The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 324: Aunt Luo, good evening

   Chapter 324 Aunt Luo, good evening

  Shen Jinzhou smiled and admired the pain of the group of people who couldn't breathe, and felt that the idea of ​​the Fourth Young Master was really good.

  Since he has the courage to plot against He Xinyan, he must bear the corresponding consequences.

   If they let it go so lightly, this group of people may not feel any pain or itching, but if they make their purses bleed, it will be another matter.

   is to make this group of people feel pain and fear, so that they can have a good memory.

   Shi Rin glanced at his phone, he hurried over before, and didn't notice that He Xinyan sent WeChat.

   He stood up with one hand on the handrail, and glanced at Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Liu, "Okay, since you two are willing to contribute to charity, then I will wait for your good news."

  It was a very cold day, and Mrs. Liu was stunned with sweat on her back. Seeing that the other party was finally leaving, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   She didn't dare to stay at Lin's house for dinner anymore, but she didn't dare to leave immediately, so she could only stand under the eaves and wait for Shi Rin to leave first.

   Old Mrs. Lin's expression darkened, and she raised her head to look at another building standing in the rain curtain and separated from the Lin family by a wall.

   With just one glance, she quickly retracted her gaze and went to see Shirin in person.


  This winter rain started in the afternoon, and it never stopped.

   The rain splashed on his hands, making it extremely cold.

   Shen Jinzhou followed Shi Rin and strode towards the car.

  The Lin family is still an old house, there is no way to park in the yard, and their car is still parked at the gate.

  The rainwater washed away wanton, and the Lin family's old house was inhabited all year round, and there were signs of dilapidation everywhere. Even if it was specially cleaned up, it could not be said that the conditions were very good.

   Shen Jinzhou glanced at random and noticed the outline of a building behind the thick courtyard wall of the Lin family.

   That should be the self-built house of the local family. The western-style building looks much more refined than the old house of the Lin family.

  Shen Jinzhou took a quick glance and then withdrew his gaze. He didn't pay much attention to it, he just wanted to get in the car and leave.

   Shi Rin suddenly stopped, raised his head from under the umbrella, and looked at the building.

  Old Mrs. Lin saw him stop, her eyelids twitched, and she stepped up to Shi Lin's side, "Fourth Young Master, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, why don't you stay and have a quick meal?"

  Xiao Wu held an umbrella for Shi Rin, and when she heard this, she gave her a cold look, and Mrs. Lin shut up and didn't speak.

  How could the Lin family have the qualifications to let the Fourth Young Master condescend to stay for dinner? Shen Jinzhou felt that even if the old lady wanted to make friends, she was very able to bend and stretch.

   After all, not everyone has this kind of temperament, and they can still think of taking the initiative to invite Shirin to stay for dinner.

   "You don't need to eat." Shen Jinzhou refused with a smile, and couldn't help but glance at Mrs. Lin more.

  The driver drove the car over, and several people got into the car directly.


  Luo Mingwei woke up from the darkness and couldn't tell where she was for a while.

   She groped and got up, and glanced at the woman sitting at the door reading short videos.

  The woman should be watching a short video like a relative search, and muttering disdainfully while watching.

   "Why are you crying, you can't watch your own children, who's to blame?"

  Luo Mingwei stood in the door, then walked back to the bed gently and sat down.

  The dream dissipates, but the pain will not be relieved by half.

   Those similar accusations seemed to turn into blades, cutting her heart into pieces.

   "How can you be a mother, you can even lose your own daughter, and your heart is really big enough."

   "How can there be such a woman, who is only busy with work every day, and doesn't care about the child. Now it's okay, the daughter is lost, I think this is retribution!"

   "Maybe she lost her daughter on purpose. I heard that she was determined not to have a second child before. Which woman doesn't have a child? She is very precious."

   "I don't know why Gu Zhengran married her. I don't care about my family. I spend all night in the laboratory every day and hang out with so many men. It's not ashamed!"

   "Gu's family is so rich, and she doesn't miss the little money she earns from work!"


   "How do you deserve to be a mother? Your daughter is dead, why are you still alive?"

   "You are such a crazy, incompetent and cowardly woman, how can you live in the world and drag your son down?"

   "Do you want to kill your daughter and continue to harm your son's life? Do you want him to never have a normal family and go crazy like you?"

   A voice said so deep in my memory, the maliciousness hidden in it made Luo Mingwei tremble with ice cold.

   She wanted to roar loudly, to refute loudly, her Zhenzhen was not dead, and she was not crazy.

   But that voice was like a maggot attached to the bones, and it kept ringing in her mind. Luo Mingwei knew that something was wrong. She bit her lip and tried to restrain herself. She couldn't be fooled or argue with that voice.

   The phone under the pillow ding-dong, Luo Mingwei grabbed the phone suddenly and opened it tremblingly.

   She wanted to find someone to talk to, so that she could avoid the ubiquitous voice.

The mobile phone was bought for her by Yu Han after she returned to China. In the past many years, she has been out of touch with the whole world and will not use those new social software. The young man taught her a lot patiently and gently, and said that she would just do anything in the future. You can call him.

  Luo Mingwei opened WeChat in a panic and dialed the video.


   After saying goodbye to He Xinyan and the others, Xu Jingyang opened the door of his car and saw the video called by Luo Mingwei, which was a little surprised.

   He felt too presumptuous to ask for a photo before, and thought that Aunt Luo would probably ignore him, but he didn't expect that the other party would send a video.

  Xu Jingyang connected to WeChat, smiled and shouted, "Aunt Luo."

   In the video, the screen rotated a few times, the light was so dim that no one could see clearly, but the sound came over.


   Xu Jingyang got into the car: "Yes, it's me, Aunt Luo, good evening, why is it so dark over there? By the way, I just came out of Yanxu Bridge."

  Luo Mingwei's mind was chaotic, but she was very sensitive to the name Yan Xuqiao, "Ah, that's A Zhen's favorite dessert shop."

  Xu Jingyang was stunned for a moment. He felt that Aunt Luo's tone of voice was not right, "Aunt Luo, are you alone, is there anyone around you? Where are you, isn't the light on in the room?"

  Luo Mingwei glanced at the indoor situation, she didn't know where she was.

   As in the past many years, after each illness, she would always wake up and be placed in a room, where she was completely out of her decision and control.

   "Where am I? By the way, I should still be in Donglin City."

   The driver of the Xu family had already started the engine and was about to drive away.

   However, the next second he saw the person in front of the car and was startled, "Miss Xinyan?"

  He Xinyan came over with an umbrella, raised her hand and knocked on the window, and asked, "What happened?"

   She couldn't help but care about Gu Zhen's mother. Seeing Xu Jingyang playing the video, she subconsciously looked at it a few more times and felt an unusual breath.

  Xu Jingyang opened the car door to let her in, "My aunt Luo, the aunt who I said looks a bit like yours, seems to have a problem with her."

  He Xinyan just put her head close, when there was a short and unbelievable cry on the other side of the screen, in the darkness.

   (end of this chapter)

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