The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 329: I will take care of the treatment

   Under Shirin's arrangement, they soon arrived at the nearest hospital and were directly sent to the emergency room for rescue.

  He Xinyan knew that the wound on Luo Mingwei's hand was deep with bone, but because of her professional technique of pressing down on the acupuncture points, the blood was stopped, and the trauma would not be a big problem.

   The problem is that Luo Mingwei should have taken an overdose of strong drugs, which is likely to hurt the brain.

   After all, the hospital here is rudimentary and lacks professional equipment and talents, so there is no way to do brain examinations.

   The chief doctor in charge was very uneasy. He didn't know the identity of the patient he received today. Even the senior management of the hospital was alarmed and asked him to come up with a safe treatment plan as soon as possible.

   "The patient's condition is not optimistic. We can still sew up the trauma, but the brain injury and the strong medicine she took, we have not yet had a good treatment plan..."

  The hospital can only arrange for the patient to go to gastric lavage as soon as possible to achieve the purpose of removing the residual medicine, but it cannot detoxify.

   Besides, the patient has been taking medicine for a while, and has experienced violent fighting. I am afraid that the effect of the medicine has already penetrated into the limbs and bones with the flow of blood, and gastric lavage may not be useful.

   "I'll do it." He Xinyan stood up, "I'll be in charge of the treatment, I know what to do."

   The chief doctor was taken aback and reminded the young girl in a responsible attitude towards the patient.

   "I'm very sorry, I would like to ask do you have a doctor's license? It is against the law to practice medicine without a license."

   "She has." Shi Rin walked over and said calmly, "Let's start the treatment right away. By the way, where is the apron of the hospital? A group of equipment and brain specialists from the provincial hospital will come by helicopter later."

   The chief doctor breathed a sigh of relief, then he was relieved.

   Shi Lin waited for the other party to leave in a hurry before walking to He Xinyan, looking at her calmly, "Go do what you want to do, there will be no problem here."

   He knew that He Xinyan did not have a doctor's qualification certificate, but what did that matter? He believed that He Xinyan had a way to cure Luo Mingwei.

  Since Mrs. Lin has been able to practice medicine for a long time, He Xinyan has had more contact with the Lin family, and I am afraid she has also learned superb medical skills.

   Otherwise, when she first met, she could see at a glance that there was something wrong with the housekeeper Shi, and she cured the housekeeper Shi.

   Arranging precision medical equipment and experts to come here is not to worry about He Xinyan's medical skills, but just to make her have no worries.

  He Xinyan's eyes fell on his blood-stained clothes, a little worried about his cleanliness.

  Shi Rin took the initiative to say, "I've already sent someone to get the clothes, don't worry."

  Since he had everything arranged, He Xinyan didn't have any concerns and turned around and walked into the operating room.

  The helicopter came very quickly, and the relevant equipment and experts from the provincial hospital were sent to the operating room at the fastest speed.


   After ten o'clock in the evening, Luo Mingwei's situation finally stabilized.

  He Xinyan looked at the pale and emaciated woman who had fallen into the quilt, feeling a little gloomy.

   An expert from the provincial hospital came over, "The patient's condition has stabilized, this..."

   He paused, a little respected, "This lady is very skilled in medicine, and the antidote prescribed is very effective. No gastric lavage is arranged, which also relieves the patient's pain."…

   When he first came in and saw the patient's condition, he thought it was a tricky job, but in the end he didn't do anything, but simply performed trauma surgery and sutures.

   What is the origin of this young girl?

   He was terribly curious, because he was too shy, even if he felt a little out of place, he couldn't help but send out an invitation.

   "I see that you are not only proficient in traditional Chinese medicine, but also understand a little bit of Western medicine theory. How about you, or you should just study medicine, modern medicine needs a talent like you who can integrate Chinese and Western medicine!"

The    expert was very enthusiastic about the invitation, and the more he talked, the more excited he became. "You have such good conditions, and there is a high probability that you will be admitted to the Medical University of G province! When the time comes, you can transfer to my name, and you can also read a bachelor's, master's and doctorate!"

   Shen Jinzhou looked at Shi Rin, and Shi Rin looked down at He Xinyan.

  The expert knew that the fourth young master was in charge, and dared to persuade, "Really, her conditions are too superior, she will definitely achieve success if she studies well! Do you have any concerns?"

   Shirin: "I have no worries."

   The expert was overjoyed and heard Shi Rin say slowly, "But her goal is to go to Imperial College, and her teacher also suggested that she apply for the Department of Physics or Mathematics at Imperial University, so I'm very sorry."

The    expert was stunned for a moment, and wanted to say that this goal is not very easy to achieve, and it is better to be the head of the chicken than the tail of the phoenix.

   When his eyes fell on He Xinyan's school uniform, a thought suddenly appeared, he asked, "Can I take the liberty to ask, what is your grade rank?"

   Xu Jingyang glanced at He Xinyan and said with a smile, "She is the number one in the third year of high school."

  Expert: "Oh, that's it. I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do. Let's go first, bye."

   said he turned around and left, it was so embarrassing just now.

   Their academic leaders once talked about Yongxing High School, the most famous aristocratic school in Donglin City, saying that that school is famous for super perverted talented girls, not to mention super IQ, and there is no shortcoming at all!

There are still a few months before the college entrance examination. Almost the top ten famous universities in China have all handed out olive branches to her, inviting her to participate in the independent admissions exams of major schools in the spring, and they have also offered all kinds of attractive conditions. It’s a pity All were rejected, and it is said that the parties insisted on taking the college entrance examination.

   He thought it was a bit too exaggerated at the time. He was a professor at the Medical University of G Province, and there were not many bright students. When he was studying by himself, he was a veritable top student.

   It can be seen that after realizing He Xinyan, he suddenly realized that something like talent is really domineering and completely unreasonable.


  Xu Jingyang couldn't help laughing, as if he saw himself who was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

   He knew that He Xinyan's homemade whitening sunscreen was easy to use, and thought it was a formula passed down from the Lin family.

   can directly start to treat diseases, and even let the provincial hospital experts take a fancy to directly want to accept apprentices, which proves that her medical skills are really super powerful.

   As expected of someone you like! It's always a surprise!

  Xu Jingyang felt honored, he didn't feel tired after running around all night, on the contrary, he was very excited.

   He and He Xinyan not only saved Aunt Luo, but also He Xinyan's mother most likely, which is great!

   Aunt Luo likes him very much, and cousin Zhen also admires him very much. Does this mean that his chances of winning are better?

  Xu Jingyang couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

  He Xinyan didn't take the episode just now to heart, but there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor outside the ward.

   "Sister! Sister! Doctor, how is my elder sister?"

  The man's voice was full of anxiety, and the volume was raised a little involuntarily.

  He Xinyan and Shi Rin glanced at each other and hurried out.

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