The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 175: Put Brother Lu's show at the end

   Chapter 175 Put Brother Lu's show to the end

  People: "..."

   I almost forgot that Yanshen even sold the patent for the invention!

   I have to say that Yan Shen really has no shortcomings and is crushed in all directions.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, He Xinyan looked a little unconvinced, and she probably understood, "If you want to be more popular than anyone who has done commercials, then when I shot the commercial of Core Love Chocolate, it also caused the effect of crowds. , did I say anything?"

   "You've been out of breath for more than ten years, but He Yuye is really popular!"

  He Xinyan looked at the man who was talking, but the other party lowered his eyes and dared not look at her.

"Where did the illusion come from that made you think that He Yuye is very popular? Just because of more advertisements and more marketing, she became popular?" He Xinyan's voice was calm, but the question she asked was sharp, "You guys go out to the street. Ask, how many people know her? What is her number of fans on major social platforms and how popular is she?"

"If you say that she is a big star now, then your standards are really low. After all, when she is familiar with her face, you can discuss the issue of whether she is popular or not. Also, when you become a star, you don't have to take the college entrance examination, don't you? Did you read?"

  He Xinyan never discriminates against academic qualifications. After all, everyone has their own specialties, and it may not be impossible to achieve success without studying.

   But still, you must have outstanding expertise in a certain field, otherwise reading is always the best choice.

   Nowadays, all walks of life in society are seriously introverted. For anyone, an education degree is definitely a plus point, and in many cases it is even a very important stepping stone.

   It really doesn't make any sense to take a person who relies on the strong support of the family to fight with others who is more popular.

   And the orientation is very wrong. In that case, are there still fewer rich people in the school? If you want to go out and join the entertainment industry, who can't afford to spend on advertising?

  He Xinyan: "Besides, it doesn't matter whether she is popular or not. Could she bring you all three classes to debut as a group? Then maybe one class will be envious."

  Xu Jingyang: "Then don't be envious. My family has high requirements on me, and I want to get into a good university."

   After a pause, he added, "You can't manage a listed company with a market value of tens of billions without a degree."

  Cheng Jiaxing: "..."

  Two boys: "..."

  Lin Xuxu couldn't help laughing. When it comes to quarrels, who has ever negotiated benefits under He Xinyan's hands?

   She really wanted to advise some hopeless illiterate people to read and think more.

   Anyway, enrich your vocabulary, and then quarrel with people.


  Outside the classroom, He Yuye's face turned blue, white and red.

  Wen Wan reminded lightly from the side: "Do you want to go in and say goodbye to your classmates?"

She didn't make any comment on the dispute, but it made He Yuye a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, she said in a low voice, "Mr. Wen, I really didn't waste my studies, I will try my best to get into Imperial College. I don't know about Cheng Jiaxing and the others. would say so..."

  Wan Wan: "It doesn't matter, you just need to plan your own life route."

  He Yuye clenched the bag in her hand. The facade was filled with coupons for Tiffana's offline dessert concept store, which was a gift she planned to bid farewell to.

   Now she can't send it out. Will the classmates think she is showing off?

  He Yuye finally left those valuable coupons, and asked her friends to help transfer them to everyone.

   She has other things to do in the evening, so she doesn't have much time to waste her words.


  Today is the day when students start school, and it is also the day when the new episode of "The King of Songs" is recorded.

Brother Qian, Ling Xuan's agent, has already bought the hot searches. The entries for "Ling Xuan Immortal Stage" and "Ling Xuan sings "Cicada" again after five years will be posted as soon as the show finishes recording. on trending searches.

   He also bought Lu Sichuan's black hot search by the way, "Lu Sichuan's voice is amazing". Of course, it is impossible to be amazed, and it is almost the same to be shocked.

Brother Qian is well versed in marketing. First, let's play Lu Sichuan's amazing voice, and reverse marketing boasted how amazing Lu Sichuan's voice is. After the netizens are frightened, he will play Ling Xuan's "Cicada", and the effect will definitely double. .

  After arranging everything, Brother Qian glanced at the time, it was almost five o'clock.

   "Has He Yuye arrived yet?" he asked his assistant, this was his hidden trump card.

   In other words, even he did not expect that He Yuye actually has a music account with hundreds of thousands of fans on a short video platform.

   She even sang "Cool Cicada". Although the vocal condition is not particularly amazing, it is not bad. It can be regarded as the most popular cover.

   I have been training with Ling Xuan secretly for a while, and the stage of their cooperation today is absolutely amazing.

   "Miss Yuye has arrived!" With the assistant's voice, the door was pushed open and He Yuye walked in.

   Brother Qian quickly instructed the makeup artist and assistant, "Hurry up and give He Yuye makeup and styling!"


  Ling Xuan watched the makeup artist styling He Yuye, and was very satisfied. He Yuye's plasticity is really strong.

   Her appearance is not particularly stunning and beautiful, but there is enough blank space, and her pure and stubborn breath is in line with the theme of the song "Cicada".

   No one will know that the song "Cool Cicada" was originally a duet of men and women.

   This adaptation has added some things to it, which is more in line with the market, and the emotions are more lingering and memorable.

  He Yuye's sweet and sweet voice really fits well and is a bonus.

   He is confident that the stage will be a hit this time.

  Some of the things that others have given to this kind of song will eventually be stripped away by him one by one, and become his own glory and glory.

   He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message, "I'll leave the location to you, you can come or not."


  He Xinyan looked at the text message on the phone and deleted the message with a calm expression.

   Today is the first day of school, and the school ends early, so it was almost six o'clock when she arrived at the recording site of the show.

  6:00 is the official recording time of the program.

   When He Xinyan was looking for a place in the corridor, Tang Zheng was so anxious that he was about to jump.

   "Auntie, you're here!" Seeing He Xinyan, he strode over, and without escaping suspicion, he dragged the person straight into the dressing room next to him.

  Lu Sichuan turned his head with a helpless expression: "Brother Zheng, you are too nervous, I'm really fine."

  He Xinyan already understood what happened on the way.

  Lu Sichuan, as a flying guest, was not familiar with the venue, so he came over for the rehearsal at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

   I don't know what's going on. When he auditioned for the first time in the afternoon, there was something wrong with his throat, and now it seems to be a little red and swollen.

  Lu Sichuan suffered a lot from his throat, so it didn't take long for such a thing to happen, can Tang Zheng not be in a hurry?

   Even if Lu Sichuan repeatedly said that he was fine and that he could sing, Tang Zheng was still worried.

  He Xinyan looked at Lu Sichuan's water cup, and was indeed manipulated, "It's not a big problem, just put some powder that is easy to get angry."

   She looked up at Tang Zheng, "Can you please communicate with the program team and put Brother Lu's program at the end?"

   (end of this chapter)

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