The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 101: Can you scold her, scold her idol?

  Chapter 101 It's okay to scold her, but to scold her as an idol?

   "Do you want this blessing?" Bai Yulan hung up the phone directly.

   The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She clenched her fists and angrily beat the bed. What is this, Ling Chen's neuropathy is too much?

   First, he insulted her goddess by splashing dirty water, saying that the other party wanted to climb the high branch of Ling's family to sow discord, but found that this trick would not work, and then pulled her into the water.

The key is that those people still have noses and eyes, and started comparing her with Qiao Yuqiao and He Xinyan in various horizontal and vertical comparisons in the post bar, and finally came to the conclusion that she is dignified, elegant, gentle and virtuous, and she has a beautiful family background. The ideal type for a wealthy daughter-in-law.

  Those people thought that this was a compliment to her, and with a high attitude, they labelled her a good marriage like charity.

   is as self-righteous as Da Beitou, and thinks she will be happy and grateful... But Bai Yulan is even more angry after seeing those posts.

  I couldn't wait to find it today, and I didn't want to wait for a second.

  It must be explained clearly, she is really not that kind of person!

  He Xinyan: "...What about after today?"

   Bai Yulan said decisively: "After today, he is a fool in my eyes."

   The onlookers gasped, big news! Is the white goddess actually diss the student council president in public?

  This reversal of the plot is wonderful and unexpected!

   "Bai Yulan, what are you talking about?!" The sudden roar made many people feel their scalps go numb.

  Everyone looked at Ling Chen and his party who appeared outside the crowd, and their hearts were stunned, how could they be heard by such a coincidence.

  Ling Chen's face was ashen with anger, and looked at Bai Yulan aggressively: "What did you just say?"

  Bai Yulan said calmly: "I heard it, it's really annoying, then I'll just say it straight, you are a big fool in my eyes."

   She glanced at the back of Ling Chen, whose eyes were dodging, and was not surprised that the other party went to make a small report.

   Big back: "Goddess White, is there any misunderstanding here? Don't be angry, the president is your superior anyway."

  Bai Yulan thought for a while, since she had torn her face, she didn't need to endure it any longer.

"President? I bah! Do you really think you're a fan of people by doing personality worship in the student union every day? I've never seen a superior who is more difficult to serve than you. . Please I serve the student council, the school classmates, not you idiot, okay?"

  Ling Chen was shocked and angry: "Are you crazy?"

  Bai Yulan: "Aren't you the crazy people? Every day I spread rumors that I have a crush on you, and I crush you, you big bastard!"

  Ling Chen and the several student council members around him were shocked and disillusioned.

  Is this the goddess of their student council's literacy?

   "How did you become as savage and rude as He Xinyan?" Dabeitou couldn't accept it first, "Don't be spoiled by He Xinyan, she..."

  Bai Yulan was completely angry, it's okay to call her an idol? Oh, the ashes are all thrown up.

"Do you guys like to sow discord and create conflicts? Last time, the school flower dispute encouraged me to find trouble with my idol, and even spread rumors that my idol was thinking about taking the top position, and he didn't even see if he was worthy of the throne! Your Ling family has a throne to inherit. Why, why are you so big?"

  People: "..."

  My God, this meal is so powerful!

   This style feels a little familiar, and she repeatedly mentions what idols...

   Many people couldn't help but quietly cast their eyes on He Xinyan.

  He Xinyan ate with a calm expression on her face, with a calm mind, "The idol you're talking about doesn't mean me, right?"

  Bai Yulan was stunned for a while, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "It's you, last time you saved my life, I think you are so cool and shabby, and I want to become a person like you."

  People: "..."

  White goddess, you are turning the wind too fast, you just ripped so fiercely, why did you suddenly become shy?

  Although I don’t know what’s going on with the help, everyone agrees with this comment so cool and shady. My Yanshen is invincible!

  Ling Chen took a step back in fear, he felt that all this was absurd and unreasonable.

   Why are these girls one or two, as if He Xinyan was poured into ecstasy soup.

   Before Mingming, whether it was Qiaoyu Bridge or Bai Yulan, it was normal, and he only knew how to circle around him all day long.

   In just a few days now, his majesty has been demolished, and he has also implicated his father's private banquet, causing the Ling family to suffer heavy losses.

   No, he is still very unwilling, things can't end so easily, he must find the place back!

   He will no longer pity Xiangxiyu, He Xinyan is too ignorant, he won't be able to turn over without hitting her in the mud, he will not be reconciled no matter what!

   After thinking about this, Ling Chen's eyes became a lot darker, but his steps became more relaxed.

   He just turned to leave.

  He Xinyan: "Wait a minute, didn't you say you want to break the engagement? Did you go back and say it?"

  Ling Chen gritted his back molars secretly: "I want you to take care of it!"

After    finished speaking, he left angrily, looking at this posture, he was probably not too angry.

   He Xinyan, who was completely unaware that she had completed a knowing blow again, sighed lightly. It seemed that Ling Chen was just talking about the divorce.

   knew that this matter is not so simple, the father and son are really the same shameless and cheeky.


After   Ling Chen walked away, he said to the people beside him, "Okay, go ahead, don't follow me."

   After several people left one after another, Ling Chen walked to a secluded place and called Ling Zhenxing.

   "Dad, I will not only win this bet, but I will also bring He Xinyan to ruin!"

   It would be boring if you just got the first place in the grade, that was the honor you deserved.

  Ling Zhenxing is not surprising at all, it is good that his son has this consciousness.

   "Even if you don't make the call today, I won't let her go like this. I have arranged this matter, you can just wait and see."

  Ling Chen immediately felt relieved, his father wanted to treat him, and he would probably be stripped even if he didn't die.

  Ling Chen: "Dad, aren't you worried about that hourly boss?"

  Ling Zhenxing coughed lightly and said in a disdainful tone, "What an hour boss, he's nothing but a piece of trash."

   The person in charge of the Shi family is not the general manager, and the other party does not even have any right to speak in the Shi group. He is praised so highly, and it is estimated that he will be able to market himself better than him.

  Ling Zhenxing was a little annoyed, he shouldn't have taken Shi Lin's line before, who would have thought that Shi Zong's most beloved younger brother didn't have any real power?

   On the birthday of Lao Shi, everyone in the Shi family attended the banquet, even those who were far abroad returned to the country.

   Only this Shi Rin was absent from the banquet, showing how unhappy Mr. Shi was.

   As for Mr. Shi... the so-called love is probably just an illusion.

  The biological brothers in the wealthy family are still siblings, not to mention that the two are only half-brothers, how can they have a true relationship?

   (end of this chapter)

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