The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 424: You're still alive, great you're alive!

   Chapter 424 You're still alive, great you're still alive!

  Luo Mingsheng stood at the door of the kitchen and looked at the young man who was making medicine at the door.

   The other party's eyebrows are firm, his facial features are tough, and he has the same iron-blooded breath as that annoying Kong Sirie.

   When Wen Xiangjun came over, he couldn't help laughing when he saw this situation: "Brother Sheng, you are supervising Xiao Yang's decoction again."

  Luo Mingsheng snorted coldly, "Who knows if some people are using the medicine."

  Wen Xiangjun knew that her husband was dissatisfied, and the dissatisfaction was that Gu Zhengran actually prevented his people from getting to this point, and he would not even pretend to be someone like decoction.

   But it is absolutely impossible to say that Gu Zhengran's people will do something in the medicine.

   "My sister's condition has obviously improved in the past few days. The prescription that Mr. Gu brought over is probably really useful." Wen Xiangjun said truthfully.

  Luo Mingsheng was full of complaints: "Is there something wrong with my prescription? That is the ancestral prescription of Aunt Lu's family, and it has a miraculous effect on treating madness!"

  Wen Xiangjun smiled and did not argue with her husband.

  Xiao Yang obviously noticed the couple, but returned with an eye-catching salute. His attention was still on the medicine jar, and he patiently looked at the heat.

  Luo Mingsheng got angry when he saw Xiao Yang like this. What does Gu Zhengran mean? Will those who doubt him do anything?

   That Kong Silie didn't take any of his stubbornness at all, his attitude was quite tough, and he directly took over Luo Mingwei's medicine and diet.

  Luo Mingsheng: "I changed the prescription at that time, and it wasn't because that He Xinyan's prescription didn't work!"

   When this name was mentioned, Luo Mingsheng was suddenly silent.

   When Gu Zhen confessed to him that He Xinyan was Zhen Zhen, he refused to believe it no matter what, and even secretly went to Wen Xiangjun to test his nephew if he had a mental problem.

  But since Gu Zhengran recognized He Xinyan with great fanfare and gave her 20% of the shares of the Gu Group, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with this matter.

   That man is domineering and strong in his bones, but he is still a businessman in his bones.

  Since he is a businessman, he will never do business at a loss. It is not his seed, so he cannot give away so many shares to He Xinyan.

   And then think of the other person's eyebrows and eyes that are very similar to the Luo family...

   Even if Luo Mingsheng didn't want to believe it, he had to admit that He Xinyan looked very much like his biological mother who died early.

  Wen Xiangjun: "Brother Sheng, do you have to hide the matter of He Xinyan from my sister?"

   She always felt that concealment was not the best way.

  Luo Mingsheng's heart tightened: "No, I can't say it now! Gu Zhengran directly gave away 20% of the shares. How can you let my sister deal with it?"

  The eldest sister is a very proud person who is soft on the outside and tough on the inside. When she knew that her mental state was not good, she was determined to divorce Gu Zhengran.

   It's not just the idea of ​​disagreement, or the resentment against Gu Zhengran, but the unwillingness to let the man see her embarrassed side.

   She was also admired by many people. She was stubborn and proud when she was a girl, until the Luo family suffered a change, and she independently supported the whole family.

  The return of the child is a good thing, but Gu Zhengran's actions made him unacceptable. It is obviously the child of the Luo family, but the Gu family throws such a big olive branch, and anyone with a little power will not hesitate to throw into the arms of the Gu family, right?

  The sound of items falling suddenly came from the direction of the living room, followed by the nervous voice of the servant: "Miss!"

  Wen Xiangjun's face changed slightly, "My phone!"

   She turned around and ran out in a hurry, Luo Mingsheng also changed his face and rushed out.

  Luo Mingwei stood there with a pale face, holding Wen Xiangjun's mobile phone in her hand.

   Although she didn't know Wen Xiangjun's lock screen password, she could guess it after a little observation.

   She finally knew the secret that everyone was hiding from her.

  The Gu family recognized He Xinyan, and Gu Zhengran publicly presented 20% of the shares of the Gu Group to He Xinyan.

   This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that when the news pop-up window just came out, the moment she saw the news, she felt that the blood all over her body was going to coagulate.


   "Xinyan... dead?" Luo Mingwei's expression was dull and unbelievable.

  Luo Mingsheng didn't know why, "What's dead, sister, don't scare me!"

   "Impossible, fake, this must be fake! How could Xinyan die?" Luo Mingwei felt a pain in her head, the pain seemed to break open her skull.

   She wanted to yell uncontrollably, to deny, to smash everything within reach.

  Why is this happening? She has been looking forward to her daughter for more than ten years, and she regrets it every day. She shouldn't be distracted by her work that day...

   Does she have to go through the pain of losing her daughter again? !

  The great pain and despair almost wiped her out.

  Why can't she overcome the disease and protect her daughter? As long as she is fierce, she will never let anyone hurt her daughter one bit.

   "Xinyan, it's your mother that's useless, it's your mother who didn't protect you!"


   "Miss is sick again!"

  The servants were in a mess, and Luo Mingsheng's heart was cold.

  Wen Xiangjun saw the latest news from the housekeeper's mobile phone: "Brother Sheng, the news is all about He Xinyan's death! - What the **** is going on?"

  Luo Mingsheng turned his head to look at her, his face blank, "Dead? She actually died?"

   That child was the only hope for Sister A's cure. He also wanted to negotiate with Gu Zhengran so that the child could get along with Sister A and see if it would help her condition.

  —but how could she die?

   Originally thought it was a good medicine to cure diseases and save lives, but at this moment it became a poison that urges people to die. Luo Mingsheng felt a severe pain in his temples, and he could not stand still.

   But he can't fall down, my sister has completely lost control, and even started to self-mutilate, he must pull the other party out!

  Luo Mingsheng looked at Luo Mingwei who looked like a madman, and was pushed away and fell into a ball when he rushed up.

   "Mingwei!" A figure rushed in from outside the door, recklessly holding the crazy and desperate woman in his arms.

   "Xinyan is not dead, she is still alive, I'm sorry it was my negligence, those people on the Internet are scribbling!"

   The woman in her arms was immersed in her own world, and she couldn't hear the outside voice for a while, and still frantically attacked everyone who tried to get close.

Gu Zheng was still scratching and beating her, the white shirt was torn, and there were three deep bloodstains on her handsome face, but she still firmly and tenderly wrapped the person in her arms, and gently released her strength to avoid She hurt herself.

   "Mom!" Gu Zhen came over with his mobile phone in hand. Fortunately, He Xinyan received the video almost in seconds.

   He Xinyan didn't need to explain the situation, He Xinyan just saw the situation at the scene and immediately reacted.

   "Mom, I'm Zhen Zhen! Look up at me, I'm fine, I'm fine."

  He Xinyan couldn't help straightening up and looked at the camera eagerly.

   The chest she leaned on was warm and wide, and the voice calling her was so cautious and full of admiration, Luo Mingwei felt that her five senses that were closed were gradually pulled back to reality.

   "Xinyan, you're still alive, it's great that you're still alive!" Luo Mingwei looked at the camera, tears streaming down her face.

   (end of this chapter)

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