The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 223: Who are you saying is cheating?

  Chapter 223 Who are you talking about?

  Since Fu Ran saw it with his own eyes, the students who were in charge of logistics in the student union picked up their mobile phones and called the security department to help the security department provide clues and directions for investigation.

  He Xinyan glanced at Tian Weiyue, who was about to cry, and there was no turbulence in her heart.

   If the other party does something wrong, no matter how old they are, they must bear the corresponding consequences.

  Fu Ran looked at the little girl's eyes that suddenly turned red, and was also speechless. He had a big bad luck, and now he still has a head of milk tea residue, can't he explain it?

   "You should at least say sorry!" Fu Ran said with a frown.

  Tian Weiyue: "...I'm sorry."

   After she finished speaking, she looked at He Xinyan with red eyes, "It's useless even if you pull Fu Ran to save the scene. I made a bet that it was Lu Sichuan, and I don't recognize it!"

   Wait, when she wins, she must force He Xinyan to kneel! It's no use begging for mercy this time, I won't be merciful!

  He Xinyan didn't quite understand her sudden outburst: "..."

  Fu Ran immediately blew up: "Who do you say is overcharging?"

   is so annoying! Are you that bad? !

   "Am I a traffic idol or a popular star?" He asked the classmate next to him, who should be his little fan.

The classmates next to    quickly comforted the man who had fried hair, "Yes, yes, you are the man whose new album sales slapped Ling Xuan."

   There was a sudden commotion in the corridor, Xu Jingyang hurried over and looked at He Xinyan, "What happened just now, are you alright?"

   The group of them walked a little far, and the Yongxing High School campus covers a large area. When they hurried over when they received the news, the people at the entrance of the auditorium had already dispersed.

  Qiaoyu Bridge: "The one who came to make trouble is Senior Sister Gao Baoyu's sister-in-law. My parents are already going to greet the Gao family later."

  Since the Qiao family broke up with the Ling family, the business has been booming recently, and inexplicably, they have taken several big orders one after another.

   Father Qiao is a little superstitious, and firmly believes that this is good luck brought by He Xinyan, and his desire to recognize his daughter is even more urgent.

   The goddaughter was wronged, and of course she had to go to the other party to get it back.

  He Xinyan: "This is unnecessary."

   "What you want, you can't let gossip spread, what's fake is fake, it must be clarified!"

  Other classmates were also filled with righteous indignation. He Xinyan, the goddess that everyone held in their hands, was so slandered, it was too much!

   This is the face of the entire Yongxing High School, and it must not be tolerated!

   Everyone was still chatting hotly in the large group, and decided to do anti-black for He Xinyan, and now they are collecting and sorting out materials.

   When the time comes, I will put the post on the top of the school forum to see who dares to talk nonsense.

   Since the photo was taken at school, it proves that it was done by someone in the school.

   Everyone turned their attention to Tian Weiyue, not to mention, Fu Ran just broke the news that she brought that woman into the school.

  Tian Weiyue seemed to have been stabbed by those eyes, took a few steps back and bumped into someone, "It's not me!"

   "Sorry, can you move your feet away?" The man stood still.

   "Cousin, come here quickly." Several boys in the football club shouted quickly, a little afraid that the gentle cousin would be deceived by the other party.

   "Cousin?" Fu Ran looked at the man wearing a mask and glasses suspiciously.

  The man looked at Fu Ran gently, "Is it okay for you to be like this, you don't need to take care of it?"

  The people from the football club just remembered: "God, you are Fu Ran! Dude, you are very cool recently, can you sign me?"

   Fu Ran, who was instantly surrounded by the crowd: "..."

  Tian Weiyue stared blankly at the profile of the man in front of her, her mind went blank, "You are Lu Sichuan..."

   "Yes, it's me." Lu Sichuan nodded and took off his glasses and mask.

   The people who just walked around with my cousin: "..."

   "Cousin, why did you suddenly become Lu Sichuan, no, isn't Xu Shao's cousin surnamed Yu?" Some people were almost confused.

Lu Sichuan walked to He Xinyan and stood still, smiled and introduced himself again, "I'm not Xu Jingyang's cousin, but I'm He Xinyan's good friend, she invited me to sing, so I came, I hope everyone likes it our stage."

   After he finished speaking, he raised his eyes and glanced at the little girl outside the crowd.

   doesn't mean anything, I just want to clarify that I didn't come for Xu Jingyang's face, but for He Xinyan.

   must be made clear, lest some people make a fuss.

  Xu Jingyang shrugged: "I wanted my cousin to invite Lu Sichuan to perform, according to the standard of business quotations, but unfortunately he refused."

  Fu Ran was not to be outdone: "I also came to visit He Xinyan!"

   He has made up his mind to hold He Xinyan's thigh tightly for the rest of his life!

  The manager also expressed support for his idea. After all, it can make Fu Ran's album, which is often ridiculed and singing, sold over 100 million, which is evident.

  Because of the four songs that became popular, the name Xinxin Songwriting is no longer unknown in the music world, and the business quotation has also risen.

   What's more, she is still so young and has a very vigorous creative life cycle, so many people want to work with her.

   At this time, while the cooperation between the two parties is quite pleasant, of course, we must hurry up and build a good relationship.


  Tian Weiyue was numb, and when Tang Zheng, a famous music producer, came to the backstage to say hello to He Xinyan, she dared not stay any longer.

   "What's the matter with you, Tianbao?" The companion came over and urged, "Hurry up and prepare, we have three more shows to go on stage."

  Tian Weiyue's face flushed: "I'm not jumping anymore!"

  What else to do, she is simply humiliating herself by staying here!

  He Xinyan actually found Lu Sichuan over, and she lost!

   She wanted to go, but was stopped by someone.

   "What are you doing nonsense, you are the C position in this show, why don't you dance?" Several girlfriends were also angry.

  There is also a limit to willfulness. Do you really like her and pamper her when everyone calls her sweet treasure?

   Everyone is just holding a group together to gain more attention.

  Tian Weiyue said willfully: "Anyway, I'm not feeling well now, I don't want to dance anymore, I..."

With a    "pop", Tian Weiyue was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that she was slapped in the face.

The girl who hit her put down her hands, "You troublemaker, you've been in trouble for eight lifetimes to form a team with you! The only good thing is about yourself, and you have such a good relationship with Ling Xuan's assistant, you didn't ask for an autograph for us, and you offended Fu Fu. Ran and Lu Sichuan! By the way, someone from the school security office just wanted to take you away, because you have a show and let you finish the performance first. If you don't dance, then you go to the security office!"

  Tian Weiyue's eyes blushed, and she rushed to scuffle with the girl.


  He Xinyan sat for a while, and news came that Tian Weiyue was taken away by the security department because of a fight with someone.

  Fu Ran was stunned, "She really is a warrior."

   You have already made such a big mistake, don't you want to quickly find a way to remedy it? To break the school rules again is really brave.

  Bai Yulan: "Originally, the quality of their programs was not good, so the school wanted to cut them off, but the contact person on Ling Xuan's side mentioned it and kept it. Who would have thought of it."

   (end of this chapter)

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