The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 136: Old Joe, your daughter actually beat me!

   Chapter 136 Old Joe, your daughter actually beat me!

  He Xinyan raised her foot, stepped on Ling Zhenxing's back, her eyes were as sharp as a cold glow, and she shot at the gate.

   Shen Jinzhou cleared his throat and greeted with a smile, "Miss Xinyan, good afternoon."

  Although he likes to watch the lively scene, it was the first time he saw such a fierce and harmonious picture, which caused extreme comfort, so he couldn't help but admire it for a while.

  Miss Xinyan can really surprise him everywhere.

   Shen Jinzhou's admiration for her skyrocketed, and his smile became earnest and sincere. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly found that He Xinyan's eyes were still staying behind him.

   There was a loud sound of footsteps in the courtyard outside the door.

  Ling was rejuvenated but his spirit was suddenly lifted!

  Since he decided to kidnap people today, he made complete preparations and deliberately left two bodyguards driving in the car, waiting to leave at any time.

   It must be the two bodyguards who noticed something was wrong and went to help!

   Great, I'm finally going to be saved!

  Ling Zhen raised his head excitedly and shouted at the person coming outside the door, "Hurry up and save me!"

  The bodyguard who walked in from outside the door held a security stick in his hand and saw Ling Zhenxing with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He was stunned for a few seconds before he recognized, "Mr.

   "It's me, it's me!" Ling Zhenxing's eyes were filled with tears, and he was so excited that he almost cried, his face hurt so much, "Hurry up and kill me!"

  Shen Jinzhou's whole body tightened, he stared at the two bodyguards vigilantly, fearing that they would violently injure others.

  Although he has learned some boxing skills, his combat power is not at the same level as these two bodyguards at all, and he has no confidence to retreat.

   Not to mention the sound of footsteps outside the door, there should be a lot of people listening to the movement...

   He Xinyan couldn't help sneering when she heard that there were ten people outside the door.

   Just in order to kidnap Qiaoyu Bridge, Ling Zhenxing actually created such a big battle. Sure enough, he and He Lin are all the same, and they are all legal coffee.

   She hadn't moved her muscles and bones for a long time, and her whole body's blood was boiling. She stomped Ling Zhenxing on the ground with one foot. Before the two bodyguards in the front line could react, she quickly rushed over.

   Running, jumping up, flying kicks, the movements were precise and fierce, the sound of "bang bang" made Shen Jinzhou's legs go weak.

   The two bodyguards tried to block, but unfortunately He Xinyan moved as fast as an afterimage, and soon the two bodyguards were kicked to the ground with a look of doubt about life.

   What have they experienced, is this woman still human? !

  He Xinyan put Shen Jinzhou behind him and calmly looked at the ten people who appeared at the gate, "Do you still want to fight?"

  Xia Yanbin looked at the situation inside the door. It was true that the Fourth Young Master ordered him to fight, but why did all the enemies fall to the ground?

   As soon as I entered the door, I saw two strong men being smashed in front of me. Isn't this really deterring them?

   Sensing that the person in front of him moved, as if it was an invisible coercion, Xia Yanbin slammed to the ground and knelt on the ground, "Don't fight, we won't fight!"

   Omg, I almost died of fright.

  He Xinyan: "…"

   Are you kneeling so fast? But she never believed this, even if it was a little troublesome, she had to bring down all her opponents to feel at ease.

  Xia Yanbin: "…"

  How to look at her and still want to fight? It's too fierce, isn't it okay to beg for mercy?

   "Miss Xinyan, I'm here to help you! The Fourth Young Master asked me to come, I'm not a bad person!" Oh my god, I finally shouted.

   Shen Jinzhou finally reacted, "You are..."

   "Xia Yanbin, my name is Xia Yanbin! You are Lawyer Shen, I have heard of you, you are a celebrity in front of the Fourth Young Master!"

   Shen Jinzhou clenched his fist to his mouth and coughed lightly, and said to He Xinyan, "Well, he is really the one sent by the Fourth Young Master."

  He Xinyan was a little surprised, why did Shi Lin know she was in trouble and sent someone to the door so soon...

   She tidied up the front of her clothes, thinking that in Shi Rin's place, she probably has no image.

  Shen Jinzhou said with a smile: "Miss Xinyan is really majestic, beautiful and sassy. I heard that you scored 748 in the final exam, which is really amazing. This is a result that I couldn't match in high school."

  Xia Yanbin instantly admired He Xinyan: "Then you are too powerful. I admire people who have good grades in reading and who have fast brains."

  The old Xia family didn't have such a brain. Today, the little nephew's score came out, and it was only over 300 points. The old man was so angry that he picked up the feather duster and beat him.

   And the reason why he was obedient to Shi Rin was because the other party had a good mind. The old man said that following such a person would definitely be promising in the future!

   Compared to 748 points, it doesn't seem like a person can get out of the test.

   The 9 people brought by Xia Yanbin quickly took over the 8 people lying on the ground.

   Those bodyguards still had the strength to fight in the first battle. Seeing this situation, there is nothing to say. There is no need to give up their lives for a job.

  Qiao Yuqiao looked at Ling Zhenxing and Ling Chen, "I'm talking about breaking off the marriage now, do you have any opinions?"

  Ling Chen quickly shook his head desperately, he had no opinion! No opinion at all!

   He wouldn't dare to marry a woman like this, he couldn't help but say it, or he would domestically abuse him every day in the future!

  Ling Zhenxing had a different opinion. His eyes flickered and he said, "Qiaoqiao, you can't handle such a big thing alone, why don't you discuss it next time?"

  Qiao Yuqiao thought for a while, then raised his foot and stepped on the back of Ling Zhenxing's hand, "I don't want to discuss it, I want to break off the marriage right now!"

  Ling Zhenxing gasped in pain, looked up and saw the person standing at the door, and quickly said, "Old Joe, look at your daughter, she actually hit me!"

   Father Qiao stood at the gate, trembling all over: "Lawless!"

  Ling Zhenxing: "Yes, it's just lawless! Old Qiao, your daughter really needs to be disciplined. Let's see what she has learned from the outsiders. How can she still look like a rich family daughter..."

   Father Qiao stepped forward, snatched the mop from Baojie's hand, and slapped it directly on Ling Zhenxing's face.

   "Ling Zhenxing, you are lawless. This is my home, and you actually bullied my daughter in my home? Do you think I am dead?"

   Father Qiao, who has always been honest and kind, finally couldn't help but burst out and smeared the mop on Ling Zhenxing's face.

   This shameless old thing is really deceiving!

  Before noon, he was thinking of giving back some more benefits to the Ling family, and retiring the marriage graciously, and he would not let the Ling family suffer.

   But some dog things are so shameless, they have eaten the benefits of Qiao's family for so many years, and they are too embarrassed to go to his family to kidnap his daughter!

   Is this the plan to eat their old Qiao family to the bone no matter what?

   Father Qiao was very angry, Ling Zhenxing suffered completely, he was going crazy, the mop smelled bad, he felt like he was about to suffocate!

   Finally, Mother Qiao stepped forward and held down Father Qiao, "Okay, old Qiao, hand him over to the police."

   When the couple received the notice, they had already called the police, and the police had already arrived.

  Ling Zhenxing got excited when he saw the police, "I'm going to call the police too! Mr. Police, I was attacked! You can see that, he just hit me with a mop, and the wound on my face is evidence!"

   (end of this chapter)

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