The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 386: It doesn't look like it can support the family business

  He Linjun felt unbalanced in his heart, but it was because he felt that he could stand shoulder to shoulder with Shi Junheng, but he couldn't even see Shi Junheng.

   And He Xinyan can let Shi Junheng accompany him to celebrate the New Year.

   The sound of shattering porcelain came from behind, and He Linjun started to lose his temper and smash things.

  He Zixiao quickened his pace.

   He glanced downstairs when he went up the last step, He Linjun had a gloomy face, Lin Yunshu was crying, and He Yuye was indifferent.

   Such a family is ironic when you think about it.

   Mr. He walked out with a cane and shouted angrily, "If you still want others to see a joke, shut up!"

  Before today, He Zixiao thought that Mr. He was somewhat sincere.

   However, the facts have poured cold water on them. Where did the sincerity come from, they are all used.

   A person who can even give up his own granddaughter, how can he care about a girl who is not related by blood?

   No wonder He Xinyan is reluctant to come back. She jumped out of the cage and has a brighter future. Why should she continue to be a stepping stone for the family?


  The driver, Uncle Wang, walked out the door with a look of bad luck.

   I thought it was a coincidence that I stayed at the host's house for the New Year, and I could get three times my salary and a red envelope.

   Who knew that he didn't see the red envelope, but was smashed by He Linjun with an ashtray, almost smashing his head.

   Is this family all neurotic? If you know what to ask yourself, if you tell the truth, you start to lose your temper.

  The cook came out and gave Uncle Wang a hand.

   "I said it when you took the initiative to ask Ying to help the old man persuade Miss Xinyan. It's a thankless matter. You can see that I got it right."

   "That one has always regarded Miss Xinyan as a thorn in the flesh, and her heart is smaller than the tip of a needle. No matter whether you succeed in persuading her or not, you will be remembered for hatred."

   "Miss Xinyan had better live in poverty, so that they can give alms from the top; if Miss Xinyan has a good life, wouldn't that stab them in the heart?"

  Uncle Wang thought about it, and it seemed to make sense.

   But the question is isn't the He family asking for others now?

"I saw that Miss Xinyan's villa is much more stylish than the He family." Uncle Wang sighed, "I really said the wrong thing today, and I'm nosy. Other girls have skills, and they can still do it alone. Fresh water."

  The cook: "Anyway, I'll give you the bottom line. Aunt Zhang and I are planning to resign."

   Uncle Wang was taken aback: "Resign? Why?"

   "It's hard to serve with too much money and little money. What do you keep doing if you don't resign?"

  He Xinyan's life is getting better and better. In the future, when He Linjun throws the plate, when will he not leave now?

   "I see the eldest young master's appearance. It doesn't look like he can support the family business. Maybe one day he will go bankrupt. It's better for me to make plans earlier."

  He Xinyan described He Linjun as "incompetent and furious". People might not listen to what she said before, but now it's different.

   This performance is unparalleled, but he can actually pull his classmates to integrate resources to open such a large dessert shop!

   Everyone discussed a lot in private, and the most talked about is that the He family has no eyes; the second is how He Xinyan succeeded.

  He Xinyan's business vision is so unique, she said that He Linjun is incompetent, there must be some truth!

   Tiffany has become like this, and the efficiency of the He Group is not good. Could it be that He Linjun only knows that throwing dishes at home can bring the He Group back to life?

  In this case, of course, it is better to run away quickly.


   He's family's New Year's Eve dinner was depressing and silent, and everyone in He Xinyan's side stayed up until the early morning.

   At first, my classmates were embarrassed. After all, Shi Junheng was a big guy who could only be seen on TV or financial magazines.

   Later, seeing that the boss is not very airy, everyone gradually let go.

  How to say it, as expected of my face god! Even big bosses like Shi Junheng came to her house for the New Year!

   That night, the parents who came to pick up their children home were amazed at the villa in front of them.

   Knowing that He Xinyan is the founder of Yan Xuqiao is one thing, but I didn't really feel until I saw the villa that He Xinyan should be really rich.

   This one, not to mention his young age, might have to be on an equal footing with them when they meet in a shopping mall, no, his status is even higher.

  Thinking about this, it seems that my children's behavior of running here without eating New Year's Eve can be understood.

   "Stinky boy, is the food at home that bad?" No matter what, being a parent still tastes like a little snack.

   Being a father, he deeply doubts whether his son likes others. After all, that student He Xinyan is excellent in every aspect, and he is also super beautiful.

  When the son didn't notice, he said excitedly: "Dad! Do you know who I saw? I saw Shi Junheng of Junheng Group!"

   "It's true or not, it's not what I saw on TV, right?" Father said with a smile while steering the wheel.

   "No, it's a real person! We are also having a New Year's Eve dinner together! This is the red envelope that Shi Junheng sent me!"

  The car stopped suddenly, and the man in the driver's seat couldn't believe it: "Sh Junheng will celebrate the New Year with you?"

  The boy simply opened the phone photo to the other party.

  Father fell into ecstasy delayed for a few seconds, "Son, you are better than your father!"

  The boy slandered in his heart: What I am, it is all because of my beauty!

  The old man who used to be quite critical at home now has no opinion at all.

   He even laughed so hard, that was Shi Junheng!

  The topic of showing off this Spring Festival is here, and you can blow it up when you go out to see relatives.

   The same situation was played out in several other families.


   Father Qiao hung up the video and sat on the sofa with a smirk: "Wife, I actually had a video call with Mr. Shi."

  Mother Qiao: "Yes, you have dipped in the light of Mr. Xiao, Xinyan and your daughter."

   said, glanced calmly at the other people sitting in the living room.

   These are the uncles and elders of the Qiao family, who came here on New Year's Eve, where is there anything good.

   I just heard that Qiaoyu Bridge was involved in the investment of Yan Xuqiao, and wanted to come and see if I could get a share of the pie.

Others actually want to help the Ling family to intercede, saying that the divorce is too sloppy, one woman does not marry two husbands, and now that Qiaoyu Bridge is developed, they should pull Lingchen and the Ling family together. The poor love the rich.

  Mother Qiao sneered in her heart, these old people did not stand up for Qiaoyu Bridge when the Ling family bullied the Qiao family.

   At this moment, they jumped out one by one, teaching people in the air of elders.

  The New Year's Eve came here to look for bad luck, just because they thought it was profitable. The precious grandsons of several of these people have not achieved anything so far. This is Yan Xuqiao's idea.

   "If your uncles are all right, the night is dark and windy, so please go back first." Mother Qiao simply ordered to evict the guests without a good face.

   Several uncles looked at each other and re-evaluated Qiaoyu Bridge's ability in their hearts.

   To be able to sit with Shi Junheng for a New Year's Eve dinner... Maybe the Qiao family can enter the circle of the top giants in the imperial capital.

   Then you can't offend people severely.

   At the moment, she couldn't care about Mother Qiao's cold face, and one by one said goodbye with a smiling face.

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