The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 207: Are you not going to the celebration party of Yongxing High School?

  Chapter 207 Yongxing High School's school party, won't you attend?

  Yu Han felt bad after hearing these words.

   "Xu Jingyang! Are you crazy, to bet with people about this kind of thing, how did the family usually teach you? No..."

   "Don't compare, don't be extravagant, keep a low profile, be humble and down-to-earth." Xu Jingyang took what the other party wanted to say and changed his voice, "But when others bully me, I can't help but fight back, right?"

  Yuhan: "Who can bully you? It won't be that congratulation again..."

   He paused and didn't continue to speak. Yu family style, can't maliciously speculate on others, and his upbringing and demeanor can't do such a thing.

   After the last tea room talk, he also felt that he was a villain, and he was worried that his cousin was in a puppy love, or that the noble son's style would cause trouble to the girls.

   simply went to the young master of the Lu family and asked him to help him pay attention to the situation of his cousin and the girl.

   But Lu Qilin's feedback made him not very happy.

   That girl, it is said that she can make tens of millions in stocks by herself, but she often gets into other people's luxury cars and has deep entanglements with men. She has a bad reputation in the wealthy circle of Donglin City.

   In order to confirm the authenticity of the matter, he also specially asked people to go to the Lin family to talk about it. The old lady of the Lin family had a lot of criticism about this former granddaughter.

   The owner of one of the luxury cars, the sister herself also witnessed the car of the leader of He Xinyan going to school.

   The man surnamed Gao is known to be playful in the circle, and his wife has just given birth; as for the school leader, not to mention, middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s can directly be their fathers.

   He suspected that his innocent cousin had met a master and was deceived. After all, it was not impossible.

   I heard that the heir of the Jin family, the young man who has just emerged in the business world, once showed his love to He Xinyan in a high-profile manner.

   Jin Bai can fall over, but his cousin can only fall more completely.

  Yu Han changed his words, "Let me think about this matter."

  Xu Jingyang: "If you can't do it, forget it, don't bother cousin, thank you."

   He always felt that his cousin's tone was not right, and he said calmly, "Maybe I'm being smart, I don't have the ability to do it all."

   He should choose to trust He Xinyan. If things change, He Xinyan can't help but tell everyone.

  Yuhan: "I promise you, Jingyang..."

   A busy tone sounded on the phone, and the call was cut off.

  Yuhan felt a little regretful. My cousin had never liked to ask for help since he was a child. He only asked for help a few times, but he was beaten back by himself.

  The Yu family and the Xu family have great careers. Even if the child is a little arrogant and self-willed, it doesn't matter. He didn't break the law, nor did he hurt other people.

   "Ahan." In the corridor, the woman's gentle voice sounded.

  Yu Han quickly turned his head, walked over quickly, and nervously supported the other's arm, "Aunt Luo, why did you come out?"

   The woman had a sick look on her face, her reaction was a little slow, but her tone was gentle like a spring breeze, "I'll come out to see you, don't quarrel with my brother, the family should love each other."

  Yuhan knew that she heard her phone call, and she blamed herself even more, "I didn't quarrel, Aunt Luo, I will help my brother."

  The woman nodded tiredly, her face pale under the light.

She was holding Yu Han with a bit of strength, which was completely inconsistent with her thin body, her eyes seemed to be burning with flames: "Ahan, take me to Donglin City, I want to find my Zhen Zhen, I last night Dreaming of her, she is not dead, she is still alive..."

  Yuhan's heart skipped a beat, and Aunt Luo fell ill again.

   "Okay, I'll take you there, don't get excited..."


   It wasn't until she fell asleep under the effect of sedative drugs that Gu Zhen let go of her hand, got up and closed the door and walked out.

  Yuhan felt a little guilty, "Azhen, I'm sorry, I don't know about Aunt Luo..."

   When Aunt Luo came back from abroad to find him, she behaved normally, her speech was clear and soft, her demeanor was dignified and elegant, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

   After all, he is a close friend of his mother's boudoir, Yu Han did not tell Gu Zhen the news of the other party's return to China according to the request of the other party.

   A few days ago, when he saw Aunt Luo taking medicine, he became suspicious. After contacting Gu Zhen, he found out that Aunt Luo's condition was not getting better at all.

   In recent years, the curative effect in foreign countries has not been good, but it has gradually become more serious, often out of control and hurting yourself and others.

  I don’t know how the other party ran back to China alone. I heard that he deceived four or five nurses, and even went to apply for the documents alone, and then he successfully bought a plane ticket and returned to China.

   After all, he is a high-level intellectual. Although he is insane, his intelligence still crushes ordinary people.

   Gu Zhen's expression was calm: "It's none of your business, but I want to thank you."

  Yuhan: "Then what are you going to do? Aunt Luo ran back to China to find your sister Zhen Zhen, but..."

Isn't    Ke Zhen Zhen already dead?

  Gu Zhen goes to pay homage every year. The little girl who fell into the water has long since passed away. The grass on the tomb has withered and flourished for more than a dozen spring and autumn, but the living people still stay in the memory.

   "I will accompany her to find it." Gu Zhen said lightly.

  Yuhan: "Aren't you going to attend the school party of Yongxing High School?"

  When he saw his friend in a depressed mood, he wanted to take him to relax, but he just wanted to meet the girl named He Xinyan, so he called Gu Zhen to go with him.

  Gu Zhen probably really admired the little girl who had never met before, so he agreed without thinking much.

  Gu Zhen: "I won't go."

   No matter how dazzling the girl is, can she be as cute as his sister Zhen Zhen?

  Thinking of the little girl playing with the gemstones proudly and proudly, he felt a little pain in his heart and didn't want to think about it any more.


   In the afternoon, as soon as He Xinyan and Lin Xuxu walked into the social office building, they were stopped by someone.

  Tian Weiyue looked up and down He Xinyan, with contempt in her eyes, "Sister, I have something to tell you."

   Her companions blocked the corridor, chattering not knowing what they were talking about.

   Let’s not talk about other things, but it’s undeniable that he lacks quality.

  Lin Xuxu: "Dead girl hurry up and get out of the way, good dogs won't stand in the way."

   is really sick, who wants to talk to you.

  Tian Weiyue was a little annoyed: "Sister, why are you still cursing? You can't just say anything just because you are going to lose!"

  Lin Xuxu looked at her with a neurotic look.

  Tian Weiyue turned her eyes to look at He Xinyan, with a smug tone in her tone, "I really didn't expect that, it turns out that you are looking for foreign aid to help you, senior. Don't you think this is a foul?"

  He Xinyan: "You'd better tell me one, two or three, otherwise you will provoke me because you are fine, and if you lose, you will immediately clean the toilet for me."

   She regretted discriminating between men and women, and she deserved to go to the toilet for a month because of the other party's ability to provoke trouble.

   Wash your mind well, lest your brain get stuck.

  Tian Weiyue: "You still don't admit it? Don't think I don't know, you asked Xu Shao to find a relationship and ask Lu Sichuan! What kind of skill is it to rely on a man, or do you have to rely on a man for everything you do?"

   (end of this chapter)

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