The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 280: Don't eat it, I'm afraid it's food poisoning

   Mrs. Su also echoed: "Is there such a big deal? Let people come back and have a good meal. Today's chef is the successor of the royal chef who was invited by Mom with a lot of money."

   Lin Yunxian had no choice but to step aside and call He Xinyan.

   However, there was a second hang over there, and it didn't give any face.

  Lin Yunxian was so angry that she wanted to drop her phone, but after thinking about it, she endured her temper and lost a paragraph of text.

   However, she waited for a while, but the phone was still silent, without any information.

  The servant Ohua craned his neck and watched for a while, and immediately went to tell the old lady.

  The old lady Su was so angry that she threw her chopsticks, "I think this adopted daughter is too bold. It's amazing, so she dares to pinch our Su family, right?"

   looked up at Lin Yunxian, "You can't do this little thing well, where is your usual good relationship? You can't do things like this, so how can I be assured that Qi An will marry you?"

   Lin Yunxian clenched her palm tightly, her nails pierced into her flesh, and lowered her head in embarrassment.

   She also didn't understand why Mrs. Su's anger was so strong in the past two days, and she would have seizures at any time, as if she had taken gunpowder.

   But the old and immortal body is very tough, full of energy, and it doesn't look like a bad health at all.

  Fortunately, she added herbs to reduce liver fire in the medicated food, hoping to have some effect.

   Having stayed in Shi's house for a long time, she was used to Shi's family's way of respecting others, so she almost forgot what a ghost place Su's house was.

   What she cares more about is what happened to He Xinyan and Shi Rin, and Su Zheng actually chased them out.

  Although the Su family is not as powerful and wealthy as the Shi family, isn't Shi Rin an unloved young son of the Shi family, and Shi Zhao himself, so why do you need to be so nervous?

   She couldn't help but sent a message to Shi Zhao, and only realized when the message came back saying that he had come to Licheng.

  I'm worried that Shi Zhao knew, after all, Shi Zhao himself was in Licheng, and the Su family actually kicked out their own younger brother, which was a bit of a slap in the face of the Shi family.

  Lin Yunxian flipped through the Moments and found that Shi Zhao had liked her Moments an hour ago.

   That is the photo she posted about the three herbal meals tonight, and briefly explained the ideas and effects.

   Shi Zhao also commented: It looks delicious.

  Lin Yunxian felt that her heart was pounding, but Shi Zhao was not someone who was idle enough to like and comment on other people's Moments.

   He didn't come to Licheng for himself, did he?

  Lin Yunxian looked up at the brightly lit courtyard outside the floor-to-ceiling glass windows. The servants had specially dressed up, and the festive atmosphere was very strong.

   It turned out that even he would fly over several cities with enthusiasm, just to be closer to his beloved.

   "Yunxian, where's Lin Yunxian?" Before she could savor the affection, she heard a harsh voice.

   The housekeeper rushed over: "Oh, Miss Yunxian, why are you still here! The old lady suddenly has a stomachache, hurry up and take a look!"

  Lin Yunxian hurriedly followed the butler through the banquet hall to the main table.

   She didn't notice that many of the guests in the banquet hall had changed their faces and looked disheveled.

  Yu Han looked at the man beside him in astonishment, and when he saw that the other man suddenly hugged his stomach and cried out for pain, everyone was shocked.

   "Are you alright?" He glanced around and beckoned to the servants. Usually, the host family has an emergency plan. "Where's your family doctor? Let me have a look, or call an ambulance if it doesn't work!"

  The servants came to deal with it quickly, but soon other tables began to call the doctor or ask for help to call an ambulance.

  Gu Zhen's face changed, reminding the others at the same table, "Don't eat it, I'm afraid it's food poisoning."

   "No way?" Yu Han's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, but he looked up at the chaotic banquet hall and had to believe Gu Zhen's judgment.


   When Xu Jingyang arrived in the city, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

   He called his cousin, "Hey, cousin, where are you?"

   On the other end of the phone, Yu Han's voice was weak, "In the hospital, gastric lavage."

   Xu Jingyang: "???"

  If I remember correctly, his cousin didn't say that he was going to attend a banquet tonight, so he couldn't get away, so he had to send an assistant to pick him up at the airport.

   So what happened to his cousin? Why did people go to the hospital for gastric lavage before they finished the good banquet? !

   "Cousin Zhen he..." Wouldn't he follow suit?

   "I'm fine." A calm voice answered on the other end of the phone.

  Xu Jingyang was relieved, he originally wanted to tell his cousin, he went to the city to find friends to play, but now it seems that it is not good to leave his cousin alone.


   After He Xinyan and Shi Rin left Su's house, the car drove towards the city.

   Shirin's speech was, "Go and pick up someone on the way."

  He Xinyan didn't pay much attention to it. She lowered her head and swiped the information, and found that just a few minutes ago, Xu Jingyang had sent a circle of friends.

   The background is Licheng International Airport. He took a selfie with the camera and smiled with his big white teeth.

   Shi Rin glanced lightly at the end of his eyes, and recognized that it was the male classmate who had a bad heart with He Xinyan.

   He fiddled with the Buddha beads in his hand, and suddenly said: "If you are not in a hurry, you can put aside the black pearls for a while. Have fun here for the past two days."

   It is not him who is anxious now, but the Su family.

   The two projects in Su Zheng's hand are about to be smashed into his hands again. Although it will not encounter a crisis as big as a few years ago, it is enough for Su Zheng to have a headache for a long time.

   And once a chain reaction occurs, the market loses confidence in the Su Group, and it is not impossible for the capital chain to break and collapse.

   The Su family has exaggerated too fast in recent years, and the steps are a little big, but they do not have the profitability and market foresight to match.

   At that time, I am afraid that relying on Su Qi'an may not be able to turn the tide.

  He Xinyan was attracted by her attention, she put down the phone and said, "I'll listen to you."

   If it was her to come forward, according to the arrogance of the Su family to divide people into three, six and nine, she would never show her the black pearl.

  Lin Yunxian needless to say, if she knew her intentions, I am afraid she would still make trouble.

   She doesn't mind spending money, after all, after the amount of money reaches a certain amount, it only becomes a string of numbers in the account.

   But what she cares about is that it is obviously her own thing, which is stolen by a thief and given away, and in the end she has to pay a high price to buy it back.

   No matter what, she is not taking advantage of her, and every penny is earned by wisdom and knowledge.


   The car entered the most prosperous CBD center in the city center, turned a corner, and entered the historical and cultural street behind.

  There is an ancient building at the end of the long street, and the clubhouse is in it.

   It's a pity that He Xinyan was hungry and was not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

   Shi Rin glanced at her and said with a smile, "If you don't mind, why don't we leave after dinner?"

  He Xinyan guessed that he should have something else to do. This clubhouse is a membership system. People who can come to the clubhouse are basically here to talk business.

   But after Shi Rin asked someone to take her into a private room, he just accompanies her to eat quietly, without any intention to socialize.

  A person who looked like an assistant walked in, before Rin said, "No."

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