The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 128: Did you forget something?

   Chapter 128 Have you forgotten something?

   The scene was quiet, and everyone looked at her in shock.

   All the guests present were stunned. This reversal was a bit incomprehensible. No matter from which point of view, it was impossible for He Xinyan to take the initiative to leave the He family.

   On the contrary, it was He Linjun's previous questioning, like a warning to He Xinyan. After all, if she continued to be ignorant of praise, the He family could shove her out of the house at any time.

   "Nonsense!" Finally, Mr. He was the first to speak.

   He Linjun: "There should be a limit to your nonsense, do you have to make grandpa angry?"

  Lin Yunshu wiped away her tears: "Xinyan, your temperament is too much, I apologize to you head office, I should owe you this motherfucker."

   Even He Zixiao said, "Third sister, don't be angry."

   Qiao Yuqiao was a little speechless. If she hadn't seen Lin Yunshu's various methods, she would have thought that the other party was sincere to keep her.

He Xinyan was extremely calm, and she didn't even have any disturbances in her heart, and continued: "Of course, in terms of legal relationship, we need to terminate the adoption relationship first. It happens that I have turned eighteen years old, and the He family can terminate it as long as Ms. Lin agrees. Ma'am, you should be fine, right?"

   Lin Yunshu moved her lips, didn't she want it? Of course she wanted to!

   "If you insist, what can I do?" Lin Yunshu suppressed her inner joy, "But I hope you think about it again and don't regret it in the future..."

  He Xinyan: "I will never regret it."

  Lin Yunshu was stunned for a while, feeling vaguely unhappy in her heart. The other party's attitude was too decisive, which greatly reduced her joy, and even faintly felt as if she had been slapped in the face.

   She has complained to the uncles and elders of the He family more than once, saying that He Xinyan covets the wealth of the He family, and will not leave after He Yuye returns.

   Now that He Xinyan said this, it was clear that she did not take the He family seriously.

   He Linjun: "In this case, you should return the shares in your hand to the He family."

   After a pause, he explained, "I'm afraid that you will be inconvenienced, so why don't you sell your shares to me, and you can make your life easier with the money."

   No matter how high-sounding the words are, it is difficult for people to ignore the calculations in his eyes.

  He Xinyan: "No refund, no sale. If everything is fine, tomorrow I will arrange for a lawyer to come to the door to handle the termination of the adoption relationship."

  He Linjun's face darkened. He didn't expect He Xinyan to be so thick-skinned. Since he took the initiative to ask to leave the He family, shouldn't he keep the shares?

   "It belongs to the He family, you can't take it away." He Linjun stepped forward.

   After a pause, he glanced at Jin Bai, "If you don't want to return the shares, don't say anything angry about leaving the He family."

   Jin Bai's lips curled into a smile, and he glanced meaningfully at He Linjun, then at Mr. He, and finally at He Xinyan.

   The peach blossom eyes are blurred with a smile, as if gentle and affectionate, but also cold and ruthless.

   Jin Yue said with a smile: "You see that everyone has saved you so much, so don't be angry, don't you expect Brother Bo to prepare you a surprise?"

  He Xinyan ignored him and looked directly at He Linjun, "The 0.8% of the shares was left to me by my father, you are not qualified to ask me to return it."

  He Linjun's eyes darkened, "I can't I buy it back at a high price? After all, the He family raised you, and we haven't asked you to repay, so we can't do this?"

He Xinyan: "Yes, the He family raised me for a while, but it was because of the He family's upbringing that my life was ups and downs. Since the age of five, peripheral hematopoietic stem cells have been collected every month, and a bone marrow transplant has been performed at the age of eight. For a few years and even a long time I was confined to a hospital bed."

   He Linjun's face was as black as the bottom of a pot: "Do you want to turn over the old accounts?"

  He Xinyan: "Didn't you turn over the old accounts first? If you want to count the kindness of parenting with me, then I can also calculate how much benefits I have brought to the He family and how much income I have created."

   "Enough! Don't say any more!" Mr. He was shaking with anger.

   He Xinyan didn't speak any more. After all, it was the old man's birthday banquet, and she didn't want to make the situation too embarrassing.

   It's just that she wants to leave the He family, she can't just leave quietly, she must find a witness.

   On an occasion like today, the He family's relatives and friends are all there. In the future, whether He Linjun, Lin Yunshu or He Yuye want to make trouble in this regard, they will have no excuse.

   Mr. He glared at He Linjun, "You come to my study later."

After a pause, he glanced at He Xinyan and sighed, "You have grown up, now that you have made a decision, grandpa will not force you. No matter what others are, I will always treat you as my granddaughter, old man, and I will often do so in the future. Come and go."

   The heart that Qiao Yuqiao had been holding, finally fell back into her chest, she stepped forward to hold He Xinyan, "Let's go home."

  He Xinyan nodded, "Well, let's go home."

   Mother Qiao hurriedly said goodbye with a smile, and prepared to retreat with her two children.

   Jin Yue: "Wait a minute! He Xinyan, have you forgotten something?"

  He Xinyan paused and looked at the violinist, "I'm sorry to bother you, you can continue, we'll go now."

Saying that, he held Qiaoyu Bridge with one hand and Mother Qiao with the other, and walked out at a quicker pace. He walked so that there was no nostalgia for him, and the waiters who passed by holding trays didn't even look at him, and soon his figure disappeared in the hall. door.

   Jin Yue was completely dumbfounded.

   "Did she not react? These things are all for her!" Jin Yue stepped forward and looked at the trays in the hands of a dozen waiters. These were all gifts he helped Jin Bai prepare.

  There are pink diamond rings, ruby ​​necklaces, platinum bags, haute couture dresses, handmade high heels...

   Any one of these items can be given away with sincerity, not to mention that if so many are presented together, the effect is explosive.

   Many of the guests who stayed in the He family couldn't hide their envy, but He Xinyan didn't even look at them.

   Jin Yue thought for a moment and sighed: "I hope she doesn't regret it."

   As the daughter of the He family, the treatment you receive is of course different from that of an ordinary person.

  He Xinyan missed this marriage proposal ceremony today. Even if Jin Bai's interest has not subsided, the gap will be big if he holds another marriage proposal ceremony.

  The Jin family has strict rules in terms of aspects, and there can be no exceptions. He Xinyan is very motivated and will regret it sooner or later.

  He Zixiao was upset, and this person had a strange attitude, so he turned back angrily on the spot, "Is there a possibility that my third sister didn't like these things at all?"

   Jin Yue's face changed, "Impossible! How can a girl not like jewelry..."

   "Jin Yue, shut up!" Jin Bai said calmly, "She really didn't like these things."

   He turned his eyes to the door, which was empty and long gone.

   Or maybe, He Xinyan didn't like him from beginning to end.

   Leaving so swiftly and neatly represented her unavoidable attitude.

  Things are getting more and more interesting. Jin Bai was surprised, but he felt it was right.

   (end of this chapter)

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