Xi Yuyan cleared her throat, "I came to see you today because I wanted to ask you to help persuade Arin to return to the imperial capital with me."

"He stayed in Donglin City for too long, and the elders in the family are probably very dissatisfied. Of course, this is not the main reason. The main reason is that since Arin is determined to run his own business, he cannot cut off the connections in the imperial capital. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and relatives move around frequently, so some banquets are not suitable for Ah Rin to be absent."

   She knew that Shi Rin didn't like to attend those banquets, after all, he had serious cleanliness.

  But since you can get in touch with these high school students and have a good conversation, it shouldn’t be impossible to go to a business banquet, right?

   Of course, she will be fully prepared so that Shi Lin will not feel uncomfortable in the slightest.

  He Xinyan: "Just tell him yourself, don't use it to find me."

  Xi Yuyan: "...the two of them persuade together maybe he will consider it."

   Can she say that Shirin rejected her directly?

  Xi Yuyan looked at He Xinyan suspiciously: "You don't want to help, do you want him to stay with you?"

   Although she felt that Shi Lin could not be controlled by anyone, she was a little hesitant when she looked at He Xinyan's foul beautiful face.

  He Xinyan: "Why don't you answer first, what relationship do you have with him, you can actually ask him about his private affairs."

   is here, the key scene is here!

  Xi Yuyan had already prepared her speech, and the corners of her lips raised just the right arc, "I am his fiancee."

  Outside the door, Shi Rin raised his hand to knock on the door and stopped for a while.

   He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, when did he have a fiancée? How could he not know at all?

Inside the door, He Xinyan also raised her eyebrows, "Does the Fourth Young Master know?"


   "You said that you are the fiancée of the Fourth Young Master. Does the Fourth Young Master know that? Has he agreed?" He Xinyan asked seriously.

  Xi Yuyan: "...Anyway, we will get married in the future, it's just a matter of time."

   Strange, why is the other party's reaction so calm?

  He Xinyan sat back again, "Oh, come on then."

  Xu Jingyang saw the person in front of him lowered his eyes and meditated, and couldn't help but gloat over the misfortune, "Fourth Young Master, Xinyan blesses you and your fiancee."

   Shi Rin glanced at him, that look made Xu Jingyang feel a chill in his neck, and immediately closed his mouth.

   Omg, it's kind of scary.

  Shi Lin simply pushed the door and entered. The two people in the room had different expressions. Xi Yuyan was a little surprised, probably not expecting him to come in; He Xinyan drank the drink calmly, not surprised by his appearance.

   "I won't marry you, no matter when, Miss Xi, please be careful." Shi Lin's voice was slightly cold.

  Xi Yuyan was a little embarrassed, but since she was smashed, she had nothing to say.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. But I have liked you for many years, and I have made a lot of planning and preparations for the future of the two of us. If you want to get married, please consider me first." Looking at Shi Rin, looking forward to the other party's response.

  He Xinyan glanced at her, feeling a little subtle.

   Shi Rin's eyes became colder: "But I don't like you."

  Xi Yuyan was startled for a moment, even though she was used to the indifference of the other party, it was still a bit sad to be rejected like this.

   "May I ask, is it because of her? What is the relationship between the two of you?" Xi Yuyan clenched her fists.

   "We are not familiar enough to ask each other's private affairs." Shi Rin looked back at her, even the tears in the corners of her eyes were cold, "Miss Xi, you have crossed the line."

  Xi Yuyan was shocked and took a step back subconsciously, Shi Lin had already left with He Xinyan.


  He Xinyan followed Shi Lin out, and almost all the classmates outside were gone.

   On the contrary, the class group was very lively, and everyone was thanking each other... There was also the news that Salmonella was detected in one of Tiffana's offline stores.

   Switching to the private message sent by Lin Xuxu, the style of painting is a bit strange.

   "Are you alright? The woman just came was not good, no matter what she said, you have to remember that you are the one who will always be favored."

  Qiao Yuqiao also sent a text message: "Actually, it's your words... It's okay to fall in love."

  He Xinyan: "…"

The    system didn't know what kind of fluctuations it felt, so it woke up from the slumber state and couldn't help but let out a cry: [Look, everyone thinks you can fall in love. Shi Lin is really suitable, can you hold back your heart with a face like that? 】

  He Xin put away his mobile phone expressionlessly: "...I don't have that kind of worldly desire."

   Having said that, she was inexplicably irritable and could only turn her attention to other things.

   "Fourth Young Master, what do you think about Tiffana?"

   Shi Rin withdrew his gaze that had been staring at He Xinyan, and said lightly, "Seeking your own dead end."


  Lu Qilin also noticed the news on the Internet, and immediately sneered.

   When he left, he was still vaguely uneasy about his classmates standing on He Xinyan's side, and reflected on whether he had done something wrong.

   How about congratulating Xinyan? She had already secretly prepared to slander Tiffana and compete maliciously.

  In this case, there is no need for him to be polite.


   That night, Tiffana's official Weibo came out and issued an apology statement half an hour after the incident.

Said that because of the lax management of franchisees, individual franchisees took risks in order to obtain huge profits, deliberately concealed and underreported the daily damage to raw materials, imported a batch of cheap raw materials from other channels, made finished products and sold them to customers, resulting in diarrhea in customers. .

This incident exposed the problems and loopholes in Tiffany's management of franchisees. Tiffany was to blame and decided to urgently recall the products sold. Anyone with a shopping receipt within ten days can contact Tiffany. Vanna official customer service will refund the original price.

   In the future, we will strengthen the management of franchisees to prevent such incidents from happening again.

   This is not the end, the original founder of the He Group, which Tiffana belongs to, Mr. He, also solemnly recorded an apology video.

   When the white-haired Mr. He appeared in the camera, sincerely admitted his mistake and bowed deeply to the audience outside the camera, the public opinion reversed.

   [Although, the franchisee's problems can't be entirely blamed on Tiffana, right? 】

   [Old capitalists stop acting, why are you so sad? You are so sad that you sucked a lot of blood, right? 】

  【I don't accept the sloppy apology, the old thing will die soon! 】

  【The sunspot upstairs is too vicious, right? How old is Mr. He, do you still have conscience in cursing others like this? 】

   [I beg you, please go to Soso He's life. How much charity he has done over the years, he is really a veteran entrepreneur with conscience. 】

   [I also remember the news of Mr. He doing charity work, a particularly kind old man, since he has apologized, he shouldn't be so malicious, he is sincere enough. 】

   [Hehe, from yesterday to today, can the sailors who are on the hot search for Yan Xuqiao stop jumping. 】

  [I don't know anything else, but in the latest issue of "The Place Illuminated by the Moonlight", the treasured dessert shop recommended by the actress Li Yao is Tiffana. 】

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