The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 184: It must be the master who came out last time.

   Chapter 184 It must be the master who came out last time

  A foreign hacker organization.

   "It must be the expert who came out last time, definitely her!" The blond man smashed down the computer desk in a fit of rage.

   This time, they attacked the network of Donglin University of Technology and the mailboxes of faculty and staff, and planted a Trojan horse virus to steal some scientific research results.

  The blond man raised his voice, "Hanny, I said that Donglin is not a place to be provoked, but you still don't believe it!"

  Hanni had a black face, and his expression was equally ugly.

   They are a group of extortionists.

   Attack some companies or government websites to maliciously ask for money; if the other party refuses to pay the money, they choose to publish the stolen information on the Internet.

   In doing so, he unexpectedly became popular on the Internet, gained attention and fans, and became a "hero" in the eyes of some people.

  Money and fame come so easily, making them think they are the kings of the online world and act more recklessly.

   When they attacked the Donglin City Government website last time, they also specially released a notice.

   I didn't expect to be sure of everything, but encountered Waterloo, and was counterattacked by a wave, and lost a computer.

   After a few months, they made a comeback, and this time they paid a lot of money to deal with Donglin University of Technology.

   Unlike last time, several top hackers in the organization participated in the attack this time, and they were well prepared.

   Unexpectedly, it still failed.

   This time, the loss was even more severe. Even the records with them and the receipt of money were obtained by the other party, and they controlled their account and published it on the Internet.

   Such "self-destruction" completely detonated public opinion on the Internet, even if they hurriedly delete it after they reacted, it was too late.

   Now there is a lot of ridicule and abuse on the Internet. They used to be sought after by those so-called fans, but now they are scolded by those fans.

  Hanni's whole heart seems to have fallen into the ice cellar, it's over, it's over...

   If he knew earlier, he should have listened to the persuasion and avoided this place in Donglin City completely. Now he has completely kicked the iron plate, and it is too late to say anything now.

   Where is this XY sacred? Why had he never heard of this character?


   When He Xinyan walked into the classroom, the classroom was as lively as a vegetable market.

  Yongxing High School advocates that students should be relaxed in their studies and do not engage in high-pressure education, but it does not allow students to be so relaxed.

   She raised her head and glanced, even the monitor Lu Qilin was talking to a few boys around her with a relaxed expression.

  Lin turned his head slowly, "Morning, didn't you encounter anything last night?"

   She also heard from the clerk that He Xinyan was entangled with the rich second generation after school yesterday.

   I heard that he is a fool who drives a luxury car and has a driver. He looks like a dog. He holds a bunch of red roses and woos directly in the street.

  The courtship failed and he let the car follow He Xinyan and continued to entangle.

  Lin Xuxu is really speechless, even she can't despise such a fool, let alone He Xinyan?

  He Xinyan's approach is really amazing, she actually called the director of teaching and the director of the security department directly.

   I heard that because of this incident, the security office plans to recruit a few more people, strengthen patrols around the school, and make every effort to ensure the safety of students.

   The classmates don't know about this, but if they do...a spit can drown each other.

  He Xinyan: "It's okay, it won't affect me."

  Lin Xuxu: "Let's go together after school later."

   She is not afraid that the rich second-generation He Xinyan can't deal with it alone, she just wants to see the fool.

  By the way, I have to rush up to greet the other party's family. Where did the face come from and dare to be presumptuous at the gate of Yongxing High School?

  He Xinyan glanced at Lin Xuxu, and always felt that the other party was smiling and speaking, gnashing his teeth a little secretly.

   She looked up and quickly found the point, "So everyone is so noisy, are they talking about the school celebration?"

  Lin Xuxu: "Yes, no."

  Celebration is certainly worth discussing. After all, the school has a task, and it is necessary to submit one or two programs to participate in the preliminary screening. In the end, if you can perform on stage, or even if you can win an award, you can earn class honor points.

  Yongxing High School attaches great importance to quality education. The students are versatile and the quality of the school celebration party has always been very high.

   In the evening, parents of students will also be invited to watch their children’s performances. The reception standard is very high, and of course everyone attaches great importance to it.

   This matter, the class cadres will definitely hold a meeting today to determine the program to be reported by the class.

   But this is not the only thing that everyone is discussing.

   "It seems to be talking about the hot search. Donglin University of Technology, you know, was attacked by a hacker group outside the country. Yesterday, the reporter asked the school to verify that it was true."

   After the news came out last night, the Internet exploded.

   Originally, netizens were just rumors and speculations, but the official personally confirmed that it was true. Suddenly, tens of thousands of angry netizens poured into the official Weibo to diss.

  Since it's true, don't hurry up and find a solution!

  The scientific research achievements of teaching and research personnel must be well protected, and the bad guys cannot be allowed to succeed!

  Why do you still have the mind to reply to reporters, do you know that the Lurker Alliance is the most notorious hacker organization in the world? It's over, not only will this be a heavy loss, but also will be ridiculed by the Internet, and will lose face internationally.

   Netizens are worried and anxious.

   Donglin University of Technology's official Weibo did not reply.

  Many netizens stayed until after twelve o'clock in the evening. At this time, someone sent a screenshot from the Internet, and the whole person was magical.

  【If you are not mistaken, the Lurker Alliance has overturned this time? Attachment.jpg]

  [Try to translate it, everyone can see, is this old man blowing himself up? It's disgusting, so many celebrities have worked with them. 】

   It's one thing to know that the Lurkers Union is serving certain countries or politicians abroad, it's another thing to see the real list and deals.

  The good people went to dig up and found that there have been many attacks on the Internet, which completely matched this list.

   Good guy, this time the Internet is completely boiling, and the whole network is eating melons fiercely.

   Even if this list is deleted after half an hour of hanging, it is useless, the content has long been saved by screenshots of netizens and spread widely.

   Everyone ate melons all night, and they are still so excited, there are all kinds of guesses.

   But it can be summed up in only four words: very happy!

  The shameless actions of the Lurkers Union are innumerable, and the proud and stinky face has long been dissatisfied by the majority of netizens.

   While eating the melon’s trade list, everyone is also guessing who is sacred, and in turn hacked the account of the Lurker Alliance, causing them to blew themselves up.

  Lin Xuxu: "Many people suspect that it was Donglin University of Technology, but this is just an idea for our own entertainment."

  After all, those overseas hacker groups often mock the network firewall as a fake. They can enter as they want, just like entering their own back garden.

  The extranet speculates that some Justice League or some major country has taken action.

   (end of this chapter)

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