The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 405: Have you apologized to He Xinyan?

   "The reason why he did this was just to show goodwill to you and the Gu family." Shi Lin finally said.

   But what he didn't explain was that Su Qi'an admitted that he wanted to atone for He Xinyan.

   At that time, it was clear that he had good intentions, but he stubbornly refused to admit it, trying to cover up his true heart with severe accusations and righteous and dignified preaching.

  Lin Yunxian is always worried that He Xinyan is young and will go astray. In fact, he knows that He Xinyan has always been independent even if she is not taught.

   She is very good, because she has a dark mind and thinks that she can educate her at will because she has grown old and has superior external conditions in the eyes of others.

   But it is clear that he is not worthy at all.

  He Xinyan: "In short, it's good that things are clarified."

  The system said weakly: [I'm sorry, host, I didn't mean to woo woo...]

   It was extremely frightened when it burst out of the bed two days ago, worried that He Xinyan would not be able to wash it out even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

   After all, no one knew about its existence, but from the point of going into the wrong room, He Xinyan's actions were very suspicious, and it was difficult to clarify how she was splashed with dirty water.

   Fortunately, the development of things finally reversed, Su Qi'an publicly apologized, and the matter was finally concluded.

  He Xinyan ignored the system, but she had a question, "At the beginning, this surveillance video was clearly ordered to be erased by Su Qi'an, so where did this surveillance video posted on the Internet come from?"

   Could it be that someone kept an eye on it and kept this secretly?

   After asking her, she found that Shi Rin's expression was a little wrong.

   "What's wrong?" He Xinyan asked subconsciously.

   Shi Lin: "This surveillance video was given to He Linjun by Mr. He."

   He was a little worried, worried that He Xinyan would be sad.

  Su Qi'an said that he felt that the surveillance was inappropriate after the news spread, so he went to the hotel to delete it directly, but before that, Mr. He had obtained the surveillance and kept it all the time.

  This shows that Mr. He had taken precautions against He Xinyan a long time ago.

   Knowing what kind of consequences this spread would bring to He Xinyan, Mr. He didn't show any mercy.

   He was a little distressed. In the environment where she grew up, how many people treated her sincerely?

  Lin Yunshu abused her, He Linjun was jealous of her, Lin Yunxian took advantage of her, and even Mr. He was full of plans for her.

   Now it seems that the only ones who are still somewhat sincere towards her are He Zhangzhi, who died young, and He Zixiao.

   But these feelings are equally insignificant. They have more important family members, and He Xinyan is not in that scope.

   Like He Zhangzhi, he can give He Xinyan the tenderness, that is, when she is dying, she will leave a legacy to her, so that her life will not be too sad.

   But he also knew that the Tahitian black pearl that his wife took away was very valuable, and the shares he left to He Xinyan might not be worth it.

   Probably because the people around her are all calculating, that's why she is so tenacious.

  But if it can be changed, Shirin would rather she not be so strong, be able to stay with her family at ease, be pampered, and grow up smoothly.

  He Xinyan didn't feel anything in her heart, she had already guessed something. …

   She was just curious, who was the person who broke out in her previous life, it can be said that it was as expected.

   I was so miserable in my last life, and Mr. He didn't have the slightest pity. In this life, he has repeatedly embarrassed the He family. I'm afraid he has stepped on the old man's scales countless times, right?

   It's not surprising that Mr. He used this to beat her.

   She looked up and saw the expression on Shi Rin's face, and was stunned, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

   smiled immediately, "Do you think I'll be sad? I won't, I've already cut the table. Besides, I'm not merciful to the He family, and the old man should repay me."

  The beloved eldest grandson of the old man has been brought to court by her, and the court will be held tomorrow. Of course, she will use public opinion to smear her reputation, so as to divert attention.

   After all, she does not accept reconciliation or mediation, and is determined to go to criminal private prosecution.

   There are too many flaws in He Linjun's body, and there is no doubt that he will lose the case.


   Now that the adopted daughter's bed-climbing incident has been clarified, other things will be better clarified.

  Lu Sichuan was the first to post on Weibo: [Always believe in He Xinyan's character, she is also my noble person, and she cured my throat. Those who spread rumors wait for the lawyer's letter! 】

  Fu Ran followed closely: [Support Xinxin to write songs and defend their rights! She is also my lady! Don't go too far with those who spread rumors! 】

   Even the actress Li Yao also posted on Weibo to support: [I believe that you who can sincerely make desserts and do business, never cheat, and your character is also sincere and honest. 】

  Lu Sichuan's fans never knew that the original idol's voice was actually cured by He Xinyan?

   I only thought that the cooperation between the two was mutually beneficial, but now it seems that He Xinyan is indeed Lu Sichuan's nobleman.

  It's not that fans don't know how to be grateful to Dade. They are more careful than anyone else about idols, and they immediately forwarded them to show their support.

   There are also fans, Chen Zhangwei, who is rubbing the heat, is a lousy person. Relying on some photography skills, I secretly photographed and harassed little girls everywhere, and if I didn't take pictures, I would insult them in various ways; later I found out that secret photography stars can make money, so I harassed them in various ways, which is very annoying.

  However, this person is holding a photo of a star, and many young fans can't tell the difference. They even go to him to buy photos. When he is a Welfare brother, he actually makes him famous.

   The station sisters and big fans in the circle despise this person, after all, his character is too bad.

   Someone else took the opportunity, and it clearly showed that it was Chen Zhangwei who took the photo secretly first, and after being rejected, he made a dirty mouth, which caused the camera to be smashed.

The ladies in the    fan circle said they were so relieved after reading it, they deserved to be smashed!

  【Damn, I was secretly photographed by this **** when I was chasing the front line! He also said that he was helping me to become famous, and he spoke so clearly about crimes. 】

  【You shouldn’t be used to this kind of person, it’s really too much, and it’s not wrong for the camera to be smashed. 】

  【By the way, did you notice that it was too beautiful to be photographed secretly! This face is so long in my heart! 】

  【I just like He Xinyan's watery face, such a close-up face shot is so beautiful, there is no flaw at all! 】

  【I really want to stick with my beautiful sister, feeling full of security~~】


   When Chen Zhangwei was broadcasting live, he first discovered that the number of viewers had dropped by more than half, followed by someone swiping the screen.

   [Chen, have you apologized to He Xinyan? 】

   His intuition was not good, so he quickly checked the hot search, and only then did he know that the incident of smashing the camera at the airport had been clarified.

  Not only that, but many people in the fan circle are making up his secrets, and many of the things he has done before have been uncovered.

   He thumped the table angrily, the dream of becoming popular overnight was not enough, the heat was on the rise, but it was black heat.

   has begun to have star fans looking for him to charge back.

   Not only that, but the Star Studio plans to sue him.

   Not only is it not popular now, but even the original business of reselling celebrity photos cannot go on.

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