The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 285: Gu Nianzhen fainted with high fever

  Gu Zhengran is used to getting up early to work.

   I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting old. In recent years, I’ve been sleeping less and less. I often wake up in my sleep, looking at the coldness of the room, and I can’t fall asleep anymore.

   Special assistant Zhang had long been accustomed to the boss's schedule. When he came in, Gu Zhengran had finished his morning exercise and was checking his emails.

   "Mr. Gu, Mr. Shi has temporarily canceled today's meeting." Zhang Tesuke said, "But Dr. Lin has already made an appointment, and she can come over later."

  Lin Yunxian arrived at nine o'clock in the morning, and she couldn't hide her tiredness.

   "Dr. Lin, how are you?" Special assistant Zhang was well-informed and vaguely heard about the food poisoning incident at the Su family last night.

  Lin Yunxian smiled tenderly, "I was helping people see a doctor last night, so I slept a little later, I'm fine."

   Special Assistant Zhang nodded in understanding.

   A lot of people in the Su family were poisoned last night. Lin Yunxian and the family doctor of the Su family were taking care of them, so they must have been busy all night.

   The other party also made time to attend the appointment, which shows that the doctor is really benevolent.

  Lin Yunxian followed behind the assistant, but her mood was not clear.

   She thought that Shi Zhao would be here today, but she didn't expect that the other party temporarily released her pigeons.

  The Su's house is in a mess now. Last night, she was busy with her work, mainly to take care of the old lady Su. The dead old lady was so annoyed that she quarreled all night, and her head was still aching.

   So she got up in the morning and left, all the reasons were legitimate, to see a doctor.

   Lest the old woman of the Su family think that she is easy to handle and use herself as a maid.

   But soon Lin Yunxian felt better, she saw a familiar face.

  The man is no longer young, and his temples have white hair, but it is difficult to conceal the charm of a mature man, with a graceful charm.

   The whole conversation was very relaxing and pleasant, Gu Zhengran's temperament was very elegant, and the conversation made people feel like a spring breeze.

   He has been in the top position for a long time, but he can put down his body, and he does not have the air of a group boss or an industry leader.

   It was the content of the conversation that made Lin Yunxian unhappy. This man actually asked her to see a doctor for his crazy ex-wife?

  Lin Yunxian thought for a while: "Although this is my teacher's research field, I'm afraid I'm just learning a little..."

  Gu Zhengran smiled, "You are modest, I heard that Mrs. Su's illness was cured by you."

  Lin Yunxian can make the Su family accept such a high degree, because Lin Yunxian cured Mrs. Su's madness with acupuncture and a few doses of decoction a few years ago.

  Although Mrs. Su has been ill for many years, she is very marginalized in the Su family and has no right to speak, but who gave her a son Su Qi'an who is very promising.

  Lin Yunxian guessed that he was looking for him because of this, with a decent smile on his face, "It's just my luck, it's just a coincidence."

  Gu Zhengran: "Don't worry, Gu is grateful to you whether it is cured or not. Even if it is just to help her recuperate her damaged body, it will be fine."

   Special assistant Zhang was ready and handed over a check.

   "This is half of the consultation fee, please accept it."

  Lin Yunxian looked at the amount above, her heart skipped a beat, but her face was calm.

   "Mr. Gu, you're too polite, I can't accept this money... I have to wait until I see the doctor before I can receive the fee. I can't disturb the order of the industry."

  Gu Zhengran didn't insist any longer, and only made an appointment with Lin Yunxian, and when she had time after the year, she would fly to Europe again.

  Lin Yunxian silently estimated in her heart the benefits she could get this time, she felt much better, and got up with a smile to say goodbye.

  Gu Zhengran personally escorted her out. While waiting for the elevator, he seemed to ask casually, "Miss Lin looked a little surprised at me when she came in. Do you know me?"

   Lin Yunxian was stunned for a moment, and when she met the man's calm and gentle eyes, she suddenly found that these eyes were somewhat unfathomable.

   She calmly brushed off her sideburns and said with a smile, "You are joking. I saw your interview in a financial magazine when I was a child. Speaking of which, you were still my idol when I was young."

  Zhang Tesuke nodded silently by the side, he didn't expect to have such a fate.

  The boss has completely kept a low profile since the divorce, never giving interviews, nor allowing his photos to be circulated.

   It is difficult for the outside world to spy on the CEO's privacy.

   I don't know if the boss believes in making a fortune in silence, and the Gu family is not well-known outside, but the Gu family is really profitable and super profitable.

   The amount that the boss donates to charities every year reaches several hundred million.

   But because it is low-key and never publicized, no one knows about it.

  Gu Zhengran glanced at Lin Yunxian, didn't say anything, and sent the person out of the door in person.

   When he turned back, the servant rushed over in a panic, "Mr. Gu, it's not good, Miss Nianzhen has a high fever!"


  Gu Nianzhen passed out with a high fever.

  Gu Zhengran took the person to the hospital, stood in the corridor, couldn't help raising his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

   Zhang Tesuke came over: "Mr. Gu, don't worry, Miss Nianzhen will be fine."

  It was the first time he saw the boss look so tired, and even when he saw Gu Nianzhen dying on the bed, Gu Zhengran's expression was a little out of control.

   Although the boss doesn't say it, he probably really loves this niece in his heart.

   He paused, "I've already notified the assistant to the general manager of Miss Nianzhen's illness."

   Originally, he thought yesterday's incident was a trivial matter, and the two sides were tacit, and when Shi Zhao brought someone to apologize and apologize, the matter would be over.

   Now it seems that this time Liangzi is a big one, the boss will definitely be angry.

   In addition, the attitude of admitting mistakes on the other side is not positive, it is already afternoon, and there is not a single person in sight, and reasonable has become unreasonable.

  Miss Nianzhen suffered such a big loss and suffered such a big grievance, this matter must not be good.

   Special assistant Zhang knew that the boss had a bottom line in his heart, and he couldn't touch it. I'm afraid even the Shi family won't be able to keep that Miss He this time.

  Gu Zheng frowned, just as he was about to say something, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor.

   "Uncle!" It was Gu Licheng who rushed over and came with him, as well as the two young men from yesterday.

   Even yesterday, the manager of the clubhouse heard the wind and rushed over in a fright, lest something happen.

  Gu Zhengran's eyes sank as he watched these few people say nothing.

  Gu Licheng was so anxious that he walked over to step on his feet and looked, "How is Nianzhen, is she all right?"

   "Miss Nianzhen is fine, the doctor has already done the treatment, and the fever has subsided a little after taking the medicine, but the person is still in a coma and won't be able to wake up for a while." Zhang Special Assistant replied.

   "Fortunately, fortunately!" Gu Licheng looked happy.

   The two young men next to each other looked at each other, one of them sneezed, and the other cleared his throat.

   "Yesterday it was really cold in the pool, and it was freezing to death in the winter."

   "Nianzhen is a girl, her physique is weak, how can she stand such cold water."

   "It's also useless for the two of us. I didn't expect a girl to be so scheming.

   "It's all my fault for not protecting Nianzhen!"

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