The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 177: The song "Cicada" is really bad

  Chapter 177 The song "Cicada" is really bad

   When Ling Xuan and He Yuye finished their performance, the host was simply amazed.

   I immediately understood why this show was originally set to be an easter egg. It really should have been an easter egg, which surprised people enough.

   The other three on the jury were also surprised.

   After all, Ling Xuan was born in idols. Although the popular albums sold well, there were no songs that were recognized by the public and professionals.

   Even if he is also sitting on the jury's seat, it is clear that Ling Xuan's strength is not enough to make everyone look up to him.

   I didn't expect him to sing quite well.

"As expected of the original singer, the original singer is really an eternal god!" the host said with a smile, "The song "Cicada" has always been hailed as the most difficult to cover, but this version is also amazing! Especially The way men and women sing duet is really special and artistic, it's amazing!"

   The host was generous with praise, and the judges also gave high praise.

   "The arrangement is great, and the story is very strong. The amateur girl can also sing very well."

   "I almost want to fall in love when I hear it, the arrangement is good, the singing is also very good, and the piano level is quite high."

   After joking, the host asked a question.

   "I heard that you didn't want to sing "The Cool Cicada" because you felt that you couldn't sing the mood of the year. Do you have any comments on your performance today?"

  Ling Xuan's eyes sank slightly: "I am very satisfied with my stage today, and I am very happy to be able to cooperate with He Yuye."

After singing   , his heartbeat was still a little unstable, but his mood was miraculously high.

   Probably because he knew that there was someone sitting and watching in the audience, he even performed exceptionally today.


  He Xinyan didn't sit in the auditorium to watch any stage, she was sitting in the background brushing her phone.

   Probably because of the high level of attention in this issue, the program team was very thief to do a live broadcast.

   is a bold attempt and has already attracted a lot of audiences.

  Because in the afternoon, the entry "Lu Sichuan's stunning voice" was attached to the tail of the hot search, fans and passersby couldn't help but look forward to it. After all, this was once a legend in the music world.

  I didn't expect that Lu Sichuan's opening program was temporarily replaced by Ling Xuan's.

   [Fuck, this version of "Cicada" is pretty good, there's something! 】

  【Nice! The new arrangement, the way men and women sing duet has a sense of story, Ling Xuan is great! 】

  【Who said Ling Xuan can no longer sing "Cicada", he came out and was beaten! See how good this version is! 】

  【Those who can surpass the original "Cicada" can only be the original singing, laughing CRY]

   Soon, entries such as "Ling Xuan Immortal Stage" and "Ling Xuan sings "Cicada" again after five years" climbed the hot search.

   Netizens first read the entry for "Lu Sichuan's amazing voice" all afternoon, and when they clicked in, they found that there was nothing, which was inexplicable.

   Then I saw two entries related to Ling Xuan, which were released by passers-by to edit the video on the spot today, and I was immediately amazed.

  Ling Xuan has no awards, but the song "Cicada" has a huge audience.

   This wave of adaptations has been recognized by many people.

  Although there are still people who question it, they feel that this adaptation of the whole song is completely inappropriate, and there is no sense of shocking the original version.

   But it will be refuted by fans soon. My brother is the songwriter of "Cicada" and the singer of the original version. What kind of mood is this song trying to express? Isn't he a passerby like you?

  Noble passers-by please hurry up, you don't deserve to enjoy my brother's music.

   Another part was talking about the heroine of the song.

  【The young lady who sang with Ling Xuan did a good job. Although she didn't get many lyrics, she played stably and her voice was really nice! 】

  【Wait, why am I so familiar with this singing voice? Isn’t this the Yushu Nectar from Panda Video? 】

  [It's her @Not Jinzhi but Yuye, the real daughter who has been living abroad for more than ten years and was recovered by a wealthy family who has been very popular recently! 】

  【I wanted to say it in the Tiffana chocolate ad before, the two really match up! 】

   [Don't go upstairs to a real person, the two are just friends from the family, Yuye baby is still a high school student, you should pay attention to the influence. 】


The popularity of   Ling Xuan's several entries continued to rise, and the popularity remained high. Even many people indulged in this stage and lost interest in the following games.

   Only a small number of people still stick to the live broadcast room, wanting to see Lu Sichuan's last easter egg.

   At this time, someone on the barrage swiped the enlarged and bolded entry.

  【Hahaha I'm dying of laughter, go watch the rehearsal clips that flow out from the inside, Lu Sichuan's voice is amazing? I think it's almost frightening! 】

   The other party directly pointed the way to @星光光微博, and netizens immediately flocked in.

  The blogger released a small clip of the rehearsal in the afternoon. It was obviously filmed secretly with a mobile phone. In the video, Lu Sichuan was singing, but when he reached the chorus, the sound was obviously broken.

   Probably didn't give up. Lu Sichuan tried twice, but still couldn't sing the high pitch. Finally, he stopped the rehearsal in a hurry and left the stage.

   After this video was released, it shocked everyone.

  【What is Lu Sichuan's amazing voice, isn't he ashamed to buy this hot search? 】

   [I have to sigh with emotion, even a generation of music legends cannot escape the decline in talent. 】

  【I'm dying of laughter, but the talent has declined. This is simply the level of KTV, right? Even if he sings and dances idols, he can crush him. 】

  【Fu Randu can sing better than him! 】

  【Fu Ran: Are you polite? 】

  【It's a little sad, it's been in such a state after being silent for so many years, I'd rather you don't come out, isn't it good to keep some good memories? @Lu Sichuan]

  【The entertainment industry's food is so good, how can you, Brother Lu, be willing? It must be followed by padding and repairing, and it is necessary to force the character of the king of the music world, and ask others to make way for him everywhere. 】

  【No one doesn't know that Ling Xuan was forced to save a certain senior today, right? 】

   [Okay, everyone, let's go. Today is a live broadcast. If the last Easter egg is of Lu Sichuan's level, I choose not to listen. 】


   Brother Qian observed the popularity on the Internet and was very satisfied.

   This wave of propaganda stepped on Lu Sichuan, and the effect was very significant.

   Several fan groups were completely boiling. On the one hand, they were praising Lingxuan's fairy stage, and on the other hand, they felt distressed that Ling Xuan was forced to rescue Lu Sichuan.

   Brother Qian is very good at abusing fans and solid fans. What's the use of singing well on one side, and only being bullied can arouse the emotions of fans.

   This is his usual method. Only fans who are angry and feel sorry for the unfair treatment of idols will be more sticky and aggressive.

   Next, don’t worry about the sales of Ling Xuan’s new album~~

   When he saw the people sitting in the backstage, he thought about it, walked over and said with a smile, "How about it, our Lingxuan's stage is amazing, right? The most amazing thing is that his cooperation with He Yuye is very harmonious."

  He Xinyan put away the phone and said calmly, "Really, I don't think so."

   If this is what Ling Xuan wants to show her, then she has to tell the truth.

   "The song "Liang Chan" is very bad in the first place, and the adapted version is even more rubbish."

   (end of this chapter)

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