The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 336: Let's hide our relationship for now

   Chapter 336 Let's hide the relationship temporarily

  The atmosphere in the private room was completely different from what the system imagined.

  Gu Zhengran looked at He Xinyan and said softly, "I heard that you saved Mingwei last night? Thank you for your hard work... You are a thousand times better than I thought."

   He smiled lightly, the calm pressure that had been in the top position for a long time dissipated in an instant, and the whole person seemed kind and gentle.

   The look in He Xinyan's eyes finally showed some genuine love and doting.

  He Xinyan: "Mr. Gu, you also know the paternity test results. There are three results that show that I am not related to you by blood."

  Some things are better to say in advance, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

   "You still call me President Gu?" Gu Zhengran smiled helplessly, "Since the fourth report shows that we are father and son, you must be my daughter."

   He Xinyan was stunned, but he didn't expect his tone to be so determined.

  Gu Zhengran's face sank, and he clasped his hands and sneered, "Holding three false identification results to deceive me, I look so foolish?"

   He looked up at Shi Lin, "Mr. Xiao, do you still believe those three false identification results?"

   Shirin: "Of course I don't believe it."

   Even if the four appraisal results he got today showed no blood relationship, even if he was sure that his manpower would never be bought and that there were no flaws, he would not believe it.

   The whole thing is too paradoxical, rather like a conspiracy against He Xinyan.

  Shi Lin: "The five foreign appraisal results will come out later. If Mr. Gu is not busy, he might as well stay and wait for confirmation before leaving."

   They didn't wait too long. When school was over in the afternoon, the five appraisal results had already arrived.

   It was still in the same private room, but this time only He Xinyan, Shi Lin and Gu Zhengran participated.

   The five-point appraisal book is neatly placed on the long dining table.

   The identification results were clear and clear, confirming that Gu Zhengran was He Xinyan's biological father.

  Gu Zhengran looked at the results of the appraisal. Although he was not surprised, he could not help losing control of his emotions. He raised his hand to cover his eyes and was silent for a while, but suddenly laughed again.

   The insistence of his wife and son was right. He considered himself rational and sober, but he did not expect that he would be deceived for more than ten years.

   "Baby." Gu Zhengran put down his hand covering his eyes, looked at He Xinyan with a smile, the corners of his eyes were slightly moist, "Welcome back."

  Welcome back to me again, this time, I will never allow anyone to hurt you again.

   He raised his hand and wanted to rub the top of He Xinyan's hair, but he restrained himself from touching her.

From the very first contact, he could see that the child is stronger and independent than he imagined. She had a hard life in the past. Although she was raised in a wealthy family, she had suffered a lot and suffered a lot, and she still bears the burden to this day. There are many unwarranted black pots.

   She was able to rely on herself step by step to get to where she is today. Her tenacity is far better than ordinary people, and even he is ashamed.

   He is not a good father, he did not protect his wife and son, and he did not maintain the family well, so that when the child came back, he was faced with a divided and broken home.

  He Xinyan, who is strong and independent, is there any need to accept such a failed father.

  Gu Zhengran's guilt was like a tide that almost wiped him out.

   His throat rolled, and in the end, his voice was only slightly hoarse, and he said softly and firmly: "You can make any decision you want, including whether or not to recognize my father."

   If the child does not recognize it, he secretly looks at her and secretly finds someone to take care of her.

   After thinking about it, Gu Zhengran added, "But don't worry, you have the right to inherit all of my property. I will change my will as soon as possible... You can share hundreds of billions of property."

  The child has been missing for more than ten years. He has missed too much, and owed her too much. Of course, he has to make up for it.

   In any case, he has to put his attitude here.

  He Xinyan: "…"

   "I don't need your money." He Xinyan thought for a while, no matter what the purpose was, the other party's willingness to say this was a good intention after all, and she couldn't refuse too bluntly.

   "I'm not short of money, and I'm only a high school student now, so there's no need to say this. Besides, have you confirmed that I'm your daughter, no need to confirm again?"

   Isn't he afraid that he and Shi Rin will do something with him?

   Hundreds of billions of properties are given away when they say they are given away. The attitude of the other party is completely different from the old fox in people's legends.

   is like a dazed daughter slave, just wanting to do everything possible to please her daughter.

  He Xinyan dispelled her association and brought the topic back.

   She walked over and looked at the results of several paternity tests, then turned to ask Shi Rin, "Do you have any eyebrows?"

   Shirin shook his head, his people are completely fine, but on the agency side... who has the ability to infiltrate three agencies in such a short period of time?

   Not to mention that this paternity test was conducted in secret, and few people knew about it.

"Check it out!" Gu Zhengran sneered, he was never good-tempered, it was just because he was getting older, he didn't always care about fools like when he was young, so he pretended to be gentle and well-mannered, but he was still the thug in suits that Luo Mingwei called, Full of rage.

"No matter who it is, since he can do things right under your and my nose, I admit that he is very powerful, but this time the other party completely angered me. Even if he digs three feet into the ground, I will find him and let him He regrets messing with me."

  Shi Lin's eyes were as black as ink, and the bottom of his eyes was deep under the ice, and his anger was no less than Gu Zhengran's.

   "I will investigate repeatedly, this matter must not be left alone."

   It is foreseeable that in the future, the three institutions and the people who handle them will experience a major earthquake.

   Shi Lin fiddled with the beads lightly, and lowered his eyes to hide the anger in his eyes. He had some doubts, and some things were not man-made.

   But these are not good to say here, so as not to cause unnecessary worry and panic.

   He has been copying scriptures recently, and he needs to replace He Xinyan with the safety talisman as soon as possible, hoping to bless her with peace and prosperity.

  If the manpower is not enough, he hopes that half of his luck can be given to He Xinyan to avoid all risks for her.

  Shi Lin: "But it seems that there is no peace around Mr. Gu. Why did Xinyan get lost sixteen years ago, and who is the child who fell into the river and drowned, Mr. Gu needs to check carefully."

  Gu Zhengran: "Speaking of this, I have a suggestion."

   He turned his head to look at He Xinyan, "Baby, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I need to wrong you. Let's hide our relationship for a while and declare that it is not blood relationship. I'm afraid that the hidden dangers will not be eliminated, and someone will attack you."

  He Xinyan also has this intention. Since the three fake paternity tests were intentionally done by "people", it is better to use the plan and lead the snake out of the hole.

   "Okay, that's it." He Xinyan said that she also had her own thoughts and plans.

  Some things, she vaguely guessed the answer, but she still needs to verify it.

   (end of this chapter)

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