The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 110: This matter has nothing to do with Ling Chen.

   Chapter 110 This matter has absolutely nothing to do with Ling Chen

   After a few minutes, the vice-principal's face turned blue, red and white, as if he had opened a dye shop.

   He said with difficulty: "But even so, it doesn't prove that He Xinyan and the others didn't cheat, otherwise how could this test paper get to her..."

  Gu Lifang: "I don't know about that. All I know is that Mr. Ling Zhenxing's personal assistant from Lingsheng Group personally asked me for the real test paper, and I only gave the test paper to the assistant Zhang."

  The leader asked him to explain the situation, so he had to come.

   Even if Ling Zhenxing hated him, there was nothing he could do. He could never do anything against the law.

   He had made a special trip to Lingsheng Group two days ago to remind the other party about the exam papers, but he avoided seeing them there, so he had to give up.

   Everyone involuntarily turned their attention to Ling Chen.

  Ling Chen's face changed: "You are talking nonsense!"

  Gu Lifang: "I have a record of the transfer from the assistant's personal account to me. He paid me 500,000 yuan for a set of ordinary test papers. By the way, I have already returned the money in the same way as the unit requested."

   He was just explaining the situation, not making too many guesses.

   But the fool can also see that Assistant Zhang did this on whose order.

   After a little push, you will know who Ling Zhenxing is paving the way for.

  Qiao Yuqiao looked at Ling Chen and said calmly, "I just guessed that you were framing me, how does it feel to shoot yourself in the foot?"

  Ling Chen said in horror, "It's not me!"

   He just came to watch the fun, how did he become accused?

   The vice-principal also looked a little ugly, and making such a big oolong is not just as simple as a disgrace, but he may not be able to absolve himself who made the punishment decision.

   He looked at He Xinyan, the thorn in his eyes, no wonder the other party didn't say a word just now, it turned out to be waiting for him here.

  She knew from the very beginning that there was something wrong with that set of test papers, but she didn't say anything, waiting for her to step into the pit.

   The punishment decision letter in his hand was like a slap in the face.

   He wanted to say something, but the phone rang, and when he saw the caller ID, he felt a sigh in his heart and quickly answered the phone.

   "Sun Weidong, what's the matter with you? It's up to you to make a decision about expelling a student? You can tell me what's going on!"

   The principal on the other end of the phone, although suppressing his voice, could not help but be angry.

  Yongxing High School has never expelled a student for many years. Punishment for students has always been cautious and cautious. As a result, the opponent's execution is too arbitrary. He must have an explanation.

   Vice Principal: "There is a misunderstanding here..."

   He was very embarrassed, but he had to explain the matter in a few words. It was useless to hide it, otherwise his position as vice-principal might be over.

   Principal: "Since it's a misunderstanding, then make a good apology to the students and their parents to eliminate the impact. By the way, I'll be back tomorrow. I'll hold a briefing session at that time. Prepare the report materials."

   Although the vice-principal felt uncomfortable, he knew it was necessary. After hanging up the phone, he prepared to apologize to He Xinyan.

   At this time, someone broke in again, "Principal Sun! Director Yue knows what's going on here, I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding..."

   The vice-principal's mood became even heavier. The person who came was Xi Yue's assistant, and the other party made a special trip, and it seemed that he came in a hurry.

   What is the origin of this He Xinyan? It can alarm so many big people. It seems that he has something to do with the city. He specially sent Gu Lifang to go there?

   It seems that he really kicked the iron plate and provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked.

   He really regretted his bowels, why did he move to take revenge for his relatives, and followed the wishes of the Liu family and the Ling family to find fault.

   "Student He Xinyan, I'm very sorry. This time, I was not rigorous enough. I jumped to conclusions without sufficient investigation. I solemnly apologize to you." He didn't care about anything else, and quickly apologized.

   The grade director and the male teacher who was in charge of this incident also quickly apologized.

   Even Qiao Yuqiao and Lin Xuxu were chased by the school leaders and teachers to say sorry.

  Lin slowly pulled Qiaoyu Bridge and stood behind He Xinyan.

   A few security guards didn't dare to stop them this time. They heard such a big oolong and saw the vice-principal ashamed. They wished they never came in at all.

  He Xinyan turned her attention to He Linjun, whose face was ashen.

"Brother, look at you, obviously if I was expelled from school for cheating because of a misunderstanding, the He family would lose face, but you didn't even ask a question, just convicted me. You wouldn't do the same in the company, would you? Then What should you do when you get to the negotiating table, you are what others say you are, and you are completely led by the nose."

   The eyes of everyone turned to He Linjun again, yes, it was obviously a misunderstanding, why didn't He Linjun turn towards He Xinyan?

   This performance seems to be eager for He Xinyan to be expelled from school.

  Even an adopted daughter should not be treated like this, not to mention that the He family has benefited a lot by taking the name of being kind to the adopted daughter.

   He Linjun was furious for a moment, but he valued his face, so he didn't want to show his face in public.

   couldn't hold back his temper and pulled a stiff smile: "Xinyan, are you blaming Big Brother? The family style of the He family taught us to be brave, so I hope you can correct it when you know it's wrong."

  He Xinyan: "The premise is that you can bear what you do, why should you bear it if you don't do it yourself?"

   paused, and the corners of her lips rose slightly, "I want to say that this report of cheating was controlled by you, eldest brother, so should you stand up and be brave and apologize actively?"

   He Linjun's brows twitched fiercely, and the malice in his eyes almost couldn't be concealed for a moment.

  Other people are also a little confused, what does He Xinyan mean?

   Could it be that He Linjun did what happened today, but why did he do this?

  He Linjun's face was stiff, he pulled his lips, just about to say something.

  He Xinyan had already turned her face away, "I'm joking, brother, not only are you not very good at business, but you also seem to be not very smart as a person."

   She looked at the vice-principal, "Principal Sun, I know today's matter is a misunderstanding, but there is one thing I must explain, this matter is absolutely inseparable from Ling Chen."

  Ling Chen clenched his fists angrily: "You are talking nonsense!"

  He Xinyan chuckled, "You should be familiar with this set of test papers. I've been memorizing the answers for the past two days. It was only when I went to the test room that I found out that someone played a trick. Are you very angry?"

  Ling Chen took a step back with a guilty conscience, "I haven't seen this set of exam papers!"

  He Xinyan: "Nonsense! Four days ago at noon, that is, one hour after Teacher Gu gave this set of test papers to Assistant Zhang, Assistant Zhang came to the school to send you review materials."

   "You only have this information, why did it appear in Qiaoyuqiao's schoolbag, and why was it used as evidence to slander me for cheating? You must give me an account of this!"

   As they wished, she would not be easy on this matter.

   Of course she knew that Ling Chen didn't participate, otherwise she wouldn't have found a problem with the test paper all the time.

   (end of this chapter)

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