The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 232: I will urge them to fulfill the bet well

   Chapter 232 I will urge them to fulfill the bet well

   Besides, how can there be chasing Yan Shenxiang in chasing stars, she has the Shuangwen script everyone is looking forward to, is it better than those idols who may overturn the car one day if the establishment of Renren fails?

  Yan Shen said that he took everyone to the first place. Not only did he win the first place, but he also took everyone to the TV station to shoot the MV.

  Yan Shen said that if you want to improve your academic performance, follow her steps, okay, the average score of a class in the latest monthly test has increased by 3.5 points, killing the Rocket class in seconds.

   Now the classmates of Yongxing High School, every class can't wait to beg for a face god.

   Not only the students think this way, but the teachers too.

   The third class teacher looked at the table in front of him, and his mood was a little subtle.

   At the end of last semester, when He Yuye said that he wanted to transfer to the third class, he was ecstatic for a time, thinking it was a pie in the sky.

   Originally, it was a very rash thing for students to contact him privately to change classes, but he couldn't care about the reason, so he went to Wen Wan to get someone over excitedly.

   His impression of He Yuye was always the blockbuster when he first came to Yongxing High School, and he was looking forward to the other side bringing good changes to Class Three.

   It’s been three months now, and I’ve been taking exams several times a month, and it’s not ideal every time.

   In the most recent quiz in the classroom, many people's grades have dropped, and the class leader Cheng Jiaxing has been a mess.

   This was almost impossible in the past. Although Cheng Jiaxing is not a very talented type, he is honest and honest. He is willing to endure hardships and obey the teacher's arrangements. He will never drop his grades so badly.

   "Teacher, are you looking for me?" He Yuye knocked on the door politely, and after the other party responded, he pushed open the door and entered.

   She saw the table on the table, and vaguely guessed the purpose of the other party to talk to her.

   "Teacher, I'm sorry, I've been busy with family affairs and school celebrations recently, and my academic performance has declined. But I will focus on my studies next." He Yuye took the initiative.

   The head teacher sighed, "Since you already know, I'll just say it straight. You are a student, and you need to understand what is most important to you at the moment."

   He wanted to make a few words, "Even if you want to be a star, you must study hard and go to university. You used to have such good grades, you can definitely go to Imperial College."

   He had heard about the school celebration party. After all, He Yuye started the dispute first.

   If she hadn't taken the initiative to invite Ying to invite Ling Xuan to perform, there wouldn't be so much.

  When Cheng Jiaxing said that He Yuye could invite a big star, he felt inappropriate, but at that time, when the program was reported and the Propaganda Department intervened, he couldn't say anything.

   But later on, Cheng Jiaxing and some of the classmates became completely impetuous. They only thought about chasing stars and showing off all day long. It was just for the honor of the class... This was putting the cart before the horse.

  Although He Yuye can't be blamed entirely, but in contrast to the first class, He Xinyan arranged for everyone to study and rehearse in an orderly manner.

   The gap in his heart is inevitably a little big.

"I heard that you are close to a class of Lu Qilin, and his grades have dropped a lot recently, so you should pay attention. Also, don't always think about breaking up with He Xinyan. He Xinyan has a lot of points for everyone to learn. In terms of grades alone, she is worth your study." Finally, the head teacher said.

   There are some things he can’t say too much, he can only point to it.

  For example, he saw He Yuye throw himself into Lu Qilin's arms through the window at noon today...

   No wonder Lu Qilin was the only person in the entire class whose grades dropped instead of rising.

  He Yuye widened his eyes and opened his mouth to explain, "Teacher, I didn't..."

   "Okay, that's it." The head teacher waved his hand, not wanting to talk more.

   He Yuye walked out of the office, still so angry that his hands and feet became cold.

  He Xinyan actually came to complain behind her back, she was really shameless, she actually used this kind of rumor to attack a girl!

  He Yuye took out his mobile phone and couldn't help but started to post on Weibo again. When fans came to comfort him, he felt better.

   She deleted the Weibo again.

  He Xinyan can be despicable and shameless, but she can't have no lower limit... She disdains to be a person like He Xinyan.

   When He Yuye saw Liu Jiayi coming from another office, he was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward and stopped the other party.

   Liu Jiayi stopped, "Are you busy?"

   He Yuye shook his head, "No more, you can go."

   She actually wanted to ask Liu Jiayi why she was alienating herself, whether it was because of He Xinyan... But it's useless to talk more now.

  Liu Jiayi didn't leave, instead he frowned and stepped forward to look at her, "Did someone bully you?"

   He Yuye shook his head and did not speak, urging the other party to leave. The head teacher all blamed Lu Qilin's drop in grades on her head, and she didn't want to be misunderstood.

   The more she didn't say anything, the more Liu Jiayi refused to leave. Seeing He Yuye leave, he hurriedly chased after him.

   noticed that the other party stopped and stood at the corner, Liu Jiayi also stopped.

   Downstairs, in the corridor, under the same umbrella, stood He Xinyan and Xu Jingyang.


   There was an autumn rain this afternoon, and the weather gradually cooled down.

  He Xinyan was fascinated by things, and when she walked to the middle of the corridor, it was no longer covered.

   Someone was holding an umbrella over her head.

  He Xinyan looked up at Xu Jingyang who was holding an umbrella, "Thank you."

  Xu Jingyang was about to walk out with hands and feet, "No thanks, then, let's go back to the classroom together."

  He came to the Academic Affairs Building today, mainly because he was complained.

   The bet between He Xinyan and Tian Weiyue was obviously lost by Tian Weiyue and the others. Xu Jingyang said that he wanted to maintain the fairness and impartiality of the bet, and he did what he said.

   Specifically find the class of the other party, and come with two sets of cleaning tools, reminding the two to abide by the agreement, the woman cleans the chemical laboratory, and the man cleans the toilet.

  Tian Weiyue didn't say anything, she was willing to admit defeat, even if she was so angry that she vomited blood, she had no choice but to clean up.

  The man was not very happy, he thought it was just a joke, there was no need to be so serious, so let's just forget it, he was willing to apologize.

  Xu Jingyang: "Apologize to your mother, can you have a little bit of gambling spirit, women have more backbone than you. When you had the guts to provoke and bet, why didn't you have the guts to bear the consequences?"

   This matter is not negotiable, the eldest young master is self-willed, and it is useless for anyone to persuade him.

   "One month is one month, and one day is not enough! Do you dare to try it without scanning?"

  The man did not dare to resist in person, but secretly complained to the head teacher and the dean of education.

   Xu Jingyang was called to explain the situation, and He Xinyan, as another party, also came to explain the situation.

   There was no secret about this incident. The teachers knew the general situation, but the other party bit him to death and forced to clean the laboratory and toilet, which was insulting and school bullying.

   The class teacher of the other party was short-handed and felt that the student had already been punished, and Xu Jingyang had gone too far in bullying others.

   After He Xinyan appeared and said something, the head teacher thought about it and thought it made sense.

   "You are right, you must have the spirit of the contract, and you must be responsible for your own words and deeds... I will urge them to fulfill the betting contract well!"

   (end of this chapter)

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