The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 438: I won't make the same mistake a second time

  Every time Mrs. Lin sees her eyebrows and eyes that resemble Mrs. Luo, she feels very uncomfortable, and she can't like He Xinyan either.

  In addition, at that time, someone secretly helped to clean up the beginning and end, the Gu family believed that the youngest daughter had died, and Gu Zhengran and Luo Mingwei divorced...

  She thinks that a man like Gu Zhengran who has a successful career will have a high probability of having a new wife and child soon, and forget this unhappy marriage.

  He Xinyan naturally has no use value in her eyes, and her attitude becomes more and more indifferent...

  Every time Mrs. Lin thinks about it, she regrets it. She didn't take advantage of He Xinyan's young age to develop a relationship. It's too late to say anything now!

  Who would have thought that Gu Zhengran has never married a wife and had children for so many years?

   She really smashed a good hand of cards!

  Shi Rin gently put down the teacup in his hand, "So, who is the person who instructed you?"

  Both he and Gu Zhengran had already guessed in their hearts, and only the final identification remained.

  Old lady Lin: "I don't know who it is, but it should be one of Gu Zhengran's two elder brothers."

   After she finished speaking, she seemed to have been relieved of her strength, and her back was bent a lot.

  She kept this secret for many years, and she had various speculations in her heart, and she was finally able to tell it.

  If it wasn't for Gu Zhengran's resolute and resolute rectification of the second room of the eldest room, Mrs. Lin would probably have kept this secret forever.

  But Gu Zhengran doesn't even care about family affection, how can she dare to take chances?

   Besides, the person behind this has all fallen, and she has no one to rely on, so she dare not take on such a big thing alone.

   "So what role did the Su family play in this?" He Xinyan asked.

  Old Mrs. Lin: "The person behind it promised many benefits. Su Zheng wanted to get a piece of the pie, and he actively participated in the mopping-up work back then."

   Otherwise, how could she forge the so-called paternity test and bring He Xinyan back from the orphanage to the He family?

   Without Su Zheng's help, how could he have deceived Gu Zhengran by relying on a lonely grave?

  Old lady Lin didn't hesitate to betray Su Zhenglai, "The Su family snatched several large projects from the Gu Group back then, and it was all because of someone behind the scenes to manipulate the profits."

   Those were also the most decadent years for Gu Zhengran, he was devastated and had to wake up painfully.

  He couldn't accept the death of his youngest daughter, let alone the departure of his wife and son. A slight slack in the company's management and control allowed people to take advantage of it.

   It’s just that the people behind it probably never imagined that Gu Zhengran would have been decadent for a year or two, but he soon cheered up, flew back from abroad, and firmly controlled the company again.

  His two elder brothers wanted to seize power, but one was bad and the other was stupid. The company kept going downhill during the two years they were managing.

   Gu Zhengran couldn't bear it anymore, the loss of the two of them was all due to his hard-earned money!

  He doesn't mind giving them some chances for his mother's sake, but that doesn't mean he can tolerate them making the company a mess.

  Gu Mengran Gu Weiran did not intend to seize power all these years, secretly cultivating cronies within the company, forming cliques...

   Originally thought that it had become a climate, and could compete with Gu Zhengran.

  Unexpectedly, after many years of operation, it is still vulnerable, Gu Zhengran raised his hand and shattered Gu Mengran's many years of planning and layout. …


  He Xinyan told Gu Zhengran all the information he got from Mrs. Lin.

"Father, those two old things... will the two uncles be difficult to deal with?" He Xinyan was a little worried, "From the information I found, the uncle is very scheming, and I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with. I mean, did he Maybe there is a backup?"

   Gu Mengran has no talent in business, but he is very good at playing with people's hearts.

   Probably because she was thinking too deeply, her uncle had a weak temperament and even weaker body.

  Gu Zhengran took action against Gu Mengran this time. There were rumors that Gu Mengran was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted. The evaluation of Gu Zhengran was very unfriendly. They felt that he was a ruthless capitalist who lacked humanity for profit.

  He Xinyan thinks these rumors are very interesting. She doesn't believe that no one is behind the scenes to fuel the flames.

  Her uncle is very good at grasping people's hearts.

  Gu Zhengran: "Baby, those are indeed two old things. It doesn't matter if you don't call them uncle and uncle, they don't deserve it."

   After a pause, he continued, "Don't worry, no matter how difficult Gu Mengran is to deal with, he is not your father's opponent. He has never defeated me since he was a child."

  Gu Mengran is only worthy of playing tricks behind the scenes, and none of them can be seen on the stage.

  He Xinyan: "Is it possible that he bought people around you and intends to harm you?"

   Dogs tend to jump over the wall when they are in a hurry. He Xinyan doesn't think highly of Gu Mengran, and she suspects that he can do anything.

  Gu Zhengran was silent for a moment, he was negligent back then, ignoring the hostility from people around him.

  Daughter was abducted, wife insisted on divorce, sixteen years of disintegration... this was the pain of his life.

   "I won't make the same mistake a second time." Gu Zhengran raised his hand and rubbed the space between his brows, "Honey, I will be careful, don't worry."

  He thought about it, his wife and daughter were surrounded by special personnel to protect them, and the boss and second child were also watched by someone, so there shouldn't be any mistakes.

  As for the He family, He Xinyan even called the police, and it was time to start liquidating.

  He will never make things easy for those people.

  He Xinyan's voice tightened, "Mom, is she okay?"

   "She's okay, the prescription you prescribed is very effective." Speaking of this, Gu Zhengran's voice was faintly smiling, "I will bring her to see you soon."

   These two days, he guarded Luo Mingwei, supervised her to take medicine, took a walk to relax, and the rest of the time was to stab Luo Mingcheng.

  Once his attitude becomes arrogant, how can Luo Mingcheng be his opponent?

  The two had confronted several times, and each time Luo Mingcheng was so angry that he jumped.

  Luo Mingwei didn't want to see him anymore, and when she saw Luo Mingcheng was so angry that she had to come out to help mediate, she was in no mood to think about anything else.

  Gu Zhengran deeply understands that his wife has always been soft on the outside and strong on the inside. Once there is something she cares about, she will be active and proactive, and her whole body is full of vitality.

  However, this tough method is not always applicable... The main reason is that He Xinyan is still alive.

  Luo Mingwei had He Xinyan's internal drive, of course he recovered quickly.


  The next morning, He Xinyan went to school normally.

  As the car drove out of the Jinshuiwan villa area, she sensed someone following her.

  Xiao Wu squeezed his fist and sneered, "Someone is secretly taking pictures, Miss Xinyan, do you want me to go down and stop it?"

  Ali also had a serious expression on his face, "Miss, these people are too much! We must show some color!"

  He Xinyan glanced at the car behind him, and said calmly, "Forget it, don't worry about it."

   This situation was already expected by her and Shi Lin. Both Lin Yunshu and He Yuye were taken away by the police. How can some people sit still?

  The rest of the day was uneventful.

  In the afternoon, when He Xinyan was returning home by car, the car was forced to stop not far away.

  He Linjun opened the car door, helped Mr. He get down.

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