The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 426: Surprised or not, surprised or not?

   Chapter 426 Surprised or not?

  Luo Mingwei was just sick after all, and her mood is not stable yet.

   When she calmed down, she understood why Gu Zhengran uncharacteristically attacked Luo Mingsheng.

   is not only for clarification, but also to seize dominance.

   In the past, he was willing to condone Luo Mingsheng pointing his nose and scolding him, not because he had a good temper, but because he felt that there was no need to bother with his brother-in-law.

  This man has always been domineering and strong, how could he really be willing to be led by the nose?

  Luo Mingwei: "Gu Zhengran, come with me, I have something to tell you."

  Gu Zhengran: "Okay."

   He was obedient and gentle, smiling and helping Luo Mingwei upstairs.

  Luo Mingsheng categorically refused: "No! Sister, I can't let you meet him alone, who knows what he will do?"

After a pause, he looked at Gu Zhengran coldly, "The surname is Gu, don't forget, you have already divorced my sister! It's been 16 years since the divorce! You two have nothing to do with each other! I am my sister's family and sister. guardian!"

  Gu Zheng squinted dangerously.

   At this moment, Luo Mingwei swayed and fell down without saying a word.




  He Xinyan is not surprised that people on the Internet will talk nonsense, and the public opinion offensive against her has never stopped.

   She was very surprised, why did the other party send out this fake news with such certainty, after all, it was easily proven to be fake, so there was no need to spend this money.

   These people seem to have a very bad mind.

   There was a sudden noise outside the door.

  Ali standing by the side of the bed brushed up, "Miss, it's He Linjun."

   Without her having to say it, He Xinyan heard it too.

   She glanced at Shi Rin, who was looking down at the document, Shi Rin pressed the corner of her back, his expression still, "Don't worry."

  He Xinyan: "But I want to watch the fun."

   He Linjun's excitement, how could she miss it?

  Shi Lin glanced at the time, calculating that Xiao Wu should be coming soon, "Okay, then watch for a while."


   He Linjun was full of ghosts. Since he arranged for He Yuye to be hospitalized, of course he wanted to live in the best room.

   The ward on the top floor is a high-level VIP ward. He didn't want He Yuye to be disturbed, and wanted to cover the entire floor.

   It's all about money. Although Tiffana was in a storm, he didn't have no money. He had already cashed out by selling Tiffana's shares.

   He can ignore other things, but as long as he is here, He Yuye will not hesitate to enjoy the best.

   But the hospital actually pushed three and four, saying that a single ward could be arranged, but the whole floor was not in compliance with the regulations, and there were other patients.

  Is it important for other patients to have He Yuye? !

   "My people have already made inquiries. There are only three patients staying on the top floor, so why can't they be accommodated?" He Linjun snorted coldly, and it was just for money.

   "Don't worry, I will bear all the related expenses incurred by the transfer of the three patients to the ward, and each person will be compensated for double the hospitalization fee."

Doctor    is probably the first time he has encountered such a client, and he can't feel the coolness and arrogance of Mr. Ba very well.

"No, no, no matter how many patients there are, even if there is only one patient, we must be responsible for the patient, and no one has to give way." The female doctor said with a cold face, "Those who can afford to live in the top-level VIP ward. Man, I don't think I need your help to bear any costs."

   He Linjun's face darkened.

   He Yuye hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "Brother, forget it, others have the right to live in the senior ward, we can't be so domineering."

   Even though the eldest brother said so, she was very happy.

   But the doctor's attitude of not buying it made her slightly uncomfortable, as if she was mocking them for being over-the-top.

   She felt that this doctor was a little ignorant, and He Linjun offered to make compensation. What if those patients and their families were willing?

   Hospitalization is not only free of money, but also paid for, normal people would be tempted, right?

   He Linjun: "Yuye, you are too kind, so it's easy to suffer a loss."

   He Yuye shook his head, "Brother, I don't want to make things bigger, it's not necessary at all."

   Her mood was a little down, "Brother, why did you say Xinyan did... I didn't expect Cheng Jiaxing to hurt her... Although there have always been conflicts between them, Cheng Jiaxing definitely didn't expect the consequences to be so serious."

   "Brother, can I go to the police station, I can prove that Cheng Jiaxing didn't mean it, it was too chaotic at the time..."

   He Linjun: "No! This matter has nothing to do with you! You can still find the boy after you shut down. Who knows if he is with that group of people."

   He Yuye suddenly hesitated, "Impossible?"

   She knew that the group of people in the big back were Tiffana's franchisees, and they took her away to vent their anger and to threaten He Linjun with money.

  Cheng Jiaxing's family is also Tiffana's franchisee... Maybe they really know each other.

   "So that's how you see me?"

   He Yuye was startled when she heard this voice, she looked up in disbelief.

  Xiao Wu walked out of the corner of the corridor with Cheng Jiaxing, glanced at He Yuye, and was full of admiration for his young master.

   Half an hour ago, the young master asked him to clarify the misunderstanding with the police, and then brought Cheng Jiaxing over. He still couldn't figure out why.

   Now he understands that there is still such a wonderful scene waiting for them.

  Cheng Jiaxing said in despair, "Do you know how much effort I made He Xinyan to find you... Forget it, you don't understand."

  He Yuye got up and wanted to get off the wheelchair, "Monitor, that's not the case, listen to me..."

   He Linjun held her down, "What can I say to this kind of person? Oh, murderer."

   He Yuye pursed his lips and did not speak.

   "What murderer, who did he kill?" He Xinyan, having seen enough of the excitement, walked out of the ward with the door closed.

   She understood, why Shirin had to watch the time just now, it turned out that important roles had already been arranged to appear.

   She glanced at He Yuye and said coolly, "You didn't clarify for Cheng Jiaxing, don't you know that acquiescence is another form of instigation?"

   "He Xinyan, how are you..." He Linjun was shocked and lost his voice.

   He Yuye was also shocked beyond measure, with wide eyes and a face written in refusal to believe.

   Her intuition never goes wrong, why does He Xinyan seem to be intact and unscathed?

   What went wrong? She was so flustered that she couldn't control the expression on her face.

He Xinyan: "Brother, are you surprised or surprised? You have people on the Internet hyping that I was killed by a spare tire, why didn't you confirm it to me? How embarrassing it is now, spending so much money on marketing , the news is false.”

  He Linjun's heart sank suddenly, this time he was really careless!

   He looked up at He Xinyan, rushed up and wanted to hit someone, "You did it on purpose, right? It's all your conspiracy!"

   Shi Rin raised his hand to catch He Linjun's fist and pulled the man forward.

   (end of this chapter)

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