The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 186: you don't know anything

   Chapter 186 You don't know anything at all

   Yan value is a scarce resource, this sentence is absurd in Lu Qilin's view.

   If you look good, you should have more preferential treatment? There is no such thing as the values ​​he has received from childhood to education and identification.

   "Effort, diligence, and ability are the things that deserve recognition." Lu Qilin said seriously, "If she wants me to recommend her, she should speak with her true skills, instead of using public opinion to build momentum and coerce the will of the whole class."

   It is about the honor of the class, and he will never allow everyone to mess around.

  Xu Jingyang threw the pen on the table, leaned back, and looked at him coldly.

   "Prejudice, why do you think He Xinyan is incompetent? Also, why do you have the will of the whole class? You can go to the class and do an anonymous survey to see if more than 80% of the people agree with He Xinyan's participation."

   Originally, the school celebration was a celebration, not a serious competition. Of course, the consensus of the whole class was the most important thing.

The sentence   School flower is a joke, but apart from her appearance, He Xinyan's unprecedented number one grade alone makes her qualified to be seen by more people on stage.

  Xu Jingyang: "If you have to go online, that's okay, just screen it first inside the class."

  No one spoke, Lu Qilin pursed his lips and agreed not to speak.

   "What's the matter, have you discussed the result?" The head teacher gently pushed open the door and entered.

   The stagnant air in the conference room was then circulated again.

   "Mr. Wen, not yet." Xu Jingyang picked up the pen and said with a casual smile, "I want to recommend He Xinyan to sing original songs, but I have to ask her for her opinion."

  Wan Wan: "He Xinyan sings an original song? Then I have to look forward to it."

  With Wen Wan to preside over the meeting, everyone recommended two more programs according to their own opinions.

   This is just a preliminary idea. There is still one week before the deadline for registration of the program. During this time, we can integrate resources and think about it more.

   The final program reported must be stable and outstanding. No one wants the program of this class to be cut off, or to be split and integrated.

  Lu Qilin walked out the door with his notebook and looked back at everyone.

   "Don't blame me for not reminding you, the third class is going to report He Yuye to sing."

   Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

  Xu Jingyang walked out with his hands in his pockets, his expression sloppy, "Oh, does the third shift have anything to do with us?"

  Lu Qilin's eyes were slightly cold: "You don't understand anything at all."

   He said and left.

  Xu Jingyang squinted and looked at the other person's back for a while, and didn't care at all, "I'm a little dizzy without a nap. I want to drink an ice drink to wake up my mind. Who of you want to drink? I'll treat you."

   Immediately, no one cared about the embarrassment. Since Xu Shao treats guests, it must be!

   "By the way, can I order Yan Xuqiao's ice cream? Her drinks are also delicious, and Yangzhi nectar tastes amazing."

   "But her house doesn't have takeout, it's such a pity."

   "You can add money to run errands, this point seems to be okay, no need to queue!"

   "Forget it, Yan Xuqiao, it's quite expensive... But if you can order it alone, you can still count me as one."

   Mainly because I’m embarrassed to see other people wanting to treat guests and raise their requirements, which is suspected of slaughtering people, and everyone is not so cheeky.

   Someone took out a coupon, "By the way, I have a coupon of 100 yuan for Tiffany's Dessert Shop. Would you like to use this? I heard that you can order takeaway."

   As soon as this proposal came out, the scene was quiet for a few minutes.

The    coupon was obtained by He Yuye from others, and the whole class handed out a copy.

Originally, everyone thought that the classmates had a class, and everyone else had left and even sent coupons. Everyone couldn't do too much, so they took the coupons and expressed their gratitude to He Yuye. Then they collected them in the class and took them. The class fee bought He Yuye a gift in return.

   But something unpleasant happened when the item was delivered.

   Considering that everyone is a student, this matter has to be reported to Wen Wan, and the last choice to give is a reader, a Montblanc pen and a bouquet of flowers.

   In all fairness, everyone’s family background is not bad, and everything you choose is not bad, and it cost more than 10,000 yuan.

   He Yuye was very moved, and took the things with a smile.

   But in the afternoon, when Fu Yuhuan's group of girls went out to buy water, they were blocked and complained, saying that they were stingy, how could they give away such cheap things.

   He also said how generous He Yuye is, and used to give a copy to a class of students.

   First class, both Liu Jiayi and Xu Jingyang, both have super wealthy families, how could they be so embarrassed to give a gift of only 200 per person.

  Fu Yuhuan exploded on the spot. She chose the gifts during school hours, and she really put her heart into it.

   Things are definitely not cheap, and the school has long emphasized that comparisons and extravagance among students are prohibited.

   You can't just spend a lot of money on bags and jewelry just because there are so many rich people in the class. It's just inexplicable!

   So suddenly someone mentioned Tiffana's coupon, and everyone's face suddenly became a little bad.

   "Tiffany forget it." Lin Xuxu simply stated, "I have already given my coupon to a certain school girl."

   Anyway, she had already said publicly in the class that she hated He Yuye.

  Qiaoyuqiao: "I've tried Tiffana's desserts a long time ago, and to be honest, it didn't surprise me."

   The reason why she ate Tiffana's desserts was because someone gave them to her parents, who knew she loved desserts and brought them to her specially.

   The taste is very ordinary, even a little sweet and greasy. Qiaoyuqiao always feels that the exquisite and gorgeous packaging cannot hide the cheap taste.

   Not to mention the comparison with Yan Xuqiao, even if it is compared with the western restaurant of the Junting Hotel, it is far worse.

   "I've also eaten Tiffana, and I don't think it's as good as Yan Xuqiao." Someone hesitated before speaking.

   After he got the coupon, he thought that there was no need to use it for nothing. It happened that Tiffana's advertisement was overwhelming, so he tried it out of curiosity.

   After trying it, there is only one thought. Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world, and there is really no good thing for free!

   Compared with Yan Xuqiao, one is in the sky and the other is underground.

   Xu Jingyang quickly clapped: "Then Yan Xuqiao, I'll call for errands."

   "Let me treat you..." Qiao Yuqiao couldn't stand it any longer. After all, their shop was booming, and they really made a lot of money recently. I felt a little guilty for not inviting my classmates.

   Seeing everyone looking at her, she quickly said, "Oh no, I mean Xinyan treats her! She already said she wanted to treat everyone!"

   After she finished speaking, she silently gave herself a compliment, so that no one would reject it.

   After all, He Xinyan was the first in her grade, and she won a gold medal in the summer physics competition, and she won a lot of bonuses.

   He Xinyan had already mentioned about the treat, but it wasn't just a few days after school started, so I haven't had time to mention it.

  Xu Jingyang shrugged, no longer scrambling for a treat.

   Most of the students in the class are transparent and honest, and they know right and wrong. He Xinyan is willing to treat him. He has no opinion.

   Except, of course, the three idiots with their elbows turned out.

  Lu Qilin...Maybe it can barely be rescued.

   (end of this chapter)

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