The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 327: Who lives in that building next door?

   Chapter 327 Who lives in that building next door?

  Old Mrs. Lin had just walked across the yard and walked back to the eaves, but she didn't expect the car that left to turn back.

   Lin Tianyang and Lin Tianxiang, who were thrown into the yard by Xiao Wu, shivered a bit, what did this magic star come back for?

   They were completely frightened, and hurriedly pushed away the servant who wiped the rain for them, and stood tremblingly in the corridor.

   Mrs. Liu, who was just about to slip away, also stood nervously against the corridor, not daring to say a word.

   Shirin stepped on the rain in the yard and strode over.

   Mrs. Lin's eyes flickered, "Fourth Young Master, do you have anything else to do..."

  Shi Rin straight to the point: "Who lives in that building next door? Why are there women crying?"

  Old Mrs. Lin interrupted for a while, but he didn't expect him to like to meddle so much.

"There lives a couple and their elder sister. That elder sister has some mental problems. She is here to recuperate." Mrs. Lin replied cautiously, "That elder sister often cries like this, and sometimes even hurts the medical staff. I dare not approach."

   She is an old lady, and she really shouldn't touch a crazy woman who can hurt people at any time.

   Shirin nodded and seemed to agree with her statement.

   "If that's the case, why did the building next door open a small door on Lin's side?" he asked suddenly.

  The old lady Lin was shocked.

  Shi Rin smiled lightly and continued, "The old lady seems to want me to leave quickly?"

   From sending him out before, to deliberately keeping him for dinner, and repeatedly trying to get him to leave quickly.

  Since the other party was so eager, he had to think more about whether there was some secret hidden in that building that he could not discover.

   Shirin turned around and walked towards the small door hidden at the end of the corridor.

  Lin Tianxiang was anxious, "There really is a crazy woman living in there! That...I don't want you to go past and I don't want to bump into you."

   Being swept over by Xiao Wu, he recalled the crime he had just suffered, and shivered for a while, his tone changed, and he became flattered.

   Shirin kept walking, and had already reached the door.

  Old Mrs. Lin's eyes turned a lot older, she considered this young man underestimated!

"Fourth Young Master, what he said is true!" Mrs. Lin took a few steps forward, "The patient's mood is extremely unstable, especially since she can't see outsiders. If you want to know the situation, why not wait for her family to come back and communicate? "


  The fat woman put Luo Mingwei on the bed, turned off the light and prepared to continue to watch short videos.

   As soon as she walked into the corridor, she suddenly heard a loud bang in the room, she rushed in to take a look, and was immediately angry.

   This lunatic, she actually smashed the bedside lamp!

  Luo Mingwei struggled from the chaos, clenched the glass in her hand tightly, and forced herself to wake up with the pain.

   She took a breath and looked a little out of focus at the fat woman who ran in, "The phone... give me back..."

   The fat woman sneered and took out the phone from her pocket and smashed it on the ground!

   "Do you want a mobile phone? Damn it, it will cause me trouble, I will let you look at the mobile phone!"

  The screen of the mobile phone shattered, and the fat woman was still not relieved, and stepped forward a few times harder.

  Luo Mingwei's breathing was almost stagnant at that moment, she felt that her headache was about to explode, and the blood all over her body was flowing backwards.

   She looked up at the fat woman, and the blood on her hand suddenly flowed down like rain, the pain in her palm was nothing compared to the pain in her heart.

   "Ah!!" Luo Mingwei screamed in a shrill voice and rushed towards the fat woman frantically.


   Outside the thick courtyard wall, Shi Rin raised his head sharply, his eyes were like a drawn sword, and he looked at the corner of the building.

   Shen Jinzhou also heard it this time. The woman's cry was miserable and desperate. In such a rainy night, it made people feel a little worried.

  Lin Tianxiang hurriedly said: "It's said that he's a lunatic. Maybe he's doing damage in the house again. There's really no need to look for trouble."

   Even when he heard this cry, he felt a little guilty and wanted to stay away.

   But that woman is really beautiful, even if she has been crazy for so many years without losing her face, Lin Tianxiang has long been a little distracted.

   He sent his wife to take care of each other, just thinking about being able to get close to the water tower...

   But that madman is so mad that his enthusiasm will be extinguished.

   This time he was sincerely admonishing him, and he felt that there was no need to see a lunatic. After all, Shi Lin's status is noble, so who is responsible for being bumped into?

   Tokirin: "Remove the door."

  Lin Tianxiang was stunned for a moment, did he want them to open the door?

   "Fourth Young Master, this door is closed from the inside, we can't open it here..."

   Before he finished speaking, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

  Xiao Wu stepped forward and removed the wooden door cleanly.

   Mrs. Lin: "…"


   "Mad, you lunatic!" The fat woman really didn't expect that a thin, mad woman could have such explosive power.

   She was caught off guard and suffered a loss, a cut on her face and blood on her hand.

  The fat woman is going to go crazy, she just spent a lot of money to make a face not long ago!

   Taking advantage of her body shape, she pressed Luo Mingwei under her body, raised her hand and slapped her, "Bitch! You dare to break my face, you are doomed!"

   She has long been jealous of this face, why is a lunatic born so beautiful?

   "I'm going to smash your face today!" The fat woman said as she did, carrying Luo Mingwei's hair, walked to the broken bedside lamp, and closed the glass.

   "That's not good," said the nurse who had just helped her restrain Luo Mingwei.

  It's okay to do a little trick usually, but if you really want to hurt someone, I'm afraid Luo Mingsheng and the old lady won't be able to explain it.

  The fat woman was a little impatient: "She's a lunatic, and you're still worried that she won't be able to file a lawsuit? Besides, it's not all her madness that made the house like this. It's none of our business, we're the victims, okay?"


   "Don't talk nonsense if you're a wage earner, be careful I'll fire you!" The fat woman sneered and pushed Luo Mingwei up the broken glass.

  The door was kicked open at this moment.

   Shi Rin's heart was wrapped in icy anger, he hadn't been so angry for a stranger in a long time.

   Listening to the meaning of this fat woman, because others are sick and not sober, she can torture and humiliate them recklessly, and then set herself up as a victim?

   What a big face!

   He kicked the fat woman away, and Xiao Wu quickly stepped forward and hugged the woman.

   The woman drooped her eyelashes slightly, as if she had passed out of a coma, and leaned against his arms lifelessly.

  Xiao Wu was startled for a moment, and then his face changed, "Master! It's not good, her hand is still bleeding, and she is still holding a piece of glass!"

   The blood dripped on the ground and instantly became a small puddle.

  Xiao Wu tried his best, but couldn't take the glass out of the woman's hand.

  Shi Lin leaned over and leaned over, and heard a woman's murmuring, "Phone...Zhenzhen..."

   (end of this chapter)

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