The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 346: Who instructed you to make trouble?

   Chapter 346 Who instructed you to make trouble?

   Father Lin then remembered that the Qiao family's parents had repeatedly announced that they would adopt He Xinyan, and their intention to maintain was obvious.

   He himself has always been unprofitable, and he thinks that others must be the same, so he will not believe that the Qiao family and his wife are trying to offend the He family and the Ling family, but they do nothing.

   Is there really something special about that He Xinyan?

  Mother Qiao: "He Xinyan dares to be so unscrupulous because...she is close to the government. If you look at the Ling family, a lot of problems have been found out."

Father Qiao: "He Xinyan can get close to the first grade in grades with perfect marks every time. Yongxing High School treats her as a treasure. Do you think she is just good at reading? She has a strong brain and an excellent IQ, which is required by the government. Object of protection!"

   "The reason why Yan Xuqiao was loved by the wealthy circles from the very beginning was not by marketing and capital, but by word of mouth and He Xinyan's unique technology to add formulas!"

   "She is so smart, she has invented a lot of patents, and has deep cooperation with the government."

  Father Qiao was excited, and couldn't help but start adding fuel to it, "The last time Donglin University of Technology was attacked by a foreign network caused a lot of uproar on the Internet. Do you know who solved it? He Xinyan!"

   Although these are not in the script, Lin Xuxu said that he can hint it vaguely when necessary.

   He felt that there was no need to hint, so he just said so, anyway, can Father Lin go to verify?

   Anyway, the matter of selling patents to the government is true, and the matter of uniquely adding fermentation enzymes is also true. He Xinyan is so excellent!

   The proud look on the Qiao family's faces finally convinced Lin's parents and Lin's mother.

   "Is she so powerful?" Father Lin couldn't come back to his senses. Lin Xuxu had good grades in reading since he was a child, and he always thought that was the case.

  Because his son is a scumbag, he was once disgusted with Lin Xuxu talking about her grades, which seemed like how capable she was.

   Then you can't be a man, you have a tough temper, and no matter how good you study, what's the use? It's not working for others.

   But He Xinyan is far beyond his understanding, cooperating with the government? God, he can't even think about it!

  Lin Zheyu thought for a while, and finally remembered why the name He Xinyan was so familiar.

   "The top students in our class also said that it would be nice if He Xinyan could be one-tenth smarter."

   Those top students are the heights that Lin Zheyu could never reach in her life, so how terrifying must He Xinyan be?

   "In short, He Xinyan's brain is the most valuable asset. She is an orphan girl. The He family doesn't know what to do with her. Others are not stupid, and they are eager to rush forward to cooperate."

   "Take the Four Young Masters as an example. He has to spend tens of billions of dollars to invest in various projects every year. It is better to invest directly in He Xinyan. She is so smart, what can she do to fail?"

   Finally, Father Qiao concluded.

  The three members of the Lin family were silent for a while. They were as ignorant as the He family. Not only did they not please He Xinyan, but they also offended her.

  Mother Qiao: "Tonight, the bodyguard of the Fourth Young Master suddenly notified us to come over, saying that someone wanted to pick the Fourth Young Master's peaches, and I don't know what happened. We are not all waiting here."

   Father Qiao gritted his teeth: "What kind of idiot is he! To dare to attack Yan Xuqiao's idea, he really ate the guts of a bear's heart and a leopard!"

   "If you let me know who that person is, I can't spare him!"

   "Yeah, I dare to pick Yan Xuqiao's peaches, it's really too long! So profitable business, when other people are not interested? Don't want to get involved, don't you dare!"

   "Fuck, I don't even have to eat the cake, and I will be dragged down by idiots!"

   The people who were still holding their own identities just now were filled with righteous indignation.

   Several of them are from the top wealthy circles in Donglin City, and they once wanted to curry favor with bigwigs who had no connections.

  The three Lin family simply ran away.

   When they got out the door, the cold wind blew outside the door, and the minds of the three who were lost by the huge wealth gradually returned.

   "Husband, let's not hit Yan Xuqiao's idea." The more Mother Lin thought about it, the more afraid it became. The Ling family was ruined by He Xinyan, not to mention the Lin family.

   She is greedy for money, but only if she has a life to get it.

   Father Lin pretended to be calm: "It's okay, their big guys shouldn't bother to care about our little guys."

   said that, he felt that his arms and shoulders were still aching, no, his legs were still a little weak.

   "Besides, don't we still have Xu Xu? Let Xu Xu help and talk, and it will be fine."


   "Mom and Dad, what are you talking about?" Lin Xuxu walked over from the other side of the garden.

She raised her head and glanced at the door of Lanxi's private kitchen, "Mom and Dad, didn't you say you wanted to take me to eat delicious food? But why don't you answer all the calls I made? Is it a lie for you to invite me to dinner? Actually, I want to take Lin Zheyu to eat alone."

   Lin's father immediately became furious: "How did you talk, Zheyu is your brother!"

   Lin Xuxu didn't speak, but Lin's father came to his senses. He still had to rely on this daughter, and regretted that he shouldn't have lost his temper just now.

   But who made Lin Xuxu's words so ugly?

  Mother Lin quickly smoothed things out: "Xu Xu is not like this, parents just want to take you to eat delicious food, I'm sorry that something was delayed just now, why don't our family find a place to eat now?"

   "No, I'll lose weight." After a pause, Lin Xuxu asked again, "Mom, didn't you say you brought me the nutritious soup you made? It just so happens that I can drink the soup, right?"

   Mother Lin was stunned for a moment, her face suddenly a little uncomfortable.

   She was just looking for a temporary excuse, of course there was no soup.

   "Xu Xu, what kind of soup do you want to drink, will my mother buy it for you?" Mother Lin quickly remedied.

  Lin Xuxu was not only disappointed, her parents wanted to take advantage of her, but they refused to even pretend.

   Thankfully, she couldn't help but jump for a bit when she received the call before, thinking that after all, she is a family, and there is no parent who doesn't love their children.

   Lin Xuxu's heart gradually became cold and hard: "It's okay if you don't, by the way, here is 600,000."

   She took out a bank card, "Fourth Young Master just asked someone to give it to me. Thanks to you, he has a lot of opinions on me and thinks that I am not suitable to participate in Yan Xuqiao's management."

   "Originally, I wanted to invest to make a lot of money, and I could help my parents buy a big villa in the future, but now it seems that I have no choice."

   Father Lin grabbed the bank card subconsciously, "Why did he give you so much?"

   "I only invested about 400,000 yuan in total, and I earned 200,000 yuan in half a year, which is already a high-yield investment." Lin Xuxu said.

   Mother Lin hesitated for a while, "Then Xu Xu, what will you do in the future, that..."

  Lin Xuxu did not answer this question, but instead asked: "I'll ask the last question, who instructed you to come and make trouble with Xinyan?"

   Mother Lin remained silent, she didn't want to offend anyone.

   Father Lin was impatient: "Why do you ask so much? In the end, I don't blame you. I don't tell the family about such important things, and turn my elbows out."

   (end of this chapter)

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