The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 287: Thank you Mr. Gu for your compliment

   Getting in the car, Shi Zhao took the initiative to call Gu Zhengran, and the two sides communicated about the situation first.

   "Uncle Gu, what's the situation now?" As soon as the call was connected, Shi Zhao went straight in without any courtesy or nonsense.

   When Gu Zhengran was about to speak, he suddenly heard an unclear voice saying, "Brother Shi Zhao, can I ask you to turn on the speakerphone?"

   The young girl's voice became clear after a while, "It's alright."

   He raised his eyebrows in surprise, surprised that Shi Zhao was so good at talking and just let it go.

  Gu Zhengran calmly recounted Gu Nianzhen's situation and the doctor's judgment about catching cold after soaking in ice water.

   There was silence for a moment, but the young girl's voice rang out, "Sorry, Mr. Gu."

  He Xinyan took the initiative to say hello to the other side: "I'm He Xinyan, the culprit who had a conflict with your niece and threw people into the pool."

Gu Zhengran: "So, are you trying to make amends? I'm not an unreasonable person, but you must make it clear why Nianzhen was thrown into the pool. Although she is a bit arrogant and self-willed, maybe she is the first to provoke, but this is not you. A reason to drop a man into a winter pool."

   "You can completely foresee the consequences of today. Nianzhen is still in a coma. This is no longer the scope of children's play."

  Gu Zhengran said calmly, "We can totally call the police and accuse you of attempted murder."

   His tone was not particularly severe, but he felt very oppressive, and he could feel the oppression through the phone.

   Shi Zhao frowned and glanced at Shi Rin subconsciously.

   Shi Lin leaned on the back of the car seat, fiddling with the small leaf rosewood gall bracelet with her fingertips, smiled and said nothing.

   So Shi Zhao also decided not to speak for the time being.

  He Xinyan's face was very calm, even if the man on the opposite side was hiding the wrath of thunder, she had a calm expression on her face.

   "Sorry, I couldn't foresee the consequences of today." He Xinyan said in a steady voice, "What I said next might be a little unpleasant, but since Mr. Gu is a reasonable person, he must be able to listen to me."

  Gu Zhengran was a little surprised by the other party's calmness, but he didn't know if it was real calmness or pretending.

   He didn't mind listening to the other party's reasoning, and said solemnly, "You say it."

He Xinyan: "Yesterday, the temperature in Licheng was 8 degrees Celsius. Because the clubhouse has a heating system, the temperature in the yard is 2-3 degrees higher than that outside. The pond in the yard adopts a constant temperature system, and the water temperature is about 18 degrees. Miss Gu It took less than 5 minutes from falling into the water to being rescued, and all spare towels and **** soup..."

Her tone was unhurried and unhurried, "I believe you said she sneezed a few times, but it's impossible to faint with a high fever. And it's all the time. If she had a fever, she already had symptoms last night, how could it be possible yesterday? There was no movement in the evening, and the sudden high fever in the morning passed out?"

  Gu Zhengran squinted his eyes: "Sophistry! Everyone's physique is different. Nianzhen has been squeamish since he was a child, and his physique is poor.

  He Xinyan: "Mr. Gu, have you misunderstood your niece's constitution? I'm sorry, I have studied Chinese medicine and took her pulse. Her constitution can be said to be as strong as a cow."

   As soon as this sentence came out, there was silence on both the other end of the phone and this one.

   Shi Lin glanced at He Xinyan with a smile. He had already discovered that He Xinyan was actually quite temperamental.

  You don't provoke her, and she doesn't bother to pay attention to you; but if you provoke her, you will be slapped in the face.

   Being scolded for being as strong as a cow is light. The key is that she has a strong knowledge reserve, and she is not afraid of being tough. In minutes, the other party's personality that has been established for more than ten years collapses.

   "Xinyan, it's a bit rude to say that, after all, she is the eldest Miss of the Gu family." Shi Lin reminded with a smile.

  He Xinyan said without sincerity: "Oh, sorry, I'm just making an analogy."

  Gu Zhengran was silent for a moment, then suddenly chuckled, "Miss He is quite articulate."

   "Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Gu." Since the other party's tone couldn't tell whether it was good or bad, she took it as a compliment.

   After a pause, she changed her voice, and her tone was much more sincere, "I suggest Mr. Gu to check the situation first. If it is my responsibility, I can take it."

   But if it wasn't her responsibility, the trouble might be a joke of the Gu family.

  Gu Zhengran: "Thank you for your reminder."

   He hung up the phone, stood in the corridor, and smiled silently.

   Special assistant Zhang stood not far away and was shocked when he saw his boss suddenly laugh, as if he was in a good mood.

   What's the situation? Isn't the boss holding that Miss He accountable? Why does it seem that the two of them are having a good chat?

   "Mr. Gu, that, Miss Nianzhen is awake..."

   The smile on Gu Zhengran's face suddenly subsided, "Let's go, go and have a look."

   Special assistant Zhang always felt that his expression was not right, so he swallowed everything he had planned.

   I suddenly felt uneasy in my heart, and I always felt that something bad was about to happen.


   On the other side, after He Xinyan hung up the phone, she handed the phone to Shi Zhao: "Thank you."

   Shi Zhao came back to his senses, "You're welcome."

   He thought for a while, but couldn't help but glance at He Xinyan several times, the more he looked, the more surprised he became.

   After all, Gu Zhengran is an elderly person, he has been in a high position for a long time, and he is used to giving orders.

  Even if it was him, when he knew he was wrong, he wouldn't be so **** the other side to go back and not give in an inch.

  I didn't expect that He Xinyan, a high school student, could calmly deal with Gu Zhengran's questioning, and his psychological quality was not generally strong.

   The key is that she also satirized Gu Nianzhen, exposed the other party's mask, and made Gu Zhengran believe her words.

   The advance and retreat are well-founded, and the proportions are well controlled. After stabbing Gu Zhengran, he decisively showed his sincerity and expressed his willingness to take responsibility.

   If this eloquence is used in business negotiation, it is a talent.

   Now that I have the courage and courage at a young age, I am afraid that I will have a bright future in the future.


   At the corner of the corridor, Gu Zhen stopped and looked at the figure that appeared on the other side of the corridor, his eyes tightened slightly.

  Xu Jingyang came over from the other side, followed Gu Zhen's line of sight, and said indifferently, "Oh, the patient in that ward heard that they were thrown into the pond in the winter and fainted due to a high fever."

   I thought that cousin Zhen didn't care about such gossip, but what I didn't expect was that Gu Zhen actually asked a question.

   "Fever syncope? Who?"

   "What is the eldest lady, let's call it Nianzhen."

  Xu Jingyang listened at will, mainly because the group of people was too noisy, chatting endlessly.

   But he didn't sympathize with this group of people very much. The nurse just went over to remind the group of people to be quiet, and they were all arrogant.

   Being thrown into an ice-cold pool in winter is indeed worth beating up with righteous indignation, but if you don’t have quality, you will lose your impression.

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