The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 119: He Yuye was the first in the grade?

   Chapter 119 He Yuye took the first grade exam?

   After Qiao's father and Qiao's mother left, Lin Xuxu shrugged: "Qiaoqiao, your parents are too polite."

   also specially prepared gifts for everyone, especially solemn, it can be seen that Qiaoyuqiao is very favored at home.

  Xu Jingyang looked at He Xinyan: "Since your uncle and aunty invited you warmly, you should live in Qiao's house first, and if you don't want to go back to He's house, don't go back."

   That house might as well not go back.

  Which children were wronged at school and their parents couldn't support them, but He Linjun indiscriminately charged He Xinyan with stealing test papers.

   Not to mention that He Yuye, the real daughter, has repeatedly made trouble, intentionally or unintentionally.

   In the past, he thought that although the He family was not very kind to He Xinyan, it should not be abused; after hearing what He Xinyan said that day, he was stunned!

   This is not called abuse, the He family almost lied on He Xinyan and sucked blood!

  Xu Jingyang: "You can think about what Uncle Qiao said. If you are not satisfied, you can also consider coming to my house. My parents will definitely welcome you!"

   He struggled for a while, but added the last sentence, although he didn't want to be a sibling to He Xinyan.

   However, I still hope that He Xinyan will have multiple choices and multiple backers.

   After all, whether it is the He family or the Ling family, they are really very impersonal and very careful, and they might retaliate.

  Although Yanshen is very handsome and powerful, he still hopes to help her avoid the risks that he can avoid.

  He Xinyan: "I'm eighteen years old and an adult."

   Being an adult means that he is already a person with full capacity for civil conduct, and he can make his own decisions and is not at the mercy of anyone.

   is not a child who can only rely on others and look up to others.


   Qiaoyu Bridge went downstairs and heard his parents chatting about congratulating Xinyan.

   "Why did you speak so casually? It's too rash!"

   "I really want to recognize this goddaughter, don't you want to?"

   "Of course I thought, this kid is really good, I'm satisfied no matter how I look at it. I don't know what the He family thinks, but they still push people out."

   "I think so, you and I are strong and strong, and you can still fight for a few years. Earning two dowries is also earning, and earning three dowries is also earning. I might as well give the money to He Xinyan.

  Qiaoyu Bridge walked over, "Why is it a dowry, can't it be a venture capital?"

   Father Qiao was stunned for a moment, "Of course it's good for you to have this ambition, but you girls are not good at business, and you will eventually marry, have children, and return to your family."

   For Qiao's father, recruiting a son-in-law is of course also a way, the eldest daughter is the idea.

   But he felt that it was no different from marrying a daughter. The poor son-in-law who entered the family might just come to eat out of the household. It was not uncommon for the grandchildren to change their surnames or have illegitimate children outside a hundred years later.

   In that case, he might as well choose to marry the Ling family, anyway, the daughter doesn't have to work so hard to support her husband.

  Qiaoyuqiao couldn't hold back: "Dad, Xinyan and I are starting a business."

  Mother Qiao looked at her daughter in surprise, "Really? Which direction do you want to start a business in, but now is not the time to think so much. After the college entrance examination, you can think about it, and your mother will give you the start-up capital."

   Father Qiao also smiled and said, "But the ugly words are ahead. If you think it's too hard in the future, don't come back and cry."

  Qiaoyuqiao: "Even if you don't believe me, don't you believe in Xinyan?"

   Father Qiao: "One size is one size, Xinyan is very powerful, but starting a business is not just a matter of thinking. But Xinyan is very smart, and it will definitely be no problem to come to our company as a management in the future."

  Qiao Yuqiao thought for a moment, "Dad, you just mentioned stocks at the dinner table, do you want to teach Xinyan to learn stocks?"

   "Ah, yes." Speaking of this father Qiao with great interest, "I think she has a good understanding of finance and economics, and has a keen sense of the market. It would be a pity not to learn how to trade stocks."

   Qiaoyu Bridge: "Xu Jingyang said the same."

  Father Qiao: "Look, I'm right! Then why doesn't she learn?"

  Qiaoyuqiao: "Probably because she can raise her 2 million principal to nearly 20 million in a month even if she doesn't study."

   Mother Qiao, who originally planned to fund He Xinyan's study: "..."

   Father Qiao, who originally planned to let He Xinyan come to work in the company: "..."

   The couple opened their mouths wide, stunned for a moment, then looked at each other again.

   sighed lightly, what kind of **** luck did his stupid daughter have to make friends with such a powerful child.

   Father Qiao coughed lightly, "Haha, I suddenly feel a little thirsty, I'll pour a glass of juice to drink."

  Qiaoyuqiao finally couldn't help laughing out loud, she said that on purpose, who told her father to always look down on her.

   "Mom, tomorrow is the birthday banquet for the old man of the He family. I want to accompany Xinyan to the He family." Qiao Yuqiao said, she was afraid that the He family would do something else.

   Mother Qiao: "That's the reason, I'll go with you."


  The yard of the He family was full of lanterns and colorful lights.

  He Xinyan raised her head and looked at the house in front of her, feeling like she was in a different world.

   The servant at the door saw He Xinyan's figure, and immediately stepped forward excitedly: "Miss Xinyan, you are back! The old man has been talking about you!"

   She looked at Qiao's mother and Qiaoyu Bridge who got off the bus together, and she was very happy besides the accident.

   "Mrs and Miss please, I will inform the old man and my wife!"

  The servant ran into the house in a hurry, feeling so good! Miss Xinyan once again reached a new level of beauty today! And she didn't mix with the wild men outside!

Madam    is indeed spreading rumors again!

  He Xinyan walked in with Qiao Mu and Qiaoyu Bridge, and He Zixiao hurriedly greeted him.

   "Third sister! Great, you're finally home!" There was an obvious surprise on the boy's face, and his emotions were so obvious that all the friends around him looked at him.

   "Third sister? Who is this?" Someone who didn't know him was a little confused, "Isn't he only one sister? He just said hello."

   The person next to him pulled him, "That's the real daughter of the He family, and this is the adopted daughter who can't say anything."

   The astonishment in the boy's eyes was immediately replaced by a look of contempt, "Is that so? Then I have to stay away from her, lest I get stuck and can't get rid of it."

   Several disciples from aristocratic families followed and laughed twice, but their eyes were still unconsciously delivered, and they were reluctant to move away.

   No matter how bad her reputation is, this adopted daughter of the He family is unexpectedly beautiful, no wonder she dares to climb on her uncle's bed.

   "Wow, is that He Xinyan? When did she become so beautiful?" Someone in the corner exclaimed.

   She just stood there, with a generous and elegant manner, delicate and picturesque eyebrows, and her eyes were full of breathtaking beauty.

   "What's the use of looking good, it's not a waste if it's empty inside."

  Lin Yunshu felt that this scene was really too dazzling, why did He Xinyan steal most of his attention as soon as he appeared?

   Fortunately, she just got the news that the final exam results have come out, and He Yuye lived up to expectations and took the first place in the grade!

   (end of this chapter)

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