The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 145: Do you have any misunderstandings about this store?

   Chapter 145 Do you have any misunderstandings about this store?

   He was worried that A Zhen was depressed, but just as the owner of the tea room was developing a business and selling ice cream on consignment, he ordered a copy for A Zhen.

  Looking at Ah Zhen's appearance, the ice cream should still be appetizing, and he finally has something to do so that he won't be suffocated all the time.

  Yuhan retracted his gaze, there is still business to talk about here.

   "Jingyang, brother asked you, do you like that girl named He Xinyan?"

  Xu Jingyang tried his best to press down the corner of his raised mouth: "Yes, is it obvious?"

  Yuhan: "..."

   Isn't it obvious to you? You haven't laughed so stupidly in years!

   Even if the cousin is low-key, he can't hide the temperament of the eldest young master in his bones. It is inevitable that he is proud and alienated.

   "I didn't investigate that girl, but since you like it, she must be very good." Yu Han paused and changed his voice, "So are you two together?"

  Xu Jingyang was stunned for a while, but he thought, "No."

   He always had a hunch that if he confessed, he would most likely be issued a good person card.

   The goddess is so shining, I am not the only one who has ideas. The little four-eyed at the same table is talking about marrying the goddess of beauty every day.

  Yu Han lowered his head and took a sip of water. He breathed a sigh of relief and had a new idea at the same time. He was worried... Was that woman hanging her cousin on purpose?

  It doesn't matter, the house is about to be given away, and then you can get it?

   Of course, it could be that he is thinking about it, but it’s not wrong to be cautious about this kind of thing.

   "I'll just say it straight, if you want to give the house to the other party, I don't think it's appropriate." Yu Han said seriously, "Can you guarantee that after you give the house, there will be no further demands?"

   Xu Jingyang: "You're right to say so."

  Yuhan: "You know it's good. Once money and interests are involved in any relationship, it will become impure. You should have a deep understanding of this."

  Xu Jingyang thoughtfully, "It would be nice if that were the case."

  Yuhan: "???"

   "How good is this, I'm afraid you will hate interpersonal relationships again, human nature can't stand the test, not to mention that the other party is only a high school student."

   Xu Jingyang looked at him in astonishment, "Cousin, what are you talking about?"

   He finally reacted and was very speechless, "It's me who has the appeal, it's me who can't stand the test! I want to give the house, but others don't want to accept it!"

  Yuhan: "What do you mean?"

Xu Jingyang turned on his mobile phone: "Come here, let me show you how popular people are. In addition to the class group, other groups of students in the school are also confessed every day. The first grade in the grade with 748 points, do you think it's a joke? This is The next time she went to participate in the summer camp for the physics competition, she always ranked first in the overall score, and she has never been overtaken!"

  Yuhan: "..."

   That is really awesome.

  Xu Jingyang: "I really want to get involved with others by means of money, but it's not uncommon for them, she can make tens of millions by investing in stocks by herself!"

   is really angry, my cousin is actually looking at people with tinted glasses, Xu Jingyang gets more and more excited, and wants to ask his cousin if it hurts to slap in the face.

  Yu Han was about to say something, but a chuckle suddenly came from the side, and Gu Zhen came over at some point.

   "Your cousin knows something, Yuhan, you think too much."

   These two were talking so loudly that he had to be forced to listen.

  Yuhan is concerned about chaos, but he knows more or less about Xu's cousin, and he will not be chaotic after all.

   Besides, he had a good impression of the girl who slapped her face, scolded people, and smashed the champagne tower in public last time at the banquet. He was surprised that the other party had such good grades.

   is really a smart and funny little girl.

  Gu Zhen tapped his fingers and tapped the table: "Don't interfere in this matter, rumors may not be credible, and it is not advisable to use hearsay to evaluate a person."

   Xu Jingyang's eyes lit up, "Cousin Zhen, do you agree with me in pursuing her?"

   "If you have made a decision, of course you can." Gu Zhen whispered.

  Yuhan quickly added, "You can't affect your studies, you can't do something out of character, and even if you can't catch can't be without grace and courtesy."

   But based on his cousin's family background and appearance, he shouldn't be able to catch up, right?

  Yuhan started to worry again, always worried that it was educating children to learn badly.

  Gu Zhen: "Okay, don't worry about this and that every day. Are you finished?"

  Yuhan frowned: "This is not your brother and sister, of course you..."

   His voice stopped abruptly, and he opened his mouth nervously, "Ah Zhen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mention your sister..."

  Gu Zhen fiddled with the multicolored bracelet on his wrist, his voice faint, "It's okay."

   Xu Jingyang noticed the unusual atmosphere and was a little surprised. Does cousin Zhen have a younger sister? How has he never heard of it?

   But he wisely didn't ask any questions, always feeling that Cousin Zhen's bland appearance seemed to hide a hidden pain.

  Yu Han thought about it before he left, beckoned to the owner of the tea room, "Do you still have this kind of ice cream in your family?"

   It is rare for Azhen to finish a box of ice cream. He seems to like it very much. He wants to pack one, or if he knows the brand, he can go back to the imperial capital to buy it.

   Boss: "I'm sorry, it's gone. Originally, a buddy of mine put it here for consignment."

   After learning that it was just a local dessert shop and not a big brand, Yu Han felt a little regretful, and casually asked what the shop was called.

   "It's called Yan Xuqiao, it's on XX Road, it's very famous, you can find it if you ask there..."

   Xu Jingyang stopped, "Isn't that near our school? Brother, if you want to go, I can lead the way."


  After the car stopped on the side of the road, He Chenxiao looked up, smiled and said to the beautiful woman beside him, "Here we are."

   But the situation seems to be a little bad. In this hot weather, why does there seem to be a lot of people queuing at the door of the store?

  He Chenxiao smiled covertly: "You also know that this kind of street shop is not too high-end, so I want you to help take care of the business."

   He brought two friends today, both of whom happened to have some say in the circle of celebrities in Donglin City.

  Since he promised He Xinyan to take care of the business in her store, then he must do what he says.

   As long as these two publicize it in the circle and don’t talk like a cloud, it’s still no problem to ensure basic operations.

   The two beauties who stepped on high heels and got out of the car looked at each other and couldn't help it.

   "He Shao, do you have any misunderstandings about this store?"

  He Chenxiao: "I know this store is not worthy of your status, but at least the price is worthy! Well, save face, I will invite you to dinner..."

   "You don't need to ask me to eat." The two beauties waved their hands and couldn't help laughing.

   "It's not even necessary to take care of me."

   Probably thought He Chenxiao's confused expression was funny, the woman said with a smile, "Don't you know, this store is very popular in the circle of celebrities recently."

   "Because her desserts and ice cream are very delicious, and they don't get fat, they are sought after by many people. Did you see that many of the people in the queue are housekeepers and servants of various families."

   "We also want to take care of the business, but we can't really take care of it. Everyone is dying to grab the limited-edition ice cream. Now every day I look forward to other branches opening soon."

   (end of this chapter)

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