The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 289: The position of Director of Marketing has also been removed.

  Gu Zhengran covered her with the quilt, his voice was as gentle as usual, but the smile on his face was gone.

   "Nianzhen, do you know what I admire most about you? It's not your name, nor your coquetry, but your courage to admit mistakes."

  Gu Nianzhen looked at him in a daze, his face full of astonishment.

   Isn't it because of the name? But her parents said it was because they were smart that they changed her a good name.

   She was not called Nianzhen when she was a child, because her uncle's sister who was two years younger than her went missing, so her parents hurriedly changed it to Nianzhen, and taught her to always miss that sister.

  My uncle has been very depressed since the divorce. Her parents often asked her to play with her uncle, leaving her at her uncle's house for a whole day.

   Her parents also threatened her from time to time. If she can't get the favor of her little uncle, she won't have good fruit to eat when she goes home.

  Gu Nian really didn't want to go back to be beaten and scolded, so he could only try to follow the method taught by his parents, learn to act like a spoiled child, and learn to say that he misses his little sister.

   But God knows she is only a four-year-old child, how can she miss a sister who has no feelings?

   That period of time really brought her closer to her little uncle, and the whole Gu family has always been the closest person to her little uncle.

  The parents said that her name was changed well, and the little uncle had comfort, so he loved her very much.

   But Gu Nianzhen didn't like her name at all, as if denying her everything as an independent individual and becoming a substitute for another person.

   She had vaguely felt it before. The little uncle didn't seem happy with the tricks her parents taught her, but because the other party still accepted her existence, she also silently felt that the little uncle was really moved by her.

   Now it doesn't seem like that at all, the little uncle doesn't like her name at all.

   If the cousin is the uncle's most beloved child, she should be unique. How could the uncle allow a fake to replace the existence of his daughter?

  Gu Nianzhen took a breath and looked at Gu Zhengran in tears, but did not dare to speak.

   The little uncle who used to be very kind, makes her feel very strange at this moment, but very real.

  Gu Zhengran: "What reason do you have to deal with that Miss He? If you hadn't provoked her first and forced others to throw her into the pond to feed the fish, she wouldn't have thrown you into the pond."

   He has already understood almost the information that he should know, and he can completely piece together the original appearance.

   The managers of the clubhouse dare not offend anyone, and they dare not speak at all without monitoring, so as not to be subjective.

   But he still sent someone to know about the two waiters present.

   Apparently the two waiters expressed sympathy for Gu Nian in private, but they obviously leaned towards the other side and thought it was a good throw.

  Gu Nianzhen lowered his head and did not speak.

   Gu Licheng was anxious, "But that He Xinyan slapped Nianzhen on the face before! She slapped the face of our Gu family!"

  Gu Zhengran: "Okay, even if that's the case, isn't it because Nianzhen hit people first with the camera?"

   He knew about this matter, and when Gu Nianzhen came back to complain that day, he extracted key information in the preface and after the words.

   To put it bluntly, it is to complain about the injustice of the male star. She was the one who smashed the camera first, and was slapped in the back by others.

   After Gu Nianzhen came back, he was still out of control, shouting that he wanted to block the other party and make the other party's family go bankrupt...

  Gu Zhengran taught her not to be afraid of things, and she could rely on herself for support, but it was also aimed at her parents who prioritized sons over daughters and used their daughters as tools.

  Because he saw that the little girl was pitiful, he took care of the other party a little and was willing to allow Gu Nianzhen to stay when she was sent to his house.

   couldn't bear it just because she was a girl like Zhen Zhen, always thinking that Zhen Zhen could be treated so kindly in other people's homes.

   But this does not mean that he will cherish Gu Nianzhen too much because of this, or use Gu Nianzhen as a substitute to comfort himself.

  Gu Licheng wanted to say something else, but Gu Zhengran's face suddenly sank.

   He rarely gets angry, but once it does, it will be a thunderous situation, and no one will be able to pull it back.

   "Why don't you talk about why you instigated your sister to take a cold shower to slander that Miss He."

Gu Licheng's scalp was numb from the look in his eyes, "Uncle, is there any misunderstanding here? I haven't done it before. Nianzhen, please make it clear to uncle, I didn't instigate it at all, everything is your own. Make up your own mind."

  Gu Nianzhen didn't speak the whole time, and Gu Licheng's heart went cold.

   He was frightened and angry, and his anger attacked his heart. Gu Nianzhen, this waste, actually dropped the chain at a critical moment.

"You don't have to look at Nianzhen, she doesn't dare to lie in front of me." Gu Zhengran put his hands on his knees and sneered, "You instigated your sister to have bad intentions and put your safety and health at risk, this is a mistake; You have violated the law by instigating your sister to slander others, which is the second mistake; if you are exposed after the incident, you also try to make excuses and put the blame on others, which is the third mistake."

  Gu Licheng was completely panicked, "Uncle, I was wrong!"

  Gu Zhengran: "You're so old, I can't discipline you for your parents. You can take the initiative to go back to Haicheng and apologize to your parents."

  Gu Licheng breathed a sigh of relief, this is easy to handle, he is his parents' most beloved son, his grandmother's most beloved grandson, how can Gu Nianzhen be a girl compared to him?

   When he returns to Haicheng, let alone that he will not be punished, he will be carefully served, and grandma and parents will compensate him well.

  Gu Zhengran glanced at him lightly, "...Your position as director of the marketing department has also been dismissed. Go back and reflect on yourself."

   "Uncle!" Gu Licheng's face changed greatly, he finally let his grandma force Gu Zhengran to make concessions and gave him the position of director of the marketing department.

   This part was previously managed by Gu Zhengran himself, there are many talents, and it is easy to make achievements.

   When he debriefs at the end of the year, he can take the performance into account, and take the opportunity to be promoted to the position of vice president and enter the board of directors.

   Gu Zhengran's dismissal was like dismantling his ladder, how could he not be in a hurry.

   "These two things are completely unrelated, you can't do this, the company has its rules and regulations after all..."

Gu Zhengran raised his hand and interrupted him: "I can do this, 62% of the shares of Gu's Group are in my hands, and I have the absolute right to speak. Besides, your airborne marketing director position is in line with the company. Are there rules?"

   It would be too naive to take the rules he set, and now in turn ask him if his behavior is unreasonable.

  Gu Zhengran: "You not only annoyed me this time, but also the president of Junheng Group. If you don't give an explanation to Mr. Shi, do you think this matter can be easily exposed?"

  Gu Licheng dared not speak out in anger, and was obviously not convinced, but he had to swallow all the words in his stomach.

   He walked out of the ward in a state of dismay. He wanted to scold Gu Zhengran for being crazy, but he didn't dare;

   The whole person was about to explode with anger.

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