Chapter 445 So, you failed

  Fans chase stars to gain emotional value from their idols. Watching that person strive to pursue their dreams and shine brightly can also motivate themselves.

   But chasing stars is not about doing charity, it’s not about rotten fish and rotten shrimp, everyone wants to follow and maintain.

  He Yuye’s character design in the past is too good, and the script of the homeless daughter’s return to the wealthy family is very refreshing and memorable, and has attracted many fans.

   Later, under the marketing of Brother Qian, he gained another wave of fans by stepping on fake daughters.

   What these fans want to see is He Yuye riding the wind and waves in a wealthy family, He Yuye's unrequited life, and He Yuye's group favorite daily life, but none of these are in the end.

  He Xinyan, the fake daughter, was supposed to be He Yuye's control group and a tool to set off He Yuye's happy life, but He Xinyan didn't follow the rules at all, instead, he overwhelmed He Yuye everywhere.

  He Yuye is inferior in grades, He Yuye in singing and writing, even in making desserts and starting a company.

   Not to mention that He Xinyan is not a thief who steals other people's wealth and life, and his background is more noble than He Yuye.

   How does this make everyone fans? It doesn't move at all!

  And another wave of fans who were attracted by He Yuye’s kind-hearted character in the early days also found that the fans did not move.

  He Yuye is not kind or gentle at all. On the contrary, in the Meng Fang incident... her behavior can be called vicious.

  She herself has no intention of repentance at all, and she still complains wrongedly in the classmate group. Of course it is not surprising to be exposed, but the fans can't accept that the idol is such a person.

  Finally, I can't stand the brother-sister relationship between the elder brother and the real daughter. The elder brother is not the real president, but an illegitimate child, which is too disillusioned.

   Now even the movie has been completely slammed, and it has been ridiculed by the whole network. No matter how powerful the fans are, they can't keep their heads down.


   Jinshuiwan central villa area.

  Shen Jinzhou asked his assistant to sort out the information about He Yuye's large-scale withdrawal of fans from the Internet, and asked Xiao Fan to save it in the database by himself.

  He didn't quite understand why Shi Rin ordered him to do this, but collecting these evidences is indeed their law firm's strong point.

  Several assistants worked together to collect speech data from several social platforms.

  Small Counter: "...can I refuse to receive these data?"

  Shen Jinzhou pushed the gold-rimmed glasses with a smile, "I'm afraid that won't work. I'm just the executor of the order and have no right to make decisions, but you can discuss it with the Fourth Young Master."

  He is still amazed until now, thinking that this robot is really intelligent and advanced.

  Very intelligent and advanced just means that the communication method of the other party is not as dull as ordinary robots, but very humanized.

   It has too few functions. At present, it is just a huge mobile hard disk, plus the function of sweeping machine.

  Small Reverse: "..."

  Thinking of that terrible man, it couldn't help but mess up the code for a while, and finally had to honestly receive the information into the database.

   Its database has already stored a lot of such materials.

  The Meng Fang incident, the He Linjun live broadcast incident, relevant video evidence and comments from netizens have been sorted out and placed in its database.

  Shen Jinzhou didn't understand Shi Lin's purpose for doing this, but Xiao Fan felt that it probably understood.

  In the past, it always believed that He Yuye was gentle and kind. Although it was a little surprised when He Yuye was allergic to peanut powder, after all, He Yuye was hurting herself, not others, right?

  Some things are rooted in its underlying logic, deeply rooted.

  It has always rationalized and even beautified some of He Yuye's actions, firmly disbelieving that He Yuye is a bad person, and even took the initiative to wipe the other party's ass.

   Shi Lin did this to make him see He Yuye's true face clearly.

   It is the negative comments on He Yuye on the Internet, every time it "sees" it will feel very uncomfortable, the CPU runs slowly, like an old man who is dying.

  It speculates that the data probably violates its underlying logic, causing it to crash.

   On the other side, after Shen Jinzhou finished transmitting the data, he got up and walked to the computer room, closing the firewall.

  He is very proficient in doing these things. The Fourth Young Master specially taught him to turn off the firewall for an hour after each data transmission to facilitate data transmission.

  Shen Jinzhou didn't understand very well, but although he had a strong curiosity, he didn't dare to ask about the Fourth Young Master's affairs at all. He just had to implement it honestly.

  The moment the firewall was turned off, no one noticed that some data flashed quickly on the LCD screen on Xiaofan's face, and soon returned to calm.


   Different time and space.

   This is a very laboratory, the room is full of machines and the cold texture of metal.

  The huge machine is connected to the experimental platform, and countless connecting wires are like twisted and terrifying tentacles, clamping the brain of the subject.

  The woman lying on the experimental table is no longer young, and she has been abnormally thin due to long-term nutrient injections to maintain her life.

  The data of the experimental machine fluctuated suddenly, and the woman on the experimental table suddenly yelled in pain. The hatred and unwillingness in the voice sounded shocking.

   Just as the assistants were in a mess, Dr. Hall finally arrived in a hurry with his people.

  The woman's consciousness finally fully returned, the assistants hastily cut off the connection line, and the program automatically woke her up.

   "How do you feel, what happened?" Dr. Hall took the initiative to ask.

  He Yuye opened his eyes abruptly, his face was distorted at that moment, and his eyes were more fierce than ghosts.

  Dr. Hall took a few steps back in fright, and looked at her in surprise, wondering if she had a mental problem.

   After all, this experiment is too risky, and those who are not firm enough will easily get lost.

  The reason why He Yuye was chosen at the beginning was that she was his student and had a certain understanding of this experiment; secondly, he was moved by the strong hatred in her eyes when she volunteered.

  What a perfect partner. Wasn't it because of her special status that I accepted the other party as my student?

   What's more, she still has a logical and self-consistent spiritual world, very selfish, and good at deceiving herself.


   "So, you failed?" Dr. Hall's voice cooled down.

  It took so much energy, but the result is like this, how can it not make people angry?

  He Yuye raised his head abruptly, his voice was sharp: "No! I didn't fail, I won't fail!"

  Dr. Hall's expression was very calm, "Hey, allow me to remind you that the last time I cooperated with you to complete the final blow, which led to the evacuation of our entire federal power supply, which has already caused adverse effects."

  In an age of scarce resources, this is a big problem. They are not like Huaguo across the sea, which has abundant resources.

   If He Xinyan can be killed, that's fine. Even if it's a pity, he has explained to the higher-ups. Now?

  He was almost scolded bloody.

   "Please give me another chance!" He Yuye was not reconciled, "Didn't you say that her existence endangered the entire Federation? We can't let her grow. Do you know that she is actually Gu..."

   She stopped abruptly.

  Dr. Hall: "She is actually Gu Zhengran's daughter, isn't she?"

  He Yuye was startled: "How do you know?"

  (end of this chapter)

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