The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 294: So similar, so similar!

   "What else can you do if you don't agree?" Su Zhelong pouted indifferently, "Why don't we get beaten together."

  Damn, what is the origin of this Gu Zhen, and why are there so many helpers?

  Su Zhelong: "Everyone likes to act like this in TV dramas. After playing the younger ones, the older ones come over. We just cleaned up the older ones together. Let me see what other tricks you have."

   He took a step and put his foot on the car, not forgetting his purpose today, "If Gu Zhen doesn't kneel down and kowtow to me today and admit his mistake, don't even think about leaving!"

  Gu Zhengran kept walking and walked in the direction of Su Zhelong.

  Gu Zhen stopped when he saw Gu Zhengran appear, and kept on guard with the gangster who was chasing after him.

   Seeing that Gu Zhengran actually walked in the direction of Su Zhelong, he frowned and couldn't help but say, "...This matter has nothing to do with you, go away quickly."

  Gu Zhengran had a genial smile on his face all the time. He had the graceful demeanor of an older man, his temples were dyed with white hair, and he looked kind and harmless.

   Shi Zhao frowned: "No, Mr. Gu will suffer in this way."

   The other party was his elder after all. Although the two were equals, he always respected Gu Zhengran's predecessor in his heart.

  He Xinyan: "He won't suffer."

   Shi Lin paused, "His goal is to take down Su Zhelong."

  Shi Zhao: "A-Rin, Xinyan, protect yourselves."

   He couldn't stay out of the matter, he wanted to show the appearance of a big brother, and he had already decided that he had to do it today.

  I didn't expect that he hadn't had time to rush over, and the corner of his eye caught two figures, Shi Lin and He Xinyan actually ran in front of him again?

   The key is that the two of them can move quickly, and they each pounce on a gangster. In the blink of an eye, they each brought down a gangster and continued to move forward.

  Shi Zhao stood there stiffly, blinking slightly, suspecting that what he saw was an illusion.

   His younger brother, who is like a fairy, is actually fighting with people? !

  Shi Zhao felt that the three views were severely impacted, and a gangster man was brought down within seconds in front of him. Is it his weak brother who couldn't take care of himself? !

   But then again, as expected of his immortal younger brother, even the fighting moves are so pleasing to the eye.


  Gu Zhengran heard the sound of fighting and exclamations behind him, and only glanced back slightly, and when the corner of his eye swept Shi Zhao, he felt relieved.

   Without further ado, he took advantage of Su Zhelong and the people around him widening their eyes in horror, flew forward, and grabbed Su Zhelong.

   "Stop for me, or I'll be rude to him."

  Su Zhelong's face turned black, damn, he was controlled by others again!

   His heart was full of old blood, and he didn't want to admit defeat. He didn't expect that this person looked elegant and weak, and his strength was not small.

   The key is that he is a generation younger than the other party, and he still can't break free after struggling for a long time.

   "Don't worry about me, beat Gu Zhen for me, so that his parents don't even know each other!" Su Zhelong roared.

   He said that if he wanted to vent his anger for the goddess, he would never make Gu Zhen feel better today.

   As for himself, he’s already out of luck anyway, how bad can it be? This dead old man never dared to really hit him.

   He looks like a businessman. I don’t know if he is a senior wage earner or a small workshop owner. How can he be compared with their Su family.

   As long as he reports the name of the Su family, he will keep the other party so scared that he will not want his own son.

   "I advise you to let me go. I'm the second young master of the Su family, Su Qi'an's brother, Su Zheng's son! You have offended me, be careful not to go on!"

  Gu Zhengran asked with a good temper: "Oh, then what's the benefit of letting you go?"

  Su Zhelong: "Can I introduce you to a job, or introduce you to a business? I advise you to accept it as soon as you see it. It was because your **** son didn't talk about the door and offended the Su family."

  Gu Zhengran: "Then should I thank Su Ershao for giving me a meal?"

  Su Zhelong: "It's good if you know, don't let me go, you are a lot older, do you still have the physical strength to fight against me?"

  Gu Zhengran chuckled, "Guess if I have any physical strength?"

   When he mentioned Su Zhelong, he slapped him unexpectedly, "How is it, do you feel my physical strength?"

  Su Zhelong was completely blinded, "Why do you still beat people?"

  Gu Zhengran: "Didn't you say that you beat the young and the old? You bullied my son, I am not happy, understand?"

  Su Zhelong was furious, and he was very good.

   "Hurry up and pull this old thing away from me, **** it, I can't spare you! You father and son are going to be unlucky!"

   "Who do you say is going to be unlucky?" Gu Zhen's gloomy voice sounded in his ears.

  Su Zhelong looked up, only to realize that the situation was not good, very bad, and all the people he brought were actually laid down on the ground.

   He rolled his eyes and hurriedly shouted, "If you dare to do something to me, you will never want to see my grandma's black pearl!"

  Gu Zhengran was a little surprised: "What black pearl?"

   "It's nothing." Gu Zhen replied with a cold face, he didn't want to say it, lest the other party questioned that he was delusional.

  He Xinyan was originally standing at the outermost part of the crowd, she couldn't help frowning when she heard this.

   Shi Rin chuckled, "You gave me a new idea to let Mrs. Su take that black pearl to redeem her precious grandson."

  Su Zhelong's not-so-smart head finally got a light once, "You are extortion, you are breaking the law, and you are going to jail."

  He Xinyan: "You still know that you will be imprisoned, but the person who is looking for the black pearl is me. I don't want to look for it now."

   Originally, she didn't feel that she had to have a family, and it all depends on fate.

  Since you are destined to have a weak relationship, why bother yourself.

   As soon as she opened her mouth, Gu Zhen turned his eyes to her face, not understanding why she had the same purpose as his own.

   Maybe because she likes black pearls and wants to use them as collectibles?

   There are not many little girls who like black pearls, but then again, he always feels that this little girl's eyebrows and eyes are vaguely familiar...

   "You, who are you?" Gu Zhengran stared at He Xinyan's face, and couldn't help but ask in a gaffe.

   Too similar, too similar!

   If he hadn't seen the photos of his wife's biological mother when he was young, he wouldn't have believed that there were such similar people in the world.

  Gu Zhengran pushed Su Zhelong away who was in the way, stepped forward and looked at He Xinyan eagerly, "Son, what's your name and how old are you this year?"

   In my heart, there seemed to be a small, weak flame, but it quickly ignited like a spark of fire, and it burned more and more vigorously.

  Gu Zhengran never believed in miracles. He was a pragmatic person who only believed in the reality that he could grasp with his own hands.

   But at this moment, like those who cannot control their own destiny, he couldn't help praying to the gods in the sky to give him an ethereal hope.

  He Xinyan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who was so anxious that he had lost his temper, "You are... President Gu?"

   Although the other party was a little out of bounds, she unexpectedly didn't feel disgusted, but felt a little kind.

   "The police are here!"

  After the police car stopped, the policeman walked down, "Who of you called the police?"

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