The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 234: False advertising has been reported

  Chapter 234 False advertising was reported

  He Xinyan grabbed the umbrella in Liu Jiayi's hand and gave him a warning look, "Did you forget that you were going to take a detour when you saw me? Get in the rain if you don't have a clear mind."

  Liu Jiayi: "..."

  He Xinyan stepped on the rain and left with a ghostly expression on her face.

  She can't handle Xu Jingyang, can't she also handle Liu Jiayi?

  There must be a limit to chaos, one or two, do you really think you are very idle?

   "System, come out, is this your conspiracy?" He Xinyan called out the system in her mind.

   I don’t know if it’s cold weather or lack of energy. The system is silent for most of the time and often does not respond.

  【No, not me! 】The system is a little stunned, but there are still some small cosmic delights. It would be better if the situation was a little more chaotic, so that the host would have no chance to take revenge on the society.

   Thinking of its own purpose, the main line target planned by the scientists has been torn apart, and it wants to stop on the spot.

  The host is too powerful, it really can't win!

  【Host, you have to face up to your own charm. It is normal for others to like you. After all, you are too good! 】The system began to speak bitterly.

  He Xinyan: "Really?"

   System: [Of course! The reason why love has been passed down through the ages and depicted and interpreted by countless literary works is because it is the most beautiful existence in the world! Think about Xu Jingyang, the low-key and free-spirited young master bowed down for you and turned into a loyal dog, isn't it very exciting? There is also Liu Jiayi, who doesn't know each other without fighting, the cool, handsome, mad tyrant and dragging the school tyrant is just for you alone...]

  He Xinyan: "You are not only instigating me to violate the school rules, you also want to brainwash me, so you want to see me as a love brain?"


   This is not the reaction it wants!

The    system had an idea and suddenly said, [Where was Rin then? The noble and incomparably cold and abstinent noble son of a wealthy family has repeatedly descended for you. Affection is hidden in the heart, peace is only on the surface...]

   "Shut up! Next time you are not allowed to read messy novels!"

The    system shut up aggrievedly, alas, everything is difficult.

   It felt that the CPU was running slower and slower, as if it was about to fall into hibernation, and its consciousness became more and more blurred.

   Probably because winter is coming.

  Lin Xuxu saw He Xinyan coming back and pulled him to sit down, "What's the matter, why are your clothes and hair wet? What about Xu Shao?"

   Before Xu Jingyang left, she also put an umbrella for the other party and asked him to hand it over to He Xinyan, fearing that it would rain.

  He Xinyan: "It turns out that you gave me that umbrella. I should have known that I should not be grateful."

  Lin Xuxu: "..."

   So what happened to you guys?


   He Yuye didn't expect to see Xu Jingyang's stalking side, and what he didn't expect was that Liu Jiayi left himself and He Xinyan left.

   As expected, he was a famous green tea **** in Yongxing High School, and he had a great way.

   She felt absurd in her heart, restrained her mind and raised her hand to cover her eyes and rushed into the rain, "Xu Shao, are you alright?"

  Xu Jingyang picked up the umbrella on the ground, gave her a cold look, and left.

   made it clear that he didn't want to pay attention to her.

   He Yuye did not dare to stay in the rain for long, and was forced to retreat under the porch eaves in embarrassment.

   Liu Jiayi brought an umbrella... But he didn't even stay for a second for himself.

   Those who were still obsessed with expelling He Xinyan for their own sake had completely turned their backs on the other side.

   The conversation with the head teacher in the office seemed to reappear in front of me, and the feeling of grievance and unwillingness came to my mind again, like poison eroding my heart.

   The person who violated the school rules and had a puppy love was He Xinyan... But when the other thief called to catch the thief, he became a scapegoat.

  The blame only blames himself for being too clumsy and unable to learn to flatter and win over people's hearts.

  The classmates and the head teacher have a lot of prejudice against her, and those people are waiting to knock her down and watch her laugh.

   But she is not a greenhouse flower. The more blows, the more determined she will be, and she will never admit defeat.

  Okay, then everyone will wait and see, who is destined to be brilliant and have a bright future.

   In the past, she still thought about calming things down, thinking about avoiding it, but now she won't, she has to fight the opponent completely.

  It is necessary to prove to everyone that who is really worthy of their love and support.


   After school, He Yuye found his car and burrowed into it.

   He Linjun came back from a business trip. He rarely had time to pick her up and handed her a hot drink. "Try it."

  He Yuye was afraid of the high calories, so he didn't want to drink it. He just took a small sip and paused again, "Brother, this is..."

  He Linjun: "How about the well-selling autumn and winter drinks on the market? Can Tiffana make similar or improved versions?"

   He Yuye pursed his lower lip with a stubborn expression.

  The weather is getting colder, the chocolate market is getting warmer, but the desserts, especially the ice cream and other markets are cold.

  Tiffana Dessert Concept Store relied on the advertising effect to earn a huge franchise fee after releasing the franchise.

   But He Yuye's ambitions don't stop there... This is the dessert shop that she manages. My eldest brother said that in the future, she will cut out the business section and set up a separate company. She is the person in charge of the company.

   It's just that the research and development of new products has been stuck in the neck, and He Yuye is inevitably impetuous.

Looking at her expression, He Linjun knew very well: "Yuye, I know you don't like to imitate and follow suit, but since this is a shortcut that has been proven by the market, why not take it? Besides, this flavor has no copyright. Basically, only cheap copycats can be made on the market, but only you, only Tiffana, can be able to replace them, no, or even better.

   He Yuye bit his lower lip lightly: "Brother, did I disappoint you?"

   "How come? You have always been my pride." He Linjun said proudly, "It's just that you are too kind, and sometimes you need a little flexibility."

  He Yuye made up his mind, "Brother, don't worry, I will launch a new autumn and winter style soon, and I will guarantee it will become a hit!"

   She rubbed the hot drink in her hands, and many thoughts passed through her mind.

   It's not that she can't succeed, it's just that there are some things she doesn't bother to do.

   But eldest brother is right, the market is already chaotic, and she can make some innovations on the basis of following the trend and maintain her unique personality, which is already amazing.

   This Yan Xuqiao store has always been praised by Lu Qilin, and Yongxing High School is often mentioned by people. She always thought that the other party was amazing.

   You can see the special fermented enzyme that the store uses to reduce the harm of sugar to the human body, and you know that it is purely an unscrupulous businessman, only for profit.

Of course, she can also use the concept of   healthy desserts, and she will not even deceive consumers so exaggeratedly.

   With a professional team in hand, we can definitely do better.


  Yu Han got out of the car, looked at the messy shop in front of him, grabbed a person and asked, "What's wrong?"

   "It was reported as a false advertisement." The onlookers said casually.

   "What false advertising?"

   "Hi, isn't it that special fermentation enzyme that can make sugar more friendly to the human body and skin, and they also say that they eat more desserts without getting fat, which is obviously false propaganda!"

   (end of this chapter)

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