The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 292: Which idiot is actually fighting here?

   "The man who questioned me the other day and said that there was a problem with the medicated food, is he Gu Zhen?" Lin Yunxian asked hurriedly.

The assistant    felt a little strange, why is he so panicked?

   "Yeah, that is Mr. Gu Zhen from the imperial capital, the friend Mr. Su intends to make."

The assistant    thought about it and decided to explain it.

   It is still unclear what is right and what is wrong. He is naturally willing to choose to trust Lin Yunxian, and it can be seen from Su Qi'an's attitude that he will definitely protect this fiancee.

   But that Gu Zhen didn't look like he was lying at the time. He said more, hoping that there would be no misunderstanding between the two.

   After all, Lin Yunxian has a calm personality, is knowledgeable and polite, and can definitely understand the unintentional offense of the other party at that time.

  Lin Yunxian couldn't smile, her guess was gradually confirmed, and now she is almost 100% sure.

   After returning to the room, she has been restless, and Gu Zhen came to find the Tahitian black pearl because she found something?

  No, no, no, no, she will stop this secret even if she dies!

   She couldn't even help but wonder if Gu Zhen had already found something to target herself so much.

   opened his mouth and questioned that there was a problem with her medicated diet, and wanted to smash her signboard and ruin her reputation.

   She clenched her palms, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

  Since this is the case, she doesn't need to be polite to Gu Zhen. She has been in business for so many years in Licheng, and her personal connections have long since been established and infiltrated with the forces of the Su family.

   But she won't go to meet Gu Zhen in person, too strong and tough are not suitable for her character as a chrysanthemum, and it will inevitably look indecent.

   She has an excellent manpower to use. Su Qi'an's second brother has had a crush on her for many years and has always wanted to relieve her worries.

   The other party is an ignorant and ignorant dude who has a lot of friends in wine and meat on weekdays. A group of dudes likes to hold a group very much. In Licheng, it is an existence that no one else dares to provoke.

   The second child of the Su family was as obedient as a sheep in front of her, which was not the case in front of outsiders, and he would definitely teach Gu Zhen an unforgettable lesson.

   Besides, Gu Zhen didn't dare to resist, didn't he want to see the black pearl? Then you can take this as a threat, forcing him to bow his head.

  Lin Yunxian estimated the time. At this time, Su Zhelong should have gone to the hospital to meet Gu Zhen.

  Gu Zhengran's schedule is very easy to guess. At 6 o'clock in the evening, there is a forum reception held by the local business association, and Gu Zhengran is most likely to be invited.

   This father and son are best never to meet, and they will fall apart for the rest of their lives.

   It is best that Su Zhelong has strong tactics, so that Gu Zhen can be scared out of his wits and hide abroad and never dare to come back.


  Gu Zhen pressed Su Zhelong's head on the car, "Who did you just say you want to cut?"

  Su Zhelong's face was pressed against the window glass, his facial features were squeezed out of shape, he was really full of fire, and no one had ever dared to treat him like this.

   "You dare to mess with me? You're **** up!" Su Zhelong said with a sneer, "My grandma loves me the most. If you want to see black pearls, go dream!"

  Gu Zhen was stunned for a moment, and the strength of his men relaxed a little.

Seeing the effect, Su Zhelong became even more arrogant: "My grandmother's pearl is a Tahitian black pearl, a rare 20MM ultra-large pearl with a value of over 100 million yuan, but it is still the kind that has no market price. If you want to see it, I will give it to you. See? Dreaming! Who knows if you want to steal that pearl and make a fortune."

  Gu Zhen glanced at him and pressed the person back again with a blank expression.

   Anyway, Liang Zi has been forged, and Su Qi'an also said that the black pearl is the family heirloom of his fiancée's family, and it doesn't matter if you look at it or not.

   He didn't give up searching, but only for the sake of his own thoughts.

  Since it is determined that it is not, then there is no need to waste time.

other people:"……"

   This guy is so arrogant.

   Since this is the case, you don't need to be polite. Just now, it was completely unprepared for Su Ershao to be plotted against by the other side, but not this time.

   A few gangsters used to make a lot of people, and usually they bowed their heads in fright and gave in before they even made a move. This was the first time I encountered a tough stubble.

   It was really a mistake not to bring bodyguards today, but fortunately, there are many of them, six to two, and they have an absolute advantage in number.


  Gu Zhengran just walked to the parking lot when someone blocked his way.

   "Uncle, I have something to tell you." Before Gu Licheng left, he rushed over with a serious expression.

  Gu Zhengran: "I have something to do now, I'll talk about it later."

  Gu Licheng refused to let go, "Uncle, it's only five minutes, I'm really anxious."

  Gu Zhengran: "No, I don't have time, so please get out of the way."

  Gu Licheng didn't dare to stop him, but he still didn't give up, "It's about grandma, she's not feeling well..."

  Gu Zhengran is a well-known dutiful son. As long as he mentions that his grandmother is not feeling well, he will immediately put down all the matters at hand and concentrate on taking care of her.

  Gu Li is full of integrity, and using this excuse can definitely keep Gu Zhengran.

  He couldn't do anything either. He originally thought that Gu Zhen had left long ago, but he didn't expect that the other party was still staying in the parking lot.

   He knew exactly what the other party was thinking, but he wanted Gu Zhengran to catch up after hearing the news, so that he could play a father-son relationship.

   I've had enough, I didn't expect that Gu Zhen has also learned to play tricks now, and his arrogance is disgusting.

  Gu Zhengran directly opened the car door and sat in without stopping.

   Special assistant Zhang and the driver of course did not dare to talk nonsense. After they sat down, the driver quickly started the engine.

  Gu Zhengran lowered the car window and looked at Gu Licheng: "Since your grandma is not feeling well, why don't you go to the airport to buy the nearest flight and go back to Haicheng to take care of your grandma?"

   Seeing the car drive out of the parking lot, Gu Licheng regained his senses and widened his eyes in disbelief.

   Trying Bailing's tricks can still encounter Waterloo?


   Special assistant Zhang thought for a while and reminded: "Mr. Gu, I'm afraid Mr. Shi will be there soon."

   Shi Zhao came to the hospital specially, but the boss couldn't leave the guests and run away.

  Gu Zhengran: "Help me dial Shizong's number, I'll communicate with him."

  The matter on Gu Nianzhen's side is very clear. It was Gu Nianzhen who was self-inflicted and framed and framed others, but she obviously made up her mind to use her illness as an excuse to get away with it.

  Shi Zhao came to visit out of courtesy, but also to find out the truth of the matter. Since the truth has been revealed, it is Gu Nianzhen who is sorry for that Miss He.

   Shi Zhao didn't really need to visit Gu Nian, instead he had to apologize to the Miss He.

   It's just that today is obviously not the time, other things can be put aside, obviously the son is more important.

  Gu Zhengran apologized, and Shi Zhao expressed understanding. It doesn't matter if you run for nothing, the two have a very close personal relationship, and they won't fall out because of this trivial matter.

   "Apologize to Miss He on my behalf, and I will come to the door to apologize in person another day." Gu Zhengran said.

   On the other end of the phone, Shi Zhao looked at the figure who jumped out of the car, and while he was stunned, he calmly said to the phone, "Okay, no problem."

  Which idiot actually fights here, is this impatient?

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