The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 160: Tiffana brand official spokesperson

  Chapter 160 Tiffana Brand Official Announcement Spokesperson

   Such a bright red color is rarely able to be suppressed by ordinary men, but this string of bracelets on his hands made his complexion as white as jade, and the red moles on the corners of his eyes complemented each other.

While    is cold and out of the dust like an immortal, it also adds a magnificence that seems to flow.

   "Good-looking!" Even He Chenxiao had to praise He Xinyan for her vision.

  Shi Lin was in a much better mood. He glanced at He Chenxiao, "If it wasn't for this bracelet, you would be displaced tonight."

  He Chenxiao retracted his neck and dared not speak again.

   On the one hand, I thought that the fourth brother is so good-looking, who can stand it and not praise him?

   On the one hand, I thought, I seem to be falling out of favor woohoo! This guy Shen Jinzhou is very scheming, and wants to take the opportunity to step on his own!

   He glared at Shen Jinzhou, he would never let him get his wish!


   Yulu Western Restaurant.

  Xu Jingyang tidied up his clothes for the fifth time, plucked the flowers in his arms, and craned his neck to look at the door.

  He Xinyan said that he wanted to invite him to dinner, but no one came, so that's fine, Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao were also late.

   I haven’t seen you for a month, are you so busy?

   He sat for a while, and a man came, with a loud voice, "I'll put the flowers and cakes down first, by the way, please ask the waiter to put the cakes in the refrigerator."

  Xia Yanbin hurriedly put down his things and left. He has to rush back to pick up his old man.

   Xu Jingyang looked at him vigilantly: "Wait a minute, who are you, did you go to the wrong room?"

  Xia Yanbin exited to look at the box number, and said with certainty, "That's right, it's this private room that Mr. He ordered."

   Xu Jingyang was even more vigilant: "Mr. He, who are you always talking about, which one is Mr. He?"

   Wouldn't it be He Linjun's 250?

  Xia Yanbin: "President He is Mr. He. Who else do you think Mr. He is. Aren't you her classmate?"

   After the man finished speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

   Xu Jingyang: "..."

   It was getting dark, Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao walked in one after the other, but they obviously didn't come together.

   "I guessed it was you as soon as I saw it." Lin Xuxu quickly caught up with Qiaoyu Bridge, and the two prepared gifts respectively.

  Qiao Yuqiao is carrying two boxes, one is a gift prepared by herself, and the other is a gift prepared by her parents.

   When the two entered the door and saw Xu Jingyang, they quickly said hello, "Xu Shao, you have already arrived."

  Xu Jingyang raised his head and inquired about the two of them, not to mention Qiaoyu Bridge, Lin Xuxu, a woman who loves beauty like her life, she is very, very, very black!

   Xu Jingyang couldn't help laughing: "Are you going to move bricks in the summer vacation, why are you getting so tanned?"

  Lin Xuxu: "Is it that obvious? But you're right, we did move bricks."

   She used to love beauty. Basically, in addition to studying and socializing, she put all her energy on maintaining her figure and face.

   After all, this is a **** society, and she doesn't dare to slack off.

   When I was really busy not long ago, I realized that there was really not enough time, and I couldn’t care about the delicacy and beauty of the moment.

  Black is a bit darker, but his spirit is much more capable, and he is more confident and assertive.

   This change is also evident in Qiao Yuqiao. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

   Xu Jingyang: "..."

   They really have something to hide from themselves, right?

   When He Xinyan and Bai Yulan arrived, everyone had already arrived.

  Xia Yanbin said excitedly: "Mr. He, my old man must come to celebrate for you in person, but he has always played a lot, so you can ignore him."

   Mr. Xia covered his chest: "Oh, my chest hurts because of this stinky boy. I must be supported by Miss Xinyan to be fine."

  He Xinyan: "..."

   It’s like seeing what it means to play too much.

  He Xinyan looked around for a week, "Where's Sister Luo Yuan, isn't she free to come?"

  Lin Xuxu: "She seems to be working overtime. She's been very busy these past two days, so I can't even see her."

  Xu Jingyang looked at a few people suspiciously, the feeling that something was wrong was even more obvious, they actually made new friends behind their backs?

   doesn't count, it doesn't matter.

   He was a little nervous, his palms were sweaty.

  I specially prepared a precious gift, I don't know if He Xinyan will like it.

   "Well, Xinyan, aren't you going to buy a house? I showed you a lot of room types, you can see if you like it." Xu Jingyang cleared his throat and planned to start with buying a house.

   Mr. Xia: "Miss Xinyan, are you looking for a place to live? You are too outgoing, my house has a lot of houses!"

  Xu Jingyang said quickly, "I have a lot of houses, and I have an apartment under my name. You can send it if you like."

   Qiao Yuqiao put down his chopsticks, if she said that, she would have an opinion.

   "Do you think my parents don't want to send it?"

  Bai Yulan silently swallowed the sea urchin rice, his eyes were a little straight, what's the situation, is it popular to send the room now?

   is that she is not worthy, and thought she could stand beside her idol.

   As a result, he was shocked by He Xinyan's casual transfer of 10 million yuan, and now he was too frightened to speak because of the scramble to deliver the room.

  Lin Xuxu calmly took out the tablet, "Xinyan, sister Luo Yuan and I went to see the neighborhood you liked. The information is here, you can see if you like it."

  He Xinyan found Lin Xuxu's tablet and the information handed over by Xu Jingyang.

   She is afraid of these young masters and young ladies who are not short of money, "I will look at the information, I will buy the house myself, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

  Xu Jingyang held the velvet box in his hand, just about to take it out, his eyes stopped and he fell on He Xinyan's bag.

   "Xinyan, is this a gift for you?"

  He Xinyan lowered her head, it was the box that Shi Rin threw to her, showing most of the corner.

   The other party threw it casually and walked too fast, and he didn't have time to open it in the taxi afterwards.

   She guessed that what the other party shot must be very valuable, but she did not expect it to be so valuable.

   That is a string of Hetian ruby, red as blood, very beautiful.

  Xu Jingyang thought for a moment, "This bunch of Hetian Hongyu is really beautiful. Now there is no such a whole bunch of Hetian Hongyu with such a good appearance and water quality. It's just priceless."

   He squeezed the box in his hand, and suddenly felt that some of his things could not be delivered.

   Xu Jingyang was a little absent-minded during this meal, and he felt a deep sense of crisis.

   Too much, who is so scheming!


  He Xinyan was also worried, how to return this string of Hetian Hongyu politely and sincerely.

   It is really difficult for her to accept such an expensive gift. She originally thought that she could clear it, but now that it is better, she can't clear it at all.

   She went to the Junting Hotel the next day and learned that Shi Rin had moved out of the hotel on the top floor and moved into a private manor.

When    went out, she paused slightly and looked at the huge LED screen opposite.

   This is the most prosperous CBD center in Donglin City, and the LED screen is showing the heavy advertisement of Tiffana Chocolate and the offline dessert shop.

  The latest advertising spokesperson of Tiffana brand has finally officially announced that it is the popular traffic Ling Xuan and He Yuye, the daughter of He Group.

   (end of this chapter)

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