The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 350: There is something I want to tell my classmates

   Chapter 350 There is something I want to tell my classmates

   He moved a little closer and said in a low voice, "If it's not convenient to talk about it, forget it, but if you have any difficult questions, be sure to tell me."

   He vaguely heard a little wind, as if Lin Xuxu's parents came to trouble He Xinyan.

   It is said that he came to seek guilt because of money... Some people speculate that He Xinyan defrauded Lin Xuxu of money, and was approached by the parents.

   Xu Jingyang was very speechless when he heard this statement, and by the way, he scolded the person who spread the rumors.

   Don't say that He Xinyan is not bad at all, even if she is short of money, it will not be Lin Xuxu's turn to pay the money. There are a lot of people in the class who are willing to pay and guarantee that no one will dare to say, such as him!

  Lin Xuxu: "What do you mean by difficult problems?"

  Xu Jingyang stared at He Xinyan: "If you want to cheat money, you must come to me!"

  Oops, he said he was bald, obviously he just thought it out!

  He Xinyan: "???Aren't you awake yet?"

   "No, no!" Xu Jingyang hurried to save, "I know you are rich, I mean if you want to cheat your feelings, you must find me!"

  He Xinyan: "…"

   It's getting more and more outrageous.

   "I'm not interested in your feelings or your money."

   Xu Jingyang was anxious: "You can be interested! Really, why not try it?"

  He Xinyan's head is full of black lines, is this guy completely letting himself go?

   "You checked a few papers last night, did you correct the wrong questions?"

  Xu Jingyang's scalp went numb, "Five papers have been swiped, and all the wrong questions have been corrected."

   I desperately want you to be my girlfriend, but you just want to be my head teacher. Miserable or he is miserable.

  He Xinyan turned her attention to Xu Jingyang's tablemate Xiao Siyan, who reported numbly, "Yan Shen, I checked, what Xu Shao said is true."

   They have to supervise and check each other's homework every day among their classmates, which has become a routine.

   All the melon eaters who witnessed this scene sighed silently, witnessed Xu Shaodi being rejected many times, and had to sigh that Xu Shao had a strong heart to resist.

   Just when everyone thought today was an ordinary day, Qiao Yuqiao suddenly got up and closed the classroom door.

  He Xinyan and Lin Xuxu got up in tacit understanding and walked to the podium one after the other.

  Everyone was a little puzzled. Usually, He Xinyan gave the topic above, so why did Lin Xuxu also follow along.

   When Qiaoyu Bridge also went up and stood beside He Xinyan, everyone's doubts reached their peak.

  He Xinyan said slowly: "There is something I want to tell my classmates. I hope you will restrain yourself and keep your voice down. At present, we don't really want to make too much noise. After all, we are still students."

   "Everyone can eat melons happily, but they must be restrained a little bit. The college entrance examination is the sword of Damoris hanging over our heads." Lin Xuxu said with a smile.

  Qiaoyu Bridge: "Little friends, can you hold Xu Shao down?"

   Xu Jingyang was stunned, what does this have to do with him? But he quickly reacted, "You guys have been keeping secrets from me, and you often have secret meetings in private! Wait a minute!"

   At this moment, his brain was spinning rapidly, and many details from the past were connected in series, including the doubts that he deliberately ignored in the dessert shop that day.

  He Xinyan, Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao didn't speak, they all turned their attention to him.

  Xu Jingyang felt a little dizzy: "Yan Xuqiao, does that mean He Xinyan, Lin Xuxu and Qiaoyu Bridge?"

  Lin Xuxu: "Bingo! Congratulations! You got it right!"

   Originally, Lu Qilin, who had been burying his head in his homework and ignoring the noise in the class, raised his head abruptly, his pupils slightly tightened behind the lens.

   Most of the students in the class thought that Xu Jingyang was too imaginative one second before, and the next second was hit by a huge force.

   There is no problem with their ears, is this really not an auditory hallucination?

   "Yan Shen, hurry up and clarify what's going on!" The impatient classmates couldn't wait to verify.

  He Xinyan: "It means that Yan Xuqiao is a dessert shop founded by me, Xu Xu and Qiaoqiao."

   All the students in the class gasped, God, this is actually true!

   "I said long ago that some of Yan Xuqiao's products really taste like the bakery's, but you also said that I think too much."

   "Isn't that afraid that others will gossip and say that the baking club touches porcelain? After a long time, it turned out to be the work of Yanshen and Qiaoqiao."

   "Didn't you pay attention to the main point? The main point is that my husband has succeeded in starting a business! God, am I going to upgrade to become the president's wife?" Xiao Si covered her face with a shy look.

  Xu Jingyang looked blankly at his daring deskmate, and once again had the idea of ​​destroying the other party... Forget it, he could bear it.

Everyone next to    rolled their eyes, then I want to say, you are wanting to eat shit.

   "I heard that Yan Xuqiao has a hidden cake, which is only available for Diamond Card members. Can I order a hidden cake for my next birthday?" A girl raised her hand.

   "I want it too! I heard that the hidden cake was made by the boss himself." A boy was not to be outdone.

   "I also think...but if it's inconvenient, then forget it." Another girl whispered.

   "It doesn't matter, the students in Class 1 of Senior Year 3 are all our hidden members of Yan Xuqiao, and they can all enjoy 20% discount, hidden funds and special gifts." He Xinyan announced with a smile.

  Qiaoyuqiao: "Actually, these discounts have always been open to students in the first class of senior three, just waiting for you to unlock the experience yourself."

   After she said this, Fu Yuhuan remembered it: "No wonder I went shopping last time, and when I paid for it, it felt like a discount, and I even gave a new matcha cake."

"When I went to buy, I ordered an ice cream, just took it in my hand and walked away. As a result, the clerk gave me a small bag of candy. I thought she took care of me because she looked at me handsome." A boy laughed joking.

"Me too! Every time I go to eat, there are always various gifts. I thought it was a promotion method by the store, but later I found out that it was not at all! My little sister from another school said that she had never received a gift and wondered if I was secretly bribing. The clerk didn't tell her."


  Xu Jingyang thought for a while, "Then I have to say, I have Yan Xuqiao's diamond membership card."

   As soon as he finished speaking, the classroom suddenly fell silent.

   Everyone turned their attention to him in unison.

  Xu Jingyang couldn't help laughing complacently: "How about you, don't you have any? Forget it, if you want to eat in the future, let me buy it."

  Master, he is very generous, even if he doesn't charge money, he is willing to help.

   Liu Jiayi kicked the table leg unhappily, "Are you **** annoying?"

  Others: "Xu Shao, do you know that you will be covered with sacks on the way from school?"

  He Xinyan saw that the time was almost up, "Okay everyone, take it, and when the final exam is over, I'll invite everyone to Yanxuqiao for dessert."

   The class burst into applause and cheers that were about to overturn the roof.

   (end of this chapter)

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