The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 297: No one can force you to make any decisions

  Gu Zhen's face changed slightly, yes, if my sister hadn't died, why did they let them find that family?

   It just so happened that the person died and was cremated. Her relics and clothes with biological traces were left at home, just enough for them to do a paternity test.

   If all this is not a coincidence, but a man-made evidence, it makes perfect sense.

  The father and son looked at each other and didn't say a word, but they understood the meaning in each other's eyes tacitly.

  If He Xinyan is really Zhen Zhen, then it is almost certain that someone is trying to hide her whereabouts and eliminate the traces of her existence.

   They didn't know if it was one person, or a group of people, people around them, or if there were bad people lurking around He Xinyan.

   In short, this matter can't be stunned for the time being. The safest way is to do a paternity test in private first.

   Of course, there is another possibility, that is, it is really just a coincidence, He Xinyan is not a new one, and the deceased will not come back.

   However, this may be too heavy and sorrowful, and the father and son, who finally ignited hope in their hearts, refused to believe that possibility.

  Gu Zhengran sighed softly: "Ah Zhen, maybe I'm really old."

   He anticipates all kinds of consequences before doing things, but he has never thrown his reason to one side so impulsively and put all his expectations on the other side.

   Gu Zhen snorted coldly, "What is old? Look at your appearance, you are so well maintained, I heard that it is very popular in the circle of celebrities."

  Gu Zhengran: "Huh? You're actually making fun of your father? Don't talk nonsense, brat, it's nothing."

   He put his hands in his pockets, and his facial features were still handsome. Although there were fine wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and white hair on his temples, he added a mature and charming temperament.

  Gu Zhengran said with a smile, "I have only loved your mother Luo Mingwei in my life. It has always been her, always her, and no one else."

   he said seriously.

   This matter must clarify his position. After more than ten years of separation, it is inevitable that there will be estrangement and suspicion. He cannot let his son have any bad guesses.

  Gu Zhen was silent for a while, then nodded and left, "Didn't you say you have to leave quickly? Why don't you lead the way quickly!"

  Gu Zhengran put his hands in his pockets and followed him with a smile, but he let out a slow sigh of relief.

   Although the son didn't say anything, it seems that Mingwei's condition should be fairly stable.

   I just don't know if she still wants to see him, will she avoid him like every time before?

   Thinking of this, Gu Zhengran couldn't help clenching his fists, and then he slowly relaxed again.

   I hope that Doctor Lin really has a way to heal Mingwei.

  I also hope that He Xinyan is Zhen Zhen.


  He Xinyan retracted her gaze and walked to the car parked next to her.

   Shirin opened the car door for her, then said, "Brother, go and sit in front."

   Shi Zhao, who was arranged clearly: "...Oh."

   The driver lowered his head and didn't dare to speak at all. He could understand that his boss was a deep brother.

   The chairman and CEO of the dignified Junheng Group, who often trains a group of senior executives in the company to the point of being a tyrant, but is tame like a cat in the face of his younger brother.

  The food chain of Shi's family is really clear and clear, Shi Rin is at the top, Shi Showa is always in the middle, others are on the bottom, lower, floor, basement and so on.

   When he got into the car, Shi Zhao, who was in the co-pilot, turned his head, eagerly trying to talk to his brother.

   "Arin, what do you want to eat? I'll ask the restaurant to make it ahead of time, so we can eat it right away when we arrive."

   Shirin: "No need."

   While talking, he pressed the lift plate, completely isolating the space between the rear seat and the front seat.

   Shi Zhao: "..."

   The younger brother is still as shy as always, it doesn't matter, he knows the taste of the younger brother, he just order all the dishes that the other party likes. Among the more than 20 dishes, there are always times that Rin wants to eat today.


  The back seat formed a closed private space, He Xinyan blinked.

  Shi Rin was the first to apologize: "I'm sorry, I know it's rude, but I have something to say to you, so I can only do this first."

  He Xinyan: "I probably know what you want to say."

  Shi Lin: "It is very one-sided to understand a person from the investigation report. I can see that Gu Zhengran is not a bad person, at least there is no moral flaw."

  He Xinyan: "Why do you say this?"

   Shirin looked at her with dark eyes, "I'm afraid you're worried, scared, or panicked."

  Although she has been acting calm and rational beyond her age, how could she really be indifferent?

   has been lost for more than ten years, and he has been tortured by his adoptive parents, but his biological parents have never been able to find him.

   Seeing that there is a glimmer of hope, Gu Zhengran's family situation is very sad.

  The child was lost, the couple divorced directly, the wife went abroad with her son, and had not been in contact for more than ten years; while the husband was in front of his group boss in China and became a rich and famous.

   Although He Xinyan didn't say anything, it was obvious that she had high moral requirements and couldn't rub sand in her eyes.

  If she could tolerate flawed family affection, why didn't she turn to Grandpa He and accept the sloppy He Yuye?

   She is too independent, she never thought of relying on anyone financially, and emotionally she has always been rational and restrained to the point of being indifferent.

   But it doesn't mean that she doesn't need family affection and family, but she has a high emotional appeal. If family affection and family trouble her, it is better not to.

   If Gu Zhengran really abandoned his wife and children, then she would never recognize this father.

   Shi Rin's eyes were calm, and his voice was calm with powerful comforting power: "Tonight, you can treat this meal normally, it doesn't matter, just treat it as Gu Zhengran's apology."

   His eyes were gentle and restrained, "No one can force you to make any decisions, you are just yourself."

  If someone forces He Xinyan to do something she doesn't want to do, she will be the first to refuse.

   For a long time, Shirin has been living as he pleases, and even developed a mentality of burnout with the world.

  People are struggling in the mortal world. Most of them are greedy and stupid. They are always insatiable with desires, and their emotions and desires are beyond recognition.

   He can see the inner desires of many people, as well as the fortunes of many people, as if looking at the gods and Buddhas in the world with cold eyes.

   However, he also hates those desires. The more he sees it, the more he hates it... Buddhist scriptures can't make him truly calm, it just forces him to be a "god" with no desires and no desires.

  It wasn't until he met He Xinyan that he realized that he didn't want to be a "god", he also wanted to be an ordinary person.

  The mood is probably different, and now he feels alive every day, and everything is amiable and lovely.

   The cutest is of course He Xinyan. He hopes that she will always be free to be herself and not be bound by anyone.

   Not even Gu Zhengran.

   He will help her control the foreseeable risks, so it doesn't matter if you go forward boldly.

   Of course, if family affection makes her distressed, he doesn't mind cutting it off for her.

   A mere Gu family, he can still withstand it.

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