The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 274: low-born? Are you low?

   If this continues to let the other party mix in the banquet and collide with the young master of which family, it will be his major flaw.

   After all, other servants can say they don't know this one, but he followed the eldest young master to Donglin City for a while, and also watched the scandal of the adopted daughter's uncle who climbed the bed.

   Really want to be held accountable by the old lady, there is no excuse for it.

   Butler: "He Xinyan? I heard that you have left the He family. It's not appropriate to come to our Su family's banquet, after all.

   He raised his hand and motioned for the servant to pass the things over.

   "It's not easy for you to come here in this big New Year. These are considered to be sent to you by the Su family. Please go back."

   was supposed to be a beggar, and he didn't want to be entangled with such inferior people, so he didn't want to spoil the good spirits of the distinguished guests at the banquet.

   As soon as he saw that the Shen family daughter was chatting warmly with this guy, he broke out in a cold sweat.

   After the incident, the daughter of the Shen family realized that He Xinyan's identity was not right, didn't they want to blame the Su family for being unkind and let a lower-class person come in to make friends?

   Therefore, if he can get rid of people at a small price, he is still willing to maintain the politeness on the surface.

  The housekeeper took the initiative to show He Xinyan the contents of the bag, which was a gift for some big brands.

   Although it is a gift from the brand to protect customers, it is worth thousands of dollars with a big logo printed on it, so it is most suitable for this kind of low-level people.

  The housekeeper thought he knew it well and said, "If you want to stay in a hotel, I can also arrange reimbursement. For the New Year, taking pictures and posting them in the circle of friends is also very face-saving."

  He Xinyan did not agree with his words at all.

   "Sorry, I won't go."

   The housekeeper's face darkened slightly, feeling that she was a little ignorant.

  I thought about it, maybe I didn’t think the price was negotiated?

   "What gift do you want, within the scope of my authority, I will try to satisfy you." The smile on the butler's face contained a subtle irony.

  He Xinyan glanced at him casually: "Within your authority? What authority do you have to allow your old lady to see me? I'll leave immediately after seeing your old lady."

  The housekeeper said warily: "Why do you want to see the old lady? What do you want to do?"

  He Xinyan: "This has nothing to do with you. If it's all right, you can quit."

  The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, but she never thought she would dare to speak to him in such a tone!

   His face sank immediately, and he was not always polite.

   "The family of the Su family is not something that your adopted daughter can afford. The Su family does not welcome you. Please go out immediately!" the housekeeper said, "Otherwise, don't blame me for being rough."

   has long heard how savage and rude this adopted daughter is.

   Although he didn't want to make too much noise and disturb the guests inside.

   But if the other party must make a fun, he doesn't mind making a big noise, and let the distinguished guests come to see the fun.

  He Xinyan sighed softly, and she guessed that the trip to the Su family would not be too smooth.

   After all, an old lady wants her grandson-in-law to serve the family that washes her feet. No matter how you look at it, it seems like she lives in the Qing Dynasty.

   "In that case, why don't you tell me where the old lady is, and I'll leave immediately after asking."…

  If she is not welcome, she is not welcome, when she really likes to be here.

   The key is that this restaurant is still very stingy. There is only wine at the water table, and no cakes and snacks are prepared to satisfy hunger. The food will not be served until the old lady comes out.

   If she hadn't eaten something in advance, she would have starved to death by now, and she would have been impatient to wait.

   Butler: "Do it!"

   "Stop!" A voice came in, and Shen Yuzhu walked over in a hurry on high heels, she couldn't believe her eyes.

   "Butler, why do you drive the guests away, this is how your Su family treats guests?"

   Since others can walk in with dignity, there must be invitations.

  I sent invitations to others, and now I want to send them away. What is the reason? It was too strange.

   Butler: "...Miss Shen, you may not know that this person is not a lady's daughter."

  Since Shen Yuzhu was inserted, the housekeeper had to give an explanation, so he could not hide it.

   "She actually came from a very low background. I don't know how she got in with people. I wanted to ask her to leave in order to avoid bumping into the VIP."

  Shen Yuzhu said impatiently: "From a low background? Are you low?"

   The housekeeper looked at her in surprise, "Miss Shen, you, you..."

  How can she compare herself to He Xinyan? !

  Shen Yuzhu: "Oh, that is no lower than you. Since the guests can tolerate you, why can't they accept her?"

   The butler's face was a little uneasy. He had been the butler of the Su family for decades, and no one had ever said that to him.

   But this is the only daughter of the Shen family, and he can't afford to offend him...

   "Miss Shen, you misunderstood. She is really rude and has a low character, you must not be misled by her..."

   "He's right, Zhuzhu, don't you know that there are barriers to entry for the Su family's banquet?" Someone else came over.

  He Xinyan looked at the young man walking by, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looking a bit elite.

   is Shen Yuzhu's former male companion, but after entering the venue, Shen Yuzhu shook off the person, and it seemed that she didn't like seeing each other very much.

   Now He Xinyan finally figured out why Shen Yuzhu didn't want to see each other.

   This person is Ling Chen's senior class, and he has one word all over his body, pretending to be.

  Gu Licheng held it back all night, and finally found a chance to talk to Shen Yuzhu, of course he had to behave well.

"The reason why some thresholds are set is to prevent guests from bringing people in disorderly, and bringing in some random people. You are in the top social circle of wealthy families, how many people have sharpened their heads and want to squeeze in and get them. It's good, but we don't need to be backward compatible, after all, different family backgrounds have different upbringings."

  Gu Licheng said with a smile, "You are so noble, there is no need to look down at the mud under your feet."

  He Xinyan pinched her fingers, it was very good, this person successfully punished her with one mouth.

  What mud, fuck, she wants to smash him into mud now.

   "Are you talking about yourself?" He Xinyan said, "Although you are indeed not worthy of Miss Shen, don't be too arrogant and compare yourself with mud. As a human being, you have to deceive yourself to be happy occasionally, right?"

  Gu Licheng looked at He Xinyan in disbelief, "You dare to scold me?"

  Shen Yuzhu couldn't help laughing, "How can this be a scolding, it's obviously a statement of facts, that's how I feel."

  The **** man hurry up and scold the little beauty in order to please her, probably pulling and stepping on the beautiful girl to support her, she will be very happy.

   But what Shen Yuzhu hates most is this kind of pulling and stepping trick. When she sees beautiful girls, she just wants to stick together, okay?

   Whoever wants to follow these **** men to engage in female competition is really sick.

  Gu Licheng's face suddenly darkened.

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