I want to go with you and mother!"


   On the other side, He Zixiao was also calling He Xinyan.

   "She really chose those jewels." He Zixiao was in a dull mood, and the attitude of the other party was that he didn't want to suffer with them at all.

  He Xinyan: "It doesn't matter, even if she chooses to take the shares, I won't let her take my credit."

  He Zixiao couldn't help but smile wryly when he thought of He Xinyan's next plans and arrangements.

  He confessed a part to Mr. He in order to win Mr. He's agreement and cooperate with their plan.

   But in the same way, he also chose to hide the part. He didn't know if Mr. He would kill him, his unworthy descendant, when that day came.

  He Xinyan paused, and then said, "If you let her take away all the jewelry, then you will have a hard life in the future, aren't you worried?"

  He Zixiao: "There is nothing to worry about. I have hands and feet, and I can always support my grandfather and me. Besides... This is what the He family owes her."

   "However, in the final analysis, I still took advantage." After a pause, he added.

  He Xinyan: "You have too much confidence in me. I will invest more in the future. If you have no money to invest, you can only be diluted and lose your right to speak."

  He Zixiao shook his head: "That's not it. If you don't make a move, the He Group will go bankrupt, and grandpa and I will have nothing at that time."

   "Third sister, thank you." He said solemnly.

  He Xinyan hung up the phone.


  He Group's official Weibo issued an announcement that day.

  The announcement stated that after the shareholding change, the largest shareholder of the He Group is now Luo Xinyan, accounting for 79%.

  Luo Xinyan is the chairman of Heshi Group, responsible for the operation and management of Heshi Group.

  After the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders, in order to realize the transformation of the enterprise as soon as possible, no dividends will be distributed to shareholders in the next three years, and all income will be used for product research and development, employee wages and benefits, and charity.

   At the same time, the He Group officially changed its name to the Luo Group.

  Gu's Group official Weibo reposted this announcement with the accompanying text: Congratulations! Looking forward to the rise of the Luo Group!

  No one cares about the official Weibo of the He Group, but the Gu Group is different. The popularity immediately went up. Netizens were in an uproar after carefully reading the announcement.

  【Hands up! I just want to ask, is this Luo Xinyan my female goose? 】

  The official understood it in a few seconds, and replied: [It's my eldest lady, I advise you to delete it, the boss will go crazy when he sees someone robbing him of a female goose. 】

  【Oh my god, what kind of sweet pet script is this? Mr. Gu spent so much money to help the young lady acquire the He Group? ? 】

  Official Weibo reply: [No, the eldest lady bought a company by herself with money, and the boss almost fainted from crying because he didn't help. 】

   Netizens almost died of laughter at the reply from the official Weibo, asking whether they are afraid of being fired by the boss, dare to make fun of the boss?

  Official Weibo subcutaneous grievances, she is not teasing the boss, she is telling the truth.

  The official account of Gu Group is operated by Gu Zhengran's secretariat.

  After learning that his daughter had acquired the He Group, the boss was stunned for a long time before saying, "Am I out of money? Why don't you ask me for money?"

  The secretary boldly reminded, "As far as I know, the supplementary card you gave the eldest lady has not been used so far, and the eldest lady should not be short of this money."

  The boss was silent on the spot, and then hung up the phone.

   Then the secretariat was instructed to collect what young girls like.

  The secretary seriously suspected that the boss was hit by his reminder.

   On the other side, the Internet is completely boiling.

  【My goddess is amazing! It is only now that she realizes that the identity of Miss Gu's family is the least important thing to her! 】

  【My god, after reading the employee benefits of the Luo Group, I immediately gave the current employees a 20% salary increase! Why haven't I met such a good boss? 】

  【I just want to ask, is it too late to interview the Luo Group? 】

  【Jimei, I have already sorted out my resume to apply to the Luo Group, I wish you luck and make sure I can pass! 】

  【What kind of fairy boss is this? It's hard to justify the Luo Group's rise. 】

  【So Miss Gu finally changed her surname, but instead of Gu, she was surnamed Luo? 】

  【The He Group is no longer named He, I think the Luo Group sounds nice. 】


  When there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, in a certain high-end apartment, He Linjun started smashing things again.

  He was really going crazy, he was cheated by that **** He Xinyan!

  The other party had already started buying shares of the He Group, but he didn't notice it at all.

  If he had known earlier that even if those shares were rotten in his hands, he would not be able to sell them. Mr. Shen suppressed the price too hard, how much money did he get?

   Not only that, after selling the shares, he revealed the news to the people he placed in the He Group, telling everyone to resign immediately.

  As soon as his staff left the job, He Xinyan got a raise in salary.

  Those people are so regretful that their stomachs are green. This step is completely wrong, so they shouldn't listen to He Linjun.

  Now He Linjun not only lost the opportunity to add trouble to He Xinyan, but also lost his heart.

   It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his army. The loss was heavy.

  (end of this chapter)

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