The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 168: Don't your He family even have this money?

   Chapter 168 Don't your He family even have this money?

   Luo Yuan was so excited that he was about to jump up, Manager Xiao also looked surprised, only Director Jiang looked calm and the old **** was there.

  The female manager handed over the card dropped from the golden egg, "Congratulations, you won the special prize by hitting the golden egg - 50% off the total room price!"

   "How is that possible!" Lin Yunshu couldn't believe it, she turned and rushed over.

   "Did you make a mistake, the person who just won the grand prize is actually our wife?" The housekeeper also hurried forward.

   It makes no sense that their wife didn't win the lottery, but He Xinyan did!

how can that be!

   The housekeeper looked serious, pointed to He Xinyan and said, "She can't possibly win the prize, she must have robbed our wife of the prize! We didn't look carefully just now, so we must have made a mistake."

   He suspected that the staff just didn't find it carefully, and the winning card fell into the pile of debris and couldn't see it.

   He Xinyan just picked the golden egg next to it and smashed it. The two golden eggs are so close together, it is entirely possible to make a mistake!

   Butler: "I'm not talking nonsense, I have a basis, He Xinyan is a plague god, and she has never won a prize since she was a child!"

  Xinai Chocolate once held a winning event, which is the kind of simple and rude another box. Every child of the He family can win the lottery, and even many servants have won the lottery.

   Happily, He Xinyan just couldn't win the prize.

   Later, after learning that He Xinyan was not a child of the He family, the housekeeper had not been slaughtered. No wonder the luck was so bad. Did you spend all your good luck in entering the He family?

   It was really a **** luck. An orphan who no one wanted suddenly became the eldest Miss of the He Family, enjoying the glory and wealth that did not belong to her.

  It is no wonder that you are usually unlucky when it comes to wealth.

  Luo Yuan: "...Aren't you really touching porcelain?"

   She couldn't bear it anymore. He Xinyan finally won the prize, but the other party wanted to take it away with a few words?

  I look like I have no temper and can be bullied, but I must not give in at this time! Rich people are amazing, luck is amazing, right?

"In the past, bad luck did not mean bad luck forever, and good luck in the past did not mean good luck forever." Luo Yuan was very speechless, "It's amazing that your wife has won the lottery time and time again in the mall. But if you don't win the lottery today, you won't win the lottery, no Shameless to steal other people's awards?"

   Zhang Wenbin's tone was stern: "How did you talk to the customer, Xiao Luo? What does this have to do with you, please apologize!"

  What are you doing as a real estate agent, you are really brave!

  He Xinyan: "I can always talk, I think Sister Luo Yuan is right."

   Originally, she could not want this award, but since Lin Yunshu was going to make trouble, now she has to.

   "According to the logic of Ms. Lin and her housekeeper, in the future, whenever Ms. Lin participates in the lottery, the organizer must give her a prize, otherwise it will be a black box operation."

After a pause, He Xinyan spoke quickly and fluently, "Winning the lottery is a matter of probability, but I would like to ask, why? With your big face, or with your glass heart, it is easy to break defenses? Anyway, let's have a face!"

  Lin Yunshu grasped the main point of the words and widened her eyes in disbelief, "You said I'm a lot of age?"

He Xinyan: "You don't think you're really lucky for those awards you won in the past? If it weren't for the He family being too strong, those cabinet sisters would have to push the boat to give you the awards. Do you think you're really God's darling? Sober up, don't adults have any judgment on their own?"

   To say that Lin Yunshu caused this illusion, it was all the pot of He Linjun's legal coffee.

   In the years when Lin Yunshu was sick, one of the only two distractions was to buy and buy all kinds of things.

  In order to promote the shopping mall, there will be some lottery activities on various holidays.

  He Linjun went to warn the merchants, saying that his mother was depressed when he found out that he was holding the wrong child, and the merchants naturally did not dare to offend... So during that time, the probability of Lin Yunshu winning the lottery was very high.

  Lin Yunshu clutched her chest in anger and was shaking.

  He Xinyan this bitch!

  The female manager glanced at Lin Yunshu's face and said with a smile, "If this lady is not feeling well, we can call an ambulance."

   But the award is impossible to give to Lin Yunshu, absolutely impossible!

  Even if someone suggested just now that it would be psychological comfort to find an award for this lady, that would not work. If you didn’t win the lottery, you didn’t win the lottery. The boss said that it’s definitely not a big deal.

   A staff member walked up to the female manager and whispered a few words.

  The female manager pondered for a while, and in the end she still walked towards Lin Yunshu's position.

   Zhang Wenbin was so anxious in his heart that he was afraid that Lin Yunshu would be **** off. Seeing the female manager coming over, he felt better.

   The sales center must be more worried about the loss of customers than he is. If the female manager can be a human being, she should send a gift to condolence.

   After all, there is a huge gap between the two sides. With the comparison of He Xinyan's 50% discount for the special prize, the gift from the female manager should not be too bad.

   "My lady, I'm very sorry, you didn't pass our verification." The female manager smiled.

  Lin Yunshu's face froze for a while, and before he could speak, Zhang Wenbin had already retorted loudly, "Failed to pass the capital verification? How could it be possible, did you make a mistake?"

Female manager: "Because our project is very popular, we increased the capital verification limit as early as today, requiring 100% capital verification. Stocks, pledges or other are not acceptable, and we do not accept loans. Mrs. He is interested in our high-end units. , I'm very sorry that your funds fall far short of the requirements."

   Zhang Wenbin's head was blank, and he stared blankly at Lin Yunshu, what do you mean, this Mrs. He has no money to buy a villa?

   So if she has no money, what kind of big money is she charging, is this just kidding herself?

  Lin Yunshu: "There is a misunderstanding in this matter! I have contacted the senior management of your company... Wait a minute and I will call."

   She was a little flustered, she picked up the phone and turned on her side to make a call.

   Of course she doesn't have enough money. A villa in Jinshuiwan is worth hundreds of millions. How can she have so much money?

   Originally, she thought it was a good idea to give He Yuye No. 1 Gold, enough to step He Xinyan into the mud.

  Who knew that He Xinyan would actually sell stocks to buy a villa, she was so stimulated...and suddenly she had to be a villa.

   It happened that there was a wife and daughter in her social circle who was in charge of the Jinshuiwan project, so she greeted him and asked him to leave the villa to her first, and she could raise the money slowly.

   Now the popularity of Tiffany's brand is so high, and the He Group is also favored by many people. It is impossible for the other party not to give him this convenience.

   "Mrs. He, I'm sorry that I really can't help you with this matter. Besides, will your He family still have no money? Don't make it difficult for me."

   There was no leakage when he opened his mouth, but he made it clear that he couldn't help.

   Lin Yunshu hung up the phone and was still angry, she gritted her teeth and made another call.

  As soon as the call was over, the housekeeper looked at her in horror while holding the phone, motioning her to answer the call.

   "Where are you? Hurry up and go home!" Mr. He was obviously very angry, "How did you tell others, there are rumors that He's capital chain is broken and is going to go bankrupt!"

   (end of this chapter)

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