The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 375: Mom didn't get sick because of that phone call

   After reading it, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. It turned out that when they left these days, did so many things happen to each other?

   Gu Zhen is not surprised that Yan Xuqiao has a relationship with He Xinyan. After all, Shi Lin revealed that day that the birthday cake he ate was made by He Xinyan himself.

   To his surprise, He Xinyan was smarter and more capable than he thought.

   Gu Zhen couldn't help but have a smile on his always cold face.

   "Azhen, what are you looking at, so happy?" A gentle female voice sounded, and Luo Mingwei walked in wearing pajamas.

  Gu Zhen was a little surprised: "Mom, why are you getting up? Is there something wrong with you?"

   He instantly became nervous.

  Luo Mingwei shook his head, "I sleep too much during the day, but I can't sleep at night. I want to come and talk to you."

   It's so late, Luo Mingsheng and Wen Xiangjun are already asleep, and the servants have also gone to rest.

  Luo Mingwei looked at her son. She was struggling between confusion and sobriety these days, knowing that this child might be berating herself again.

   "A Zhen." She held Gu Zhen's hand and looked at him firmly, "Mom got sick, not because of that phone call, absolutely not."

   She has been trying to explain these days, but every time she gets emotional and gets sick, no one believes her at all.

  Luo Mingwei clenched the walnut microcarving in her palm, tried her best to control her emotions, and said as calmly as possible, "Really not, you have to believe me."

   She has too little time to be awake and too much time to be confused. She doesn't want to miss this opportunity to clarify.

   "Mom?" Noticing her clenched fists, Gu Zhen said quickly, "I believe you."

   Until Luo Mingwei was sent back to the room to sleep, Gu Zhen stood for a while before finding what the other party was secretly hiding from under Luo Mingwei's pillow.

   It was a small walnut carving, exactly as I remembered.

  Gu Zhen felt that his breathing almost stopped.

   He put the walnut micro-carving back in place, and when he got back to the room, he couldn't sleep anymore.

   Xu Jingyang probably fell asleep long ago. After thinking about it, he released Gu Zhengran from the blacklist.

【have you slept? 】

  Gu Zhengran originally planned to fall asleep, but when he heard the phone ring and saw that it was Gu Zhen's WeChat, he felt a long sigh of relief.

   After Luo Mingsheng and his party left the tea room that day, he found that he had been blocked by his son, and all his WeChat, phone, and all contact information had been blocked.

  Gu Zhengran knew that his stalking behavior had angered Luo Mingsheng, and the other party wanted to hide his whereabouts, of course, Gu Zhen was not allowed to contact him privately.

   But these few days, he kept his heart in his throat all the time. He didn't know where Luo Mingwei was and whether he was doing well. The uncontrollable discomfort almost drove him crazy.

  You have to work hard to restrain yourself from doing more extreme things.

  【Not yet, what’s the matter, you didn’t sleep so late? 】Gu Zhengran maintained a natural tone.

  【Is He Xinyan really the real one? 】Gu Zhen pursed his lower lip and typed this line.

   The appearance of the walnut miniature made him unable to calm down any longer. His mother had never been out these days, and the only possibility was the brief contact between the tea room and He Xinyan that day.

   It is very possible that this walnut micro-carving was given to his mother by He Xinyan.

  Gu Zheng smiled, stinky boy, he finally knew what to ask, he opened his voice and replied solemnly: "Yes."

   After hearing this, Gu Zhen felt as if a stone had fallen to the ground, and he was immediately filled with indescribable ecstasy.

   "What's going on? Why is there a problem with the paternity test result that day? How is Xinyan doing now? I saw someone on Weibo throwing dirty water on her. Did you send someone to protect her?"

  Gu Zhengran: "Don't worry, I can tell you slowly—by the way, put on your headphones first."

  This voice call has been chatting for a long time.

   At the end, Gu Zhengran said warmly, "Don't worry, Xinyan has always been secretly followed by my people, and I won't let anyone hurt her again."

   "But son, I don't know what's going on with you and your mother. There's no way to send someone to protect the two of you."

  Gu Zhen froze for a moment, then snorted coldly, "In the end, you just want to satisfy your perverted desire for control."

   Mingming promised his mother when he divorced that he would not see her without her consent.

  As a result, people have been placed beside them for more than ten years, and they have been quietly watching their every move.

   My mother doesn't know about it yet, if my mother knew, I'm afraid she'd collapse.

Gu Zhengran: "Son, it's my fault to send someone to follow you without your consent. But at that time you were so young and your mother was seriously ill. You are my most important relatives and lovers, how could I possibly Don't worry? Please also be considerate of my difficulty."

  Gu Zhen: "Are you sugar-coated cannonballs?"

   Gu Zhengran smiled bitterly: "You say yes, you always have to let me know if you and your mother are doing well."

  Gu Zhen hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "'s not good right now."

  Gu Zhengran's expression changed slightly: "Not good? What happened to her?"

   "It's nothing, I just fell ill recently and I've been receiving treatment." There was a slight noise from downstairs, and Gu Zhen came back to his senses suddenly, realizing that he had said too much.

  Luo Mingwei has been actively cooperating with the treatment these days. She drank the bitter medicine without blinking her eyes, and insisted on acupuncture until she was sweating from the pain.

   Although she has been awake for a short time, she has been working hard to heal herself.

  Gu Zhen understands what her mother means. She wants to get well soon and can stand in front of He Xinyan in the healthiest state, right?

   Even if she wants to compete with the Gu family for He Xinyan, she must become sober and strong to be sure.

   Complaining to Gu Zhengran will only expose your shortcomings to the other party.

  Gu Zhen: "It's too late, rest early."

   hung up the voice call.


  Not long after He Xinyan got up in the morning, she received the news that a large amount of salmonella was detected in the Tiffana processing plant.

   This time, it’s not just one store that has a problem, the store has a problem that can be blamed on the franchisee; the general processing plant has a problem, not to mention the offline stores, even the Tiffana series of chocolates have problems.

   Tiffana is going to have a complete thunderstorm this time.

  He Xinyan immersed herself in typing codes in the study after breakfast. The villa is big enough, so she set aside a large room for the computer room.

  This configuration is very strange, Uncle Tao even asked her if she wanted to open an Internet cafe at home.

  It is of course impossible to run an internet cafe, she has other uses.

   Even the computer, the huge host configuration, are the best in the world purchased.

   To be able to get these things, Secretary Chen also helped a lot.

   When the phone rang, He Xinyan just finished typing a line of code. She saw the caller information, and she had a hunch in her heart.

   "Sister Yuan, did someone go to Yanxuqiao to make trouble?" He Xinyan answered the phone.

   "Yes." Luo Yuan's voice was a little serious. "A lady Lin came and said she was your adoptive mother. She also brought some reporters, clamoring to see you."

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