The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 164: Are you looking to buy the No. 1 Gilt?

  Chapter 164 Are you going to buy the gilt number one?

   "Xiao Luo, you're back. Didn't you say you were busy with clients? How about that client who bought these suites?" Zhang Wenbin became angry as soon as he opened his mouth.

   "Brother Zhang, you are joking." Luo Yuan sat down in the seat, turned on the computer and waited to turn it on.

   The other party didn't say anything nice as soon as she opened her mouth, and she didn't really want to talk to her.

   Zhang Wenbin sneered: "Xiao Luo, don't you think so, what kind of friendship do you have with that Miss He? You won't be busy running for so long, but the order hasn't been completed yet, right?"

   Luo Yuan said sternly: "Brother Zhang, buying a house is not going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, of course you have to be careful."

   Zhang Wenbin raised his voice: "Isn't that being cautious? You don't think that He Xinyan can really afford a house, do you? Some things are not accessible to your class, so it's no wonder that you are deceived."

   Colleagues all looked over in surprise, what's the situation?

   Zhang Wenbin wanted this effect.

   cleared his throat and said, "I'm afraid you don't know, that He Xinyan is actually the adopted daughter of the wealthy He family, and she has been kicked out of the He family! She is just a lost dog now!"

  He Xinyan didn't expect to hear this kind of comment as soon as he entered the door.

   She looked at the smug man and asked calmly, "Who do you say is the bereaved dog?"

   Zhang Wenbin was a little embarrassed, but he didn't expect to be heard by the master.

   But then he thought about it, what he was afraid of, and he was right, it should be He Xinyan who was embarrassed.

   He glanced at He Xinyan. He hadn't seen him for a while. This one seemed to be beautiful again, and he had the capital to seduce men.

   Zhang Wenbin had a fake smile on his face, "I didn't say anything, I just told a joke. But Miss He is getting more and more beautiful. I heard that she is planning to buy a house recently. She is really young and promising."

   He deliberately emphasized the words beautiful and youthful.

   A little girl who is studying in high school, no matter how you look at it, it is not suitable for buying a house.

   Even the fool could hear that he was mocking on purpose.

   Luo Yuan's face darkened immediately, and she said with anger, "Brother Zhang, this is a company customer, please be polite."

   "Why am I being rude?" Zhang Wenbin said with a smile, "Miss He bought the house by herself, of course I have to praise her, unlike a client I met before."

He paused for a moment, his eyes looked contemptuous, "The little girl looked pretty, but she actually gave a rich old man three. As a result, the house that the gold master just bought for her was turned around and was sued by her wife in court to take it back. People and money are empty, you say it's funny, it's not funny."

   But what's even more amusing is He Xinyan. She was only eighteen years old and learned from other people's sugar daddy. The owner of the money was reluctant to buy her a house worth more than two million yuan.

   vowed to sign a contract, but he rolled into the sales center in a daze, thinking that he was embarrassed for the other party.

  How dare you put the money of the rich family.

  He Xinyan looked at the proud man, and the corners of her lips could not help but gradually rise.

   "This is your professional quality as a real estate consultant? You talk nonsense in front of clients. No wonder you've been on the job for six years, and your performance is still countdown."

   Her eyes were very good, and she saw the performance ranking table posted in the conference room at a glance. The man in front of her was really bad in every sense.

   Zhang Wenbin was a little annoyed, and said stubbornly: "I didn't tell you, please don't take the right seat, Miss He."

"I heard you lying about me when I entered the door, so I forgot? Although it is obvious that you are going downhill, it is not a goldfish's brain, right? If you are sick, take medicine as soon as possible. The society is tolerant to you, not you. Bad reason."

   There were several laughter around, that's right, Zhang Wenbin is the first person in their store to be rotten, and the old fried dough stick is the only one.

  Is it because you are going downhill that you don’t work hard? Then they understood and sympathized fiercely.

  Zhang Wenbin is about to die of anger, he is only thirty years old and not even a man of integrity!

   "You're not even a customer of our company, please go out."

  He Xinyan turned and glanced at the manager's room inside.

   There is so much noise outside, it stands to reason that the manager should come out to appease the customer, but the other party is hiding inside and pretending to be deaf, which shows what kind of attitude he has.

   probably determined that she, a high school student, would not dare to make a fuss, or that she would not be able to make a fuss.

  He Xinyan: "Really, it turns out that I'm not even your client. If that's the case, then I think you won't like my purchase of a house."

   Zhang Wenbin wanted to die laughing, is she pretending to be addicted? Even buying a house, the gold owner abandoned her.

   "Sorry, our store has requirements on the quality and character of our customers. I hope you forgive me."

   Luo Yuan wanted to interject several times, but He Xinyan held her shoulders and swallowed it back.

   Hearing this, I finally couldn't help it!

   "Zhang Wenbin, are you sick?!"

  Luo Yuan was stunned for a moment. She didn't say these words by herself. She quickly turned her head and turned her eyes to the door of the store.

   The man who appeared out of breath was the senior manager of their area.

   "How about the service etiquette taught by the company's induction training, you have eaten it all in the dog's stomach? Dare to talk to customers like this?"

   Zhang Wenbin was a little dizzy after being scolded, and quickly whispered, "Director Jiang, listen to my explanation, I have a reason..."

   Although it was a bit shameful to be scolded in front of so many colleagues, he believed that as long as Director Jiang listened to his words, he would support his decision.

   It's not that he wants to push out potential customers, it's really that the He family wants to deal with He Xinyan.

That Mrs. He intends to buy the No. 1 Gold Gold. As long as he makes He Xinyan shameless on the spot, the other party is willing to give him the list. This is not only related to the sales indicators and performance of their store, but also related to the maintenance of the relationship between the He family. .

   As long as the Mrs. He is happy and helps to promote their store in the upper circles, are you afraid that there will be no performance in the future?

   I wonder if those rich and noble ladies like to buy, buy and buy, buying a house is as simple as buying a bag for them.

   The store manager was finally disturbed, and was willing to move his body out of the office.

   The two took Gaojing in the area to the side to explain, and only after they brought out Mrs. He's name, they were spat out again.

   "What Mrs. He said? No one in the wealthy circle of Donglin City knows that Mrs. He's adoptive mother is unkind. Can she believe what she said? Besides, she took the initiative to cut off relations with the He family, and was not driven out by the He family!"

   Gao Jing in the area was very angry, "Don't worry about Xiao Zhang, what's the matter with you, Manager Jia, how do I usually take you?"

   "Apologize, hurry up and apologize to Miss He, or this matter will not end!"

   When the three of them came out, another middle-aged man just happened to enter the store, "Director Jiang, you are here too."

   Zhang Wenbin recognized at a glance that the middle-aged man was the store manager of another commercial area.

   There is internal competition with their stores.

  The middle-aged man was too impatient to have time to greet Gao Jing in the area, and turned around and walked towards He Xinyan enthusiastically.

   "You're the Miss He Xinyan on the phone, aren't you? I've admired her name for a long time! Are you going to buy the No. 1 Gold Gold? We can discuss in detail what you need!"

   (end of this chapter)

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